Friday, October 24, 2014


So a lot has happened in the past few weeks that have caused me to either 1) cut out chunks of my workout or 2) just skip it all together. FINALLY got an MRI that showed that I had a meniscus tear...then decided to go ahead with surgery, THEN had surgery on tues the 21st.Ups and downs, highs and lows, but the training must go on so here we go

10 min amrap @85%
5 CTB chin ups
5 burpees
5 toes to bar
5 ring dips
10 calories airdyne
rest 10 min

1) 5 rds + 2 dips
2) 5rds+1t2b
2) 5 rds+5bp

great c2b butterfly, T2b good, dips sucked

A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single
130, failed 135 a bunch
B. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; 3 reps on the min for 12 min
(moderate loading)
C. Back squat 5x5; rest 3 min
Row 1k @85%
rest 3 min


A. Push press clusters 3.3.3x5; rest 30 seconds/rest 3 min
B. Weighted chin up 2-3x10; rest 1 min
C. Amrap sets of 3 unbroken ring dips in 6 min
7 rounds for time:
7 toes to bar
7 burpees
7 box jumps 24"

A. Power snatch; build to a max
B. Amrap power snatch in 4 min @85% of A
12 min amrap @85%
6 calories airdyne
12 thrusters 45#
24 double unders
rest 8 min

did not do, felt sorry for myself and was mentally (and physically) drained

A. Squat snatch tech work; 15 min
more than 15 min
B. Back squat 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
didn't do
C. Barbell russian step ups; 24 steps x4/leg; rest 1 min bw legs
didn't do

A. Push jerk; 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
didn't do

B. Muscle up; tech work
singles and doubles
C. HSPU; amrap strict in 3 min x3; rest 2:30
23, 23, 21
D. 50 burpees for time
didn't write down my time WTF


A. Farmers walk; 100m x5; rest as needed to full recovery (heavy, butperfect movement)
B. Waiters carry 100m (switch arms after 50m) x5; rest as needed
C1. Hollow body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
C2. Arch body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
-Airdyne 20 min easy
-Emphasis Mobility ( Lat smash,Tspine Smash)
-Contrast bath or Icing the Hot spots, IE lats shoulders, Spinal manipulation,massage,or Dry needleing

didn't do


A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single
135. attempts at 145, so close
B. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; build to a 5rm
85 then had to stop. knee was fried
C. Back squat 5x3; rest 3 min
Row 1k @85%
rest 2:30 (try to hold same pace as last week)

 WEDS (1 day post op)
A. CGBP 10,8,6,8,6,4 @ 30X1 rest 90 sec
85, 105, 110, 105, 110, 115
A. Wtd Pull-up 2-3 Wide Pronated Grip @ 3.2.X.1 rest 2 Min x 6
15# (3s)
B. RTO Ring Rows 8,8,8,8 @ 3.2.X.1 Rest 90 sec
B FLR 90 sec Rest; 2 minx 4
C1. Hollow body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
C2. Arch body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
-Emphasis Mobility ( Lat smash,Tspine Smash)

A1. 3 Skin the Cats tucked
A2. 5 Jackknives from Knees ( V-Ups)
A3. 20 second L-Sit with knees bent
A4. 5 Muscle-Ups
rest 3 min; 3 sets

B1.10 Strict Dips
B2.10 Strict Pullups
B3.10 Ring Pushups
B4.10 Hanging Knee Raises
Rest 2 min; 2 sets

C. Weighted dip; 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; rest 2 min (@3.3.X.3)
couldn't do weight with that tempo
D1. 10 hspu for time x 5; rest 2:30
13s, 9s, 10s, 9s, 10s
D2. 3 unbroken CTB chin ups x 5; rest 2:30
** Note The MIssed UB Sets**
no misses!

so that is that..

Sunday, October 12, 2014


For time:
10 Rope Climbs to 15ft
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
100ft Handstand Walk
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
100ft Handstand Walk
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
10 Rope Climbs to 15ft
16:21. Lunges felt like crap

A. Squat snatch from high blocks 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
95, 105x5. Didn't feel like I was dropping fast enough..probably because of my knee
B. Hang squat clean from below the knee; 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 90 seconds
115, TnG
C. Back squat @4040; 2-4x5; rest 2 min
D. Front rack barbell reverse lunges; 16 continuous alt'ing steps x3; rest 2 min
85#. Knee felt wobbly
Row 500m @85%
rest 2 min
felt like shit today..didn't sleep or eat enough. mentally not there

A. Push press @21x2; 4-6x5; rest 2 min
6x105, 4x115...
B. Weighted chin up clusters 4.4.4x5; rest 45 seconds/rest 2:30
5 rounds for time
10 hspu
10 CTb chin ups
10 burpees
10 box jumps 24"

A. 3 position power snatch (bottom up); 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
95, 100...
B. Hang power clean; amrap sets of 2 unbroken in 5 min 135#
only 5 sets of 2. lots of singles :(
3 rounds for time:
50 wall balls
75 double unders
10:07. DU sucked on my knee. Went out too fast with 25 WB, then sets of 10s..5s..


A. Squat snatch tech work; 15 min
Worked with irving with some empty bar work, then 10 min EMOM SGDL, Hang Snatch Pull, Hang Snatch (55#). Really light weight, but good to work on fully extending, and then sitting at the bottom until I was 100% stable and ready to stand up
B. Back squat 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
5s@175 3s@195
C. Barbell russian step ups; 20 steps x4/leg; rest 1 min bw legs
did not do, knee couldn't handle it

A. Push jerk; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
2s@125, 1s@145. 145 felt pretty good. Still having a tough time trusting my knee.
B. Muscle up; tech work
worked on my swing, trying to keep my legs together and straight. Got 3 in a row pretty consistently. inadvertently transitioning from false grip to not false grip..mostly because I keep tearing up my hand and wrist.
C. HSPU; amrap strict in 2 min x4; rest 2 min
18, 15, 16, 16. These made me feel like a badass. Started out too with 6 in a row which kind of tired me out. Sets of 3 might be better for me for long periods of time
D. 40 burpees for time

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Catching up on the week seems easier than blogging day to day right now...

Backward Roll To Support; 1 x AMRAP UB
still can only do with band
L-Rope Climbs; 1 x AMRAP UB
1/2 rope...ugly l-sit
Freestanding HSPU; 1 x AMRAP UB
PR is 2...couldn't do any today
Barbell Overhead Pistols
didn't try due to knee

20 in AD-so I didn't feel completely worthless

with 115LB Power Sn!!
 11:32. all mu singles-non false grip. Snatch felt iffy because of my knee and my wrists were torn up from the 20 MU for time, so I did non false grip singles. good workout though.

A. Front Squat, build to a single - no fails if it feels good
180--Didn't bother my knee at all. Need to work on staying tight, I feel like there's more in the tank
B. Split Jerk, build to a single - go for it
155--knee was the limiter
C. As many sets of 2 unbroken touch n go Power Snatch @ 125lb as possible in 7 mins
none. not even a single. I failed for 7 minutes...that was fun
D. EMOM for 9 mins:
1st - 20 Shoulder to Overhead @ 75lbs
light, but hurt knee
2nd - 15 Russian KBS - 32kg
easier than I thought, 10 and 5
3rd - 25 NPUB

3 sets @ high effort:
AMRAP Toes to Bar (21/21/18)
120 sec unloaded Prowler Push (subbed AD)
180 sec rest
1 min rest
10 min Row @ EZ effort
1 min rest
3 sets @ high effort:
20 GH Sit-ups
20 Box Jumps - 20" - jump down, no rebound
20 cals AD
180 sec rest

5 sets:
Row 30 sec @ 97% - damper 5
30 sec rest on Rower
Row 30 sec @ 97% - damper 5
5 min rest

felt run down from the week, slept in and did not do.

PM - MAP Scenario's (Running 1st each time)
Complete the following, each for time @ 85-90% effort:
Run 1k - sub 4:30 min
5 min rest
Run 1k - sub 4:30 min
felt like shit. bothered my knee
5 min rest
For time @ 85-90%:
Wall Balls - 14# - 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Pull-ups - 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
3:59-LOVED this. All UB (as it should be)...hurt but was fun. knee felt surprisingly good on the WB
5 min rest
5 rounds:
30 sec KBS - 24kg onlyhad 16 kg
30 sec Burpees
5 min rest
For time @ 85-90%:
Push Jerk @ 95lb taken from rack - 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
Box Jumps - 30" (step down) - 10,10,10,10,10,10,10
10:48-combo of push press and push jerk dt knee. BJ were HIGH