Friday, January 10, 2014


In a much better place today. Had a GREAT dinner with friends last night which was good for the soul (and stomach!), tried to push all the stress out of my mind for now, had a pretty good day at work today, and a killer workout. It didn't feel that killer while I was doing it..except for the last 3 min AMRAP, but now my body just feels toasted. Didn't plan well enough today and went into the workout starvin' marvin which was distracting. Felt like I was running on empty towards the end.

A. BS @20X1; 2,2,2; rest 2-3 min (85%+)
170. These squats did not feel strong today. The second rep of the first set, I was so wobbly that I almost fell over to the side. The last two sets were ok, but were a little tough. Had to break out the belt today, was feeling everything in my low back a bit.
B. Emom 6 min – HC + Clean (build)
85, 95, 105, 115, 125 (missed second clean), 125. My goal was to get to 135, but since I couldn't stand up the clean on my first 125# attempt, I re-attempted and made both the HC and clean...although I paused at the bottom when it was supposed to be tng. Hips felt fast today. Really trying to focus on engaging my lats and sitting back on my heels.
C. Jerk; 3,2,2,1,1,1; rest 1 min (70%,75%,80%,85%,90%,95%)
52 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg, 64 kg, 67 kg, 71 kg (failx2) aka made 148# failed 156#. A little disappointed, but hey, what can ya do. All of these were power jerks, my body just didn't want to split today (much like every day recently).
3 sets –
60 DUs
15 CTB pull-ups
12 KB swing (1.5pd)
rest walk 3 min--3:02, 2:49, 3:03
DU were good. first round 25 and 45, second round 56 and 4, third round 50 and 10. CTB were CTB. Not hard, just annoying because my kip BLOWS. KBS felt heavy, and HSPU were lovely and unbroken.
rest as needed
AMRAP in 3 min:
5 thruster (95#)
5 burpee box jump over (20'')
2 rds + 4 thrusters. This got a little spicy. Thankfully Scott was there to cheer me through it. The thrusters were miserable, and the BBJ actually were a rest so to speak. 3 minutes of hell, however you can do anything for 3 minutes, so I did.

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