Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The 25 minute workout that took me 25 minutes (booyah)

Didn't have to work today, which usually would mean all day in the gym, but since I'm cutting back, I had to find other ways to occupy myself; not going to lie, it was a great day! I went into the gym today for my weekly 50 EROM HSPU workout...and after a few hiccups (no mats or ab mats? no problem...just get a piece of Styrofoam, cover it with a shirt, and stack some 15s on top of the 45s to make up for the extra height)..I knocked out 50 of those bad boys, 1 every 30 seconds, NO FAILURE. Yes, that's another 20ish minute PR. I was so stoked. Progress is my friend. Then I life the gym (wahhhh last workout in the old gym, glad we ended on a good note). Got groceries, made some food for the week, blah blah blah, THEN met Brian at a climbing gym for a change of pace. Probably climbed for like an hour and a half...just trying different routs and a little bit of bouldering. Wish I could have done more, but my grip was shot towards the end. I loved it though; something I want to do more often. I really don't want to know how sore I'll be tomorrow; I was all kinds of contorted. Anyhow, came home...ate a snack...and drove my tired booty to get a massage which was heavenly. As cliche as it sounds, I feel like a completely different person--really need to do this more often. He also hammered in how important recovery, eating enough, and stretching is, especially for crossfit athletes. OK, I get it. I will rest more. wah.

Food for the day:
Meal 1
Trader Joe's - Coconut Milk Beverage - Unsweetened, 4 oz

Bananas - Raw, 0.5 small (6" to 6-7/8" long)

Trader Joe's - Steamed & Peeled Baby Beets, 1 baby beets (85g)

Bsn - Syntha-6 Isolate - Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 scoop (38g)

Pineapple - Raw, all varieties, 0.75 cup, diced

Meal 2
Banana Coconut Muffins, 1 serving(s)

Hills Hire Farm - Lower Sodium Honey Ham, 3 oz.

Gt - Organic Raw Kombucha, Gingerade, 16 fl.oz

Meal 3
Apple, bacon, and rosemary pork meatballs, 1 serving

Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)

Publix Brand - Low Sodium Bacon (No Sugar Added), 2 Slices

Earth Fare Organic - Sunflower Butter, 1 tbsp

Meal 4
Crock Pot Breakfast Pie, 2 wedges

Meal 5
Chocolate Chip Protein Muffin, 1

in other news, I signed up for this giveaway today. extra entries for sharing...so boom done

Monday, July 29, 2013

Had a rough day in the gym today..but before I talk about that, I'm going to list all the good things that happened to make myself feel better
  1. free coffee at the early morning meeting
  2. random dance party to "get low" at work
  3. a voice to text malfunction resulting in "rectum wrestling"...jokes that resulted from "rectum wrestling"
  4. getting asked to help move a desk at work because I am "the strongest person in the office"
  5. Brian singing the Super Mario song while running, and then clicking his heels
  6. 2 minute PR on my grace time (4:09..not good, but a solid improvement)
  7. Joey and Ben OD-ing on gatorade. True story. 
  8. getting told that I looked lean today (yiii)
  9. the amazing support system that I have from my friends at the gym, who didn't bat an eyelash while I was having a meltdown and made me feel 100x better
So back to the roughness. Did Grace today (30 clean and jerks @ 95#). I finished in 4:09 and almost puked. Then had a pretty epic gym meltdown. I really feel like I'm overtraining. The all knowing wikipedia defines overtraining as
 a physical, behavioral, and emotional condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's exercise exceeds their recovery capacity. They cease making progress, and can even begin to lose strength and fitness. 
hmmm sounds about right. now let's look at some common symptoms:
  • Persistent muscle soreness check
  • Persistent fatigue check
  • Elevated resting heart rate who knows, probably
  • Reduced heart rate variability obviously haven't checked
  • Increased susceptibility to infections yep, if this stomach thing is an infection...
  • Increased incidence of injuries not yet, but probably getting there
  • Irritability yes
  • Depression not really
  • Mental breakdown oh god yes
  • Depressed immune system yep
  • Constipation or diarrhea think this covers my creepy stomach issue
  • Absence of menstruation ish
  • Frequent minor infections/colds currently stuffy, so yes
  • Insomnia nope 
  • Loss of appetite pretty sure I never could lose my appetite
  • Irritability yes
  • Loss of motivation double yes
  • Loss of enthusiasm and competitive drive YES
soooo according to wikipedia, and my medical knowledge, I am the poster child for overtraining. I'm super stressed about this competition and want to be as prepared as possible, but logically I just need to go easy, take a break, and make sure that I'm physically AND mentally healthy for the famously hot showdown.

Tomorrow I'm going to go in and work on HSPU and maybe some thrusters and be done with crossfit for the day. I already wasn't planning on doing the programmed workout...and I just saw it and REALLY don't want to do it. Could change my mind, but probably not. THEN tomorrow afternoon I'm going to go climbing with Brian...and THEN I'm getting a massage. The gym is closed Weds and Thurs, so will probably use those as rest days too. maybe I'll squeeze some yoga in. we'll see how I feel.

Today's meals were kind of weird. Instead of snacking throughout the day, I ate kind of big meals. Probably has something to do with the fact that my stomach kills after I eat anything, and I want to keep that pain to a minimum while still fueling my body.

Meal 1
Bsn - Syntha-6 Isolate - Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 scoop (38g) 150 7g 2g 25g 20mg 190mg 1g 2g
Trader Joe's - Steamed & Peeled Baby Beets, 2 baby beets (85g) 40 8g 0g 1g 0mg 30mg 7g 2g
Bananas - Raw, 0.5 small (6" to 6-7/8" long) 45 12g 0g 1g 0mg 1mg 6g 1g
Trader Joe's - Blueberries- Wild, Organic-Frozen, 70 g 35 9g 0g 1g 0mg 0mg 6g 2g
Trader Joe's - Coconut Milk Beverage - Unsweetened, 4 oz 25 1g 3g 1g 0mg 75mg 1g 0g
Meal 2
Trader Joe's - Raw Large Hazelnuts, 1/4 cup (30 g) 190 5g 18g 5g 0mg 0mg 1g 3g
Meal 3
Wild Squirrel - Vanilla Espresso Almond Butter, 2 tbsp 190 6g 16g 7g 0mg 30mg 2g 4g
Apple, bacon, and rosemary pork meatballs, 4 serving 360 4g 29g 23g 96mg 223mg 3g 1g
Apples - Raw, with skin, 1 medium (2-3/4" dia) (approx 3 per lb) 72 19g 0g 0g 0mg 1mg 14g 3g
Meal 4
Banana Coconut Muffins, 1 serving(s) 229 16g 17g 5g 107mg 39mg 4g 4g
Oscar Mayer - Reduced Sodium Bacon, 2 slice 70 0g 6g 4g 10mg 160mg 0g 0g
Eggs - White only, raw, 0.5 cup 63 1g 0g 13g 0mg 202mg 1g 0g
Earthbound Farm Organic - Power Greens (Spinach, Kale, Chard), 3 oz 20 3g 0g 2g 0mg 130mg 0g 2g
Meal 5
Earth Fare Organic - Sunflower Butter, 1 tbsp 85 4g 7g 3g 0mg 45mg 2g 2g
TOTAL: 1,574 95g 98g 91g 233mg 1,126mg 48g 26g

Sunday, July 28, 2013

over it

I am so freaking burnt out right now it's crazy. I haven't posted in the past few days because I've been stupid-busy and really haven't had motivation to do anything...including blogging. But here's a quick little recap:

Thursday-rest day. had a super late day at clinic; they ordered pizza and cheezy bread to be nice and I managed to resist it. Not even a bite. Then I went out with the girls and spend 25 dollars on sushi....and then ate frozen yogurt.

Friday-only worked out once: Power Snatch then 2min Rest then 10min AMRAP of Power Snatch @ 90 % 1 RM--I'm pretty happy with this workout. I got up to 105# on the clusters, and then got 31 reps on the AMRAP at 95. If I can snatch 105# for 3...I am definitely strong enough to snatch more than 110#. I really need to work on my technique (once the famously hot showdown is over). That night I went to a going away party on the lake. I didn't eat terrible persay, but I probably had half a beer...some triscuits + pimento cheese...and some delicious bbq. The BBQ was sauceless, so probably paleo. everything else, def not

Satuday-Just did the programmed WOD:
Flight Simulator
Double Unders (Unbroken)
Deadlift 225/135
 I've been feeling really rundown lately and have a lot of symptoms of overtraining, so I didn't want to overdo it. I think I did really well at Diane; HSPU are a loooooot easier when you don't have to do them on 45# plates. I really love when I can see improvement, so I was happy. Then a bunch of us laid out at the pool...and then went to mexican where I was good (grilled chicken salad) and bad (margarita, tequila, and a few chips)...and then went out and had a beer. The fact that I really did not care that I was eating like shit kind of scares me now, but I really think I'm just mentally burnt out. The gym will be closed weds and thurs (and I might not be able to go Saturday), and I don't think it's the worst thing if I take some time off. Saturday, I'll probably go on a sandbag run, if I have to work and miss the WOD, so all won't be lost. I'm also getting a massage on Tuesday, which I think will do wonders for my body (especially my shoulders. owies)

Sunday (today)-did a whole lot of nothing. Ate breakfast. slept at the pool. Ate lunch/dinner. watched the games. ate a snack. Relatively healthy today; I plan to eat SUPER clean from now up until the games for obvious performance reasons as well as in hopes to fix this stomach issue that's been plaguing me for two weeks now.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

20 minute PR

Didn't have to work today, so I was able to use the morning to knock out my 50 HSPU workout from hell. My shoulder felt throbby/achey today, but I decided to slap some kinesiotape on it, pop an aleve, and do what I could. I felt (relatively) strong on my HSPU today actually. I managed to bust out 11 before failing..then six...then who knows...but it took me a little while before I had to break down to doing clusters of 2, and I never failed after only 1. Hooray! There were some reps that I struggled on way more than others, but I refused to waste anymore energy that I had to, which resulted in me inching my way up the wall by shimmying my back and shoulders when I got stuck. Probably not the most efficient way, but as long as I finished with my heels on the wall and butt off the wall, I saved a rep. This time, the workout only took me 49:35. Was this the 25 minute, no fail time that is the goal? nope! double. Buuuuut it is twenty whole minutes less than last time. AND my head and neck feel great (for now). I hope to do this workout one more time before the competition. The programmed workout wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I have fairly good endurance so these types of WODs aren't too difficult for me.

workout 1:
50 EROM HSPU; 1 every 30 seconds, rest 2 minutes after failure--45# plates, 49:53

workout 2:
1.5 pood farmers carry
(programmed WOD)
7min AMRAP
7 Push-Ups
5 GHD Sit-Ups
20 Double-Unders
2min Rest
7min AMRAP
10 Walking Lunges
10 Mountain Climbers (Ea Leg)
200m Run
2min Rest
7min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Sit-Ups
5 GHD Sit-Ups

**coffee+muscletech neurocore
Meal 1/post workout:  chocolate chip quest bar
Meal 2: Avocado/chicken salad and trail mix
Meal 3: carrot-protein-cake and sunbutter
**biotin, super B Complex, drenamin, bsn aminox
**muscletech neurocore
Meal 4: Syntha-6 Chocolate Shake
Meal 5: Chicken with homemade pineapple salsa and a cup of watermelon
Meal 6: a square of dark chocolate

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Today was a looooong day. Full day at work and then straight to the gym for the WOD...
2x800 m run with 30# slamball
A. Power snatch 3, 3, 2, 2; rest 2 min (only the last set is tough. No misses)--85/95/105/105 attempted 110, but never got it. Really need to work on my form.
B. 10 Heavy KB Snatches Ea Arm x4 ; Rest 1min Between Arms--16 kg KB
C. Weighted Supinated Grip Chin-Ups; 5-7 x3; Rest 3min--10#, probably did about 3...whoops

I'm super beat today and starting to feel run down. I'm really busting my ass training for the competition and I don't think I'm recovering well. I'm getting back to taking my amino acid supplement...and trying to remember to take my biotin, b complex, and drenamin (adrenal support) regularly...but I haven't gotten back into the routine yet. My right shoulder and wrist kind of hurt right now which is making me rethink my plan of moving the 50 HSPU workout tomorrow...but with my schedule this week, it makes more sense to do it tomorrow rather than Friday. Guess I'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Food monster was in full force today. Here's what I shoved in my face today:
eal 1
Bsn - Syntha-6 Chocolate Cake Batter Protein, 1 Rounded Scoop 200 15g 6g 22g 55mg 220mg 2g 5g
Trader Joe's - Very Cherry Berry Blend Frozen Fruit, 1 cup 90 22g 0g 1g 0mg 5mg 16g 5g
Trader Joe's - Coconut Milk Beverage - Unsweetened, 8 oz 50 1g 5g 1g 0mg 150mg 1g 0g
Meal 2
Blueberries - Raw, 0.5 cup 41 11g 0g 1g 0mg 1mg 7g 2g
Chickfila - Chicken No Biscuit, 1 fillet 130 6g 6g 12g 25mg 530mg 0g 1g
Meal 3
Apple, bacon, and rosemary pork meatballs, 3 serving 270 3g 22g 17g 72mg 167mg 2g 0g
Trail Mix, 1 serving(s) 189 21g 11g 4g 0mg 28mg 14g 3g
Meal 4
Apple-Nut Egg Muffins, 2 serving 139 9g 8g 9g 121mg 105mg 6g 2g
Quest Bar - Lemon Cream Pie , 1 Bar (60g) 170 25g 6g 20g 5mg 260mg 1g 17g
Meal 5
avocado cilantro chicken salad, 1 serving 160 7g 9g 14g 35mg 150mg 2g 4g
Sweet potato - Cooked, baked in skin, without salt (Sweetpotato), 1 small 54 12g 0g 1g 0mg 22mg 5g 2g
Once Again - Organic Sugar & Salt Free Sunflower Seed Butter, 1.5 tbsp 135 5g 11g 5g 0mg 0mg 1g 2g
Meal 6
Pacific Gold - Original Beef Jerky (Costco 2 Pack - 8 oz Each), 2 oz 160 14g 2g 22g 20mg 1,040mg 12g 0g
TOTAL: 1,788 151g 86g 129g 333mg 2,678mg 69g 43g

Monday, July 22, 2013

"Running with Heavy Shit"

spent a LOT of time in the gym today. got some good work done....got some not so good work done...but what can ya do.

Workout Numero Uno
*EROM-HSPU 3-2-1 AMRAP Ladder: 10 minutes--I got 2 full rounds (3-2-1 x 2) and then had to go to singles. Lots of falling on my head. Lots of pouting. Whatever, I'm over it
*10 Single EROM HSPU--got to 5 no problem. Then struggle city.
*Thrusters: Worked up to a heavy thruster (125#) Then 3x5 @ 85#--All of this was doable, but my body didn't feel great...very tired and sluggish. Think I have a bug
*WOD: A. 5-5-5-5 Front Squat; rest 1min B. 16 Front Rack Walking Lunges (Unbroken) x3; rest 1min C. 400m Run x3; rest 1min DID NOT DO THE RUN--worked up to 115 on the FS and did 65 for the lunges

Workout Numero Dos
*"Running with Heavy Shit"; 800 m run with 30# slam ball + 800m run with 45# plate; 1mile run with 30# sled ball
(insert whining and dying here)
*5x5 chest to ring pull ups, focusing on kip
*C2B 3-2-1 AMRAP Ladder; 7 rounds. Could have done better, could have done worse. I need to work on stringthing them together more
then messed around doing hand stand walks because they're fun and make me happy

Foodwise, I did great until I chowed down on some chocolate chips I had leftover from making trail mix. I'm not sorry either. It's good for the soul
Meal 1
Carrot Breakfast Protein Cake, 1 serving(s) 172 9g 11g 8g 3mg 111mg 6g 2g
Meal 2
Banana Coconut Muffins, 1 serving(s) 229 16g 17g 5g 107mg 39mg 4g 4g
Trail Mix, 1 serving(s) 189 21g 11g 4g 0mg 28mg 14g 3g
Meal 3
Greek Meatballs, 3 serving 168 2g 10g 16g 92mg 52mg 1g 0g
Carrots - Baby, raw, 1 serving 30 7g 0g 1g 0mg 66mg 4g 2g
Meal 4
Quest - Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Bar, 1 bar 160 25g 5g 20g 5mg 105mg 2g 17g
Meal 5
avocado cilantro chicken salad, 1 serving 160 7g 9g 14g 35mg 150mg 2g 4g
Apple, bacon, and rosemary pork meatballs, 2 serving 180 2g 15g 12g 48mg 112mg 1g 0g
Sweet potato - Cooked, baked in skin, without salt (Sweetpotato), 1 small 54 12g 0g 1g 0mg 22mg 5g 2g
Meal 6
Trader Joe's - Sunflower Seed Butter, 2 Tbsp (32g) 200 7g 16g 7g 0mg 120mg 3g 4g
Chocolate Chips, Nestle - Chocolate Chips, Semi-Sweet Toll House, 2 Tbsp (14g) 140 18g 8g 1g 0mg 0mg 16g 0g
TOTAL: 1,682 126g 102g 89g 290mg 805mg 58g 38g

Sunday, July 21, 2013

the 25 minute workout that took me 25 minutes..

I had all intentions of doing the programmed WOD today....but it just didn't happen. I spent about three hours working on movements that make up the competition workouts. I didn't do a great job keeping track of what I did...but I did sled pulls, sled pushes, and C2B pull ups (and some socializing obvi). I felt pretty good about my C2B; I can't string a lot of them together, but I think I'll be able to do a few at a time. Break. do another few, yada yada yada. The sled pushes were a lot easier today, I didn't feel like I was getting stuck as much. Not sure if it was the actual prowler, the surface, or how strong I was feeling. Regardless, I feel like I got a lot of  good work done today.

Sled pushes and pulls with an additional 45# and 90# (then Kortni and I took turns pulling eachother)
butterfly pull up skill work (not a lot)
50 c2b pull ups; every 30 seconds, rest 2 minutes when fail (25 minutes-yay!)
Sled pulls with 90# added (hand over hand)

After the workout, I came home, laid out for a while, and then baked some goodies for the rest of the week

Meal 1/Pre Workout: 2 Apple-Nut Muffins
Meal 2/Post Workout: Syntha-6 Protein Shake
Meal 3: plantain chips + guac with bacon and spinach
Meal 4: sliced ham, almonds, and smoothie with mango, pineapple, and coconut water
Meal 5: dark chocolate and banana muffin
Meal 6: carrot "protein cake" + coconut milk

Saturday, July 20, 2013

the 25 minute workout that took me over an hour

Today was a rough workout day. Before the programmed WOD, I did my Friday handstand pushup workout  of 50 EROM HSPU, every 30 seconds, resting 2 minutes every time I failed. Theoretically, if I didn't fail once, it would take me 25 minutes....in real life it took me 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 9 seconds. I started out pretty strong, knocking out 7 HSPU before I failed....then 8...and then I went downhill fast only knocking out 2, then failing...then 1....then 2...and so on and so on. This was a mental workout just as much as it was physical. After 25 I wanted to quit. At 30 I wanted to quit. At 40 I wanted to quit. And at 45, I decided I was too close to think about quitting and was ok. It is not easy to fail. It's a huge blow to your psyche....and falling on your head multiple times really sucks. I tweaked my neck a little bit on number 48, but I was way to close to the end to stop. I just gotta be careful for the next few days. Overall, I'm just glad I was able to complete 50...and didn't quit. After that, I did the workout of the day; heavy power cleans. I think I probably could have gone heavier, but after the HSPU, I really didn't feel like over doing it.

50 EROM HSPU, every 30 seconds, rest 2 minutes after failure
TnG Power Clean-; 2min Rest (905/105/115)
10 min AMRAP Power Clean @ 90% 1RM (125)


Meal 1
Apple-Nut Egg Muffins, 2 serving 139 9g 8g 9g 121mg 105mg 6g 2g
Meal 2
Quest - Protein Bar - Strawberry Cheesecake (Net Carbs), 1 bar 160 25g 5g 20g 5mg 105mg 2g 17g
Meal 3
Greek Meatballs, 3 serving 168 2g 10g 16g 92mg 52mg 1g 0g
Trader Joe's - Uncured Bacon Ends and Pieces, 1 TBS cooked (7g) 35 0g 3g 3g 10mg 190mg 0g 0g
Tzatziki Guacamole, 1 serving(s) 114 7g 10g 2g 0mg 5mg 1g 5g
Trader Joe's - Roasted Plantain Chips, 20 chips (28g) 140 20g 6g 0g 0mg 50mg 0g 1g
Meal 4
Trader Joe's - Almond Butter Raw Crunchy Unsalted, 32 grams (2 tbsp) 190 6g 17g 8g 0mg 0mg 2g 3g
Meal 5
Beef - Ground, 85% lean meat / 15% fat, patty, cooked, broiled (hamburger), 1 serving ( 3 oz ) 213 0g 13g 22g 77mg 61mg 0g 0g
Carrots - Baby, raw, 1 serving 30 7g 0g 1g 0mg 66mg 4g 2g
Lettuce - Iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw, 0.5 cup shredded 5 1g 0g 0g 0mg 4mg 1g 0g
Meal 6
Protein mug, 1 serving 263 20g 8g 27g 55mg 320mg 3g 6g
TOTAL: 1,457 97g 80g 108g 360mg 958mg 20g 36g

Thursday, July 18, 2013

How Crossfit Changed My Life..part I

I frequently try to explain to "normal" people why I love crossfit so much and how it's influenced my life. In the past year, thanks to Carolina Crossfit, I have met some of my closest friends, seriously transformed my body, gotten mentally tougher (still working on it), and completely changed the way I feel about food, weight, and my body. I can honestly say that crossfit has sparked a transformation of the mind, body, and soul.

I, like many females my age, have battled with body issues for as long as I can remember. I've always been active, but throughout the years I've fluctuated from a little chubby to pretty skinny, and everywhere in between. I tried every diet in the book; juice cleanses, veganism, vegetarianism, atkins, starvation, south beach...you name it, I've tried it. Even at my lightest weight, I can not say that  I was ever happy with how I looked. Fast forward to now. I'm a good ten pounds heavier than I was when I started crossfit (6% less body fat...although I've gained a little back now). Do I think I could look better than I do now? Hell yes. I would love my thighs to be leaners, my arms to be more cut, and have the little layer of fat keeping my midsection warm magically disappear. Am I comfortable with how I look now? Absolutely. The following video really sums up how I felt/feel before and after I sold my soul to crossfit.

This was the first video that I showed my parents when I was trying to explain to them what this crossfit thing was and why I loved it. The more I watched it, the more I realized that this was explaining everything I felt. Until now, I just wanted to be skinny. I wanted to look the way everyone thinks an ideal woman should look, and while I enjoyed working out, I was working out to look a certain way, not to achieve something. Just like these amazing women said in the video, I'm going to reach my performance goals far sooner than I'm going to like what I see in the mirror...but the caveat is, the more I focus on my goals, the less I care about how I look. Obviously I want to look my best, and I do think that will happen eventually, but as I set higher and higher goals, I care more about what my body can do instead of how it looks. CrossFit Invictus shared an article the other day which said:
we need to define ourselves by our accomplishments, personal satisfaction and our positive impact on others
This brings me back to what Paul said to me when I was freaking out about gaining weight/body fat. He asked "does it define you? does it make you who you are?" The answer is no. All of the things listed above do though. Call it distraction, call it acceptance, hell, even call it denial, at this point I don't care. If this rids me of (the majority) of my food and body issues, I don't care what it is. So as I sit on the couch, feasting on trail mix, I can honestly say that while I may have days where I don't absolutely love how I look, I know that where I am now is 100x better than I would be without my crossfity influences.

No, I did not work out. Yes, I ate a ginormous amount. Not Sorry. Super Hungry. Here's what I put in my mouth today:
Meal 1: Banana/egg white pancakes with bacon and sunflower seed butter
Meal 2: Quest Bar
Meal 3: Fruit cup and Greek Meatballs
Meal 4: Apple-Nut Egg Muffins; Apple
Meal 5: Chicken, Beets, Kale Chips
Meal 6: Trail Mix (a lot)
I had a meeting after work today (between meals 4 and 5), so by the time I got home around 8, I was a starving food monster that could not be satisfied. Moral of the story: pack emergency snacks for when the emergency snacks are gone.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

standards are silly

another camp day today aka sitting in the hot sun...then getting caught in an epic monsoon...on a golf cart. nothing really exciting to report.

worked on push presses today...I did 5 sets of 4. next time I'll TIP and do 4 sets of 4 with 30 sec rest x 4 with 2 minutes rest between. Just wasn't feeling it today. Thennnnnn I put my brand spankin new belt to good use and worked on heavy thrusters. I was recently filled in on what the standards will be for thrusters in the competition coming up so I need to make extra sure that my feet do not move one bit during my thrusters. no hops up, backwards, going on to my tip toes, nada. I got up to 125 today, probably could have gone higher but A) I was tired B) I didn't want to max out today and C) I had a nice little workout ** ahead of me. why the stars? because I grossly underestimated this workout. I did it...did ok (6 and change for the first two, 5..almost 6 on the last one) ...and then promptly drove home (after forgetting my favorite shaker bottle at the gym), ate a lot of food, and passed out on the couch until about 5 minutes ago.

30# db strict press 5X4
heavy thrusters
8min AMRAP
5 KBS 2 pood/1.5 pood
5 Burpees
5 GHD Sit-Ups
5 Push-Ups
Rest 4min

Fooooood (yes I'm being lazy and copying from myfitnesspal)
Meal 1
Slow Cooker Bacon Chicken, 1 serving 218 2g 8g 34g 64mg 198mg 1g 0g
Trader Joe's - Sunflower Seed Butter, 2 Tbsp (32g) 200 7g 16g 7g 0mg 120mg 3g 4g
Meal 2
Quest Protein Bar - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, 1 Bar 190 21g 8g 21g 5mg 310mg 1g 17g
Meal 3
Greek Meatballs, 2 serving 112 1g 7g 11g 61mg 35mg 0g 0g
Strawberries - Raw, 6 small (1" dia) 13 3g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 2g 1g
Oscar Mayer - Deli Fresh - Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, 56 grams 50 1g 1g 9g 25mg 510mg 1g 0g
Meal 4
Apple-Nut Egg Muffins, 2 serving 139 9g 8g 9g 121mg 105mg 6g 2g
Carrots - Baby, raw, 1 serving 30 7g 0g 1g 0mg 66mg 4g 2g
Meal 5
Greek Meatballs, 2 serving 112 1g 7g 11g 61mg 35mg 0g 0g
Tzatziki Guacamole, 1 serving(s) 114 7g 10g 2g 0mg 5mg 1g 5g
Eggs - Whole, raw, 1 large 74 0g 5g 6g 212mg 70mg 0g 0g
Trader Joe's - Uncured Bacon Ends and Pieces, 1.5 TBS cooked (7g) 53 0g 5g 5g 15mg 285mg 0g 0g
Trader Joe's - Uncured Bacon Ends and Pieces, 1.5 TBS cooked (7g) 53 0g 5g 5g 15mg 285mg 0g 0g
Trader Joe's - Roasted Plantain Chips, 20 chips (28g) 140 20g 6g 0g 0mg 50mg 0g 1g
Meal 6
Trader Joe's 83% Dark Chocolate - Chocolate Lovers Bar, 0.25 of a bar 94 5g 7g 1g 0mg 0mg 2g 2g
TOTAL: 1,592 84g 93g 122g 579mg 2,074mg 21g 34g
**i am actively trying to drink more water; think I'm doing an ok job

overall my head hurts, my right forearm hurts, BOTH shoulders hurt, and I am so freaking exhausted it's silly. I have definitely earned my rest day for the week.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

strug life

Today I had to work camp, and I was so excited because I packed myself such a good cooler of snacks and lunch...and then I life it at home. Fail. Thankfully I had some protein powder in my car....and was able to pick around the mexican we got for lunch...but towards the end of the camp, I was getting pretty hangry. It was like 300 degrees today and incredibly sunny, so even though I was actively chugging water, I definitely felt dehydrated. underfed and underwatered=struggle bus. I got to the gym early to work on some sled pushes...but then I chose a faulty sled....and then I couldn't get it on the concrete....and then finally I found the right combo and got some solid work in; I didn't really keep track of how far I went, but I definitely improved my initial push which I think is good. warm up today included a run to the new gym and it got me so excited. the rig is HUGE. yiiii can't wait.

sled pushes
2min Rest between A, B, C, D.
A1. 30-sec Mountain Climber
A2.30-sec Rest, do 5x Push-up during rest period
B1. 30-sec Squat
B2. 30-sec Russian KB Swing (2pood) **only got about 5 per round
Alternate without rest for 4 rounds (4 min total)
C1. 30-sec American Swing (1.5 pood)
C2. 30-sec Strict Press 15# DB’s
Alternate without rest for 4 rounds (4 min total)
D1. 30-sec 10x Ball Slam 20# ball 

D2. 30-sec 5x Push Press (70#)
Alternate without rest for 4 rounds (4 min total)

Meal 1
Slow Cooker Bacon Chicken, 1 serving 218 2g 8g 34g 64mg 198mg 1g 0g
Meal 2
Bsn - Syntha-6 Isolate - Vanilla Ice Cream, 1 scoop (38g) 150 7g 2g 25g 20mg 190mg 1g 2g
Meal 3
Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, roasted, 50 g 83 0g 2g 16g 43mg 37mg 0g 0g
Pace - Medium Chunky Salsa, 2 tbsp 10 3g 0g 0g 0mg 230mg 2g 1g
Materne - Gogo Squeez Apple Strawberry Applesauce on the Go, 1 pouch 60 15g 0g 0g 0mg 0mg 12g 1g
Meal 4
Cliff Builders - Protein Bar - Chocolate Peanut Butter, 1 bar 270 30g 8g 20g 0mg 310mg 20g 4g
Meal 5
Greek Meatballs, 2 serving 112 1g 7g 11g 61mg 35mg 0g 0g
Gatorade G2 Natural - Citrus Mango, 8 fl oz 20 5g 0g 0g 0mg 110mg 5g 0g
Meal 6
Eggs - Whole, raw, 1 large 74 0g 5g 6g 212mg 70mg 0g 0g
Spinach - Raw, 1 cup 7 1g 0g 1g 0mg 24mg 0g 1g
Trader Joe's - Uncured Bacon Ends and Pieces, 2 TBS cooked (7g) 70 0g 6g 6g 20mg 380mg 0g 0g
Sweet potato - Cooked, baked in skin, without salt (Sweetpotato), 1 small 54 12g 0g 1g 0mg 22mg 5g 2g
Trader Joe's - Almond Butter Raw Crunchy Unsalted, 32 grams (2 tbsp) 190 6g 17g 8g 0mg 0mg 2g 3g
TOTAL: 1,318 82g 55g 128g 420mg 1,606mg 48g 14g

Monday, July 15, 2013

I love falling on my head...and sandbags...

Started today off pretty early with a 7am meeting and then working morning clinic; we were super swamped which was a little stressful, but I finally feel like I'm starting to get a hang of everything which has brought my overall stress level from "running around with my head cut off" to "mildly overwhelmed". Workout number one was a little disheartening today. I was super excited to be back in the gym, but definitely had a purpose for being there. Today I decided to work on EROM HSPU, thrusters, and pull ups. Thrusters were ok; I maxed out at 130# which is a 5 pound PR for me, but still relatively low on the ladder for the competition. I'm ok with that though, I'm going to keep working and trying to get stronger, but that workout isn't really a source of stress for me. I had a 10 min 3-2-1 AMRAP of HSPU planned for today, but my body was not having it. I wasn't really able to get 3 consecutive HSPU strung together, and all the falling on my head was making my headache a lot work (sidenote: due to my persistent headache since the accident, I've diagnosed myself with a slight concussion. awesome), so I just worked on form...and then did one set of 10 singles. I probably should have timed it, but I didn't much for the same reason that I haven't weighed myself lately--I just don't want to know. After the HSPU, I just messed around on the pullup bar for a bit with stringing together C2B (I can now string together 3) and working on the butterfly motion. Mentally I was checked out by then, so I decided to roll bounce out of there, and work some more later when I came back to do the programmed WOD....which included more erom hspu. before the actual WOD, i grabbed a "sandbag" with two 20# slam balls and ran 800m then 400m then 200m. holy bananas, that was rough. If flew through the dead lifts and box jumps and honestly didn't feel too bad about the push ups. I made sure to rest between my singles even before I was tired, which I think is a good strategy for the competition.

Workout 1:
THRUSTERS: find 1RM (130#) + 3x5 @ 105
EROM HSPU: a few doubles, a few attempts at triples, 1x10
C2B and butterfly work

Workout 2:
"Sandbag run"

Deadlift 135
Box Jump 20
5 min Rest
Back Ext 30-20-10
EROM HSPU 9-7-3 (45# Plates)

meal 1: lemon quest bar 
meal 2: apple-nut egg muffins
preworkout: muscletech neurocore
meal 3/postworkout: bsn syntha-6 isolate shake
meal 4: slow cooker bacon chicken, brussels sprouts, and bbq sauce
meal 5: trail mix
preworkout: muscletech neurocore
meal 6: the same chicken/brussels mix I had for lunch 
meal 7: protein mug **wasnt really hungry, but I know I need to eat more

Sunday, July 14, 2013

the past two days

yesterday was our last day on the Island and Shira and I started it off by having breakfast with an olllllld friend. It was so great to catch up with someone that I hadn't seen since high school and I had a delicious seafood stuffed omelet. double win. After breakfast, we mapped out the rest of our day and decided a starbucks run was necessary, and were on our merry way...until we got a little huge bump...from behind. while we were stopped, waiting to merge into the traffic circle, a (once stopped) hugeass escalade slammed rolled into us. From the noise and impact, I thought that my entire trunk was smashed in; I was pleasantly surprised to find no visible damage..however I was very upset (read: hysterical), a little scared (terrified), and my neck hurt. So while moving as to free up traffic, Shira called the cops, and all of a sudden a fire truck, ambulance, and two police cars come screaming into the parking lot we were waiting in. The make matters worse, I was on the phone with my Mom who heard the sirens and promptly thought I was dying. After assuring the firemen and EMTs that we were ok (and resisting giving them my numbers because they were absolutely gorgeous), we figured out all the paperwork with the policemen and were back en route to Starbucks. It was delicious and definitely made me feel better, but the real medicine was the retail therapy we engaged in at our second outlet visit. One workout outfit and one work outfit later, we grabbed some shrimp at a local seafood joint, loaded up on ga and snacks, and were on the way back to Columbia. After unloading the car, we decided to go get food. Shira asked me if we should change, and I assured her that it didn't matter what we looked like because there is no way we would see anyone. Lies. We walked into cantina and saw Kortni and Megan from the gym. We ended up sitting with them and having a great time. Lesson learned, always look cute.

Today we had great plans of laying out, but the weather was not cooperating, so instead we went to Trader Joe's. Almost the same right? After dropping Shira off at the airport, I finished up some food prep and straightened up the house. Pretty boring, but such is life. Got an early morning of work tomorrow, and then back to the gym. Time to tighten up my diet and kill it in the gym! Can't wait!

Saturday Noms
*egg white omelet with lump crab and avocado
*freeze dried fruit and some trail mix
*1/2 pound peel and eat shrimp
*more trail mix
*chicken taco salad
*dried fruit

Sunday Noms (trying to get back on track)
*egg white scramble with bacon and salsa
*chicken burger with plantain chips and salsa
*TJ kale chips
*protein shake with berries and almond butter
*apple-blueberry egg muffins w/almond butter

Friday, July 12, 2013

Rest day #2..?

I had semi-good intentions of working out while in Hilton Head, buuuuut the sandbag is still in my car and my running shoes are still in my bag. In my defense it's rained all day, but really that's a terrible excuse. Bright side: I've actually been able to relax and spend time with a great friend (and buy super cute shoes at the outlets). Not so bright side: no workout and some faileo foods. All and all I'm not terribly upset about it; I've been eating pretty healthy and we've done a lot of walking ( active recovery?) plus waking up on Thursday my body felt no bueno. My arms were completely shot--we're talking bi's, tri's, shoulders, even my forearms; my whole body, even my eyeballs, felt fatigued; and I was still feeling down/emotional (refer to the breakdown on weds). I know i need the rest though, because i fell asleep ladt night at like 9 and slept alllll the way through the night. I'm a little sorry that I couldn't do my hspu programming..but I'll live. I have 3ish weeks to work on all my movements for the competition...and get my mind right..so as soon as Monday comes around I'll be back to eating clean and training dirty (yep, just quoted Pinterest)

Meal 1: turkey slices, hard boiled egg whites (3), hummus, salsa, pretzel crisps, and some cheese
Meal 2: quest bar
Meal 3: panera strawberry chicken salad (no dressing) and 1/2 apple
Meal 4: trail mix
Meal 5: 1/2 NY strip steak (4 oz?), 1/2 salmon burger, salad
Meal 6: frozen fruit bar and 1 Oreo

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I hate jelly fish

Today I woke up starving. I guess I should have expected it since I worked out a lot yesterday and woke up kind of hungry..but regardless I just have not been able to get enough food today. Fatgirlprobz. Anyhow today was a rest day/travel to Hilton head day, so not much fun stuff to report on today. Just a lot of driving. But my fun in the ocean was very short lived thanks to Mr. Jellyfish who decided to wrap himself behind my left knee. Rude. So yeah, other than that, pretty uneventful. Food today wasn't completely paleo, but relatively healthy with the exception of the cookie dough. I've been getting headaches lately and I'm not sure as to the cause..will need to investigate..

WOD: rest day

What I put in my face:
Meal 1: quest bar and blueberries
Meal 2: grilled chicken salad
Meal 3: quest bar
Meal 4: apple, cheese, freeze dried fruit
Meal 5: salad, salmon, shrimp, and edamame salad
Meal 6: cookie dough

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

just another breakdown...

I've been a little anxious all day today. It started last night when I got some (false) information that pistols were going to be included in the famously hot showdown aka the competition in August....I obviously freaked out since my pistols are pretty inconsistent, so I hopped out of bed and tried on my bedroom floor until I got a couple...barefoot...in my PJs...yes I'm obsessed and slightly neurotic..acknowledgment is the first step.. anyhow, so then I went to bed, woke up, went to work, counted the hours until I could hightail it to my happy place aka Carolina Crossfit. After consulting with my main men Joey and Ben, I decided to do my strength work first aka heavy presses. I started off with finding my 5rm with the barbell (I got to 75#...) when bossman pauly paul paul told me I was supposed to be using dumbells. whoooops. so I did clusters of 4 until my shoulders decided they hated me...ran 800m with a sandbag...and then I did the WOD...and then I did some lat pull downs...and then I had a lovely little mental breakdown in the back room, but thankfully Joey snapped me out of it (ish), and with my new positive outlook I knocked out 10 EROM hspu. They were singles...but at least I got them done.

work up to 5rm strict press (85#)
12x4 strict DB press (30#)
5min AMRAP
5 Push-Up
10 Toes-2-Bar
20 Double Unders

2 min rest
5min AMRAP
10 Walking Lunges (Ea Leg)
10 Mountain Climbers (Ea Leg)
200 m run

2 min rest
5min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Sit-Ups
5 Toes-to-Bar
3x10 lat pull downs (75#)
10 erom hspu (45# plate, singles)

today was another good food day. granted I pretty much ate some variation of chicken, eggs, or both all day, but whatevs; I'm satisified annnnd I kept my carbs under 100 grams. huzzah!

meal 1: 1 egg, bacon, spinach, 1/2 sweet potato
meal 2: quest bar
meal 3: trail mix
meal 4: crockpot bacon chicken + salsa, blueberries, carrots
preworkout: muscle tech preworkout
meal 5/post workout: chicken, egg whites, spinach, and some homemade basil sauce
meal 6: chocolate-protein-egg white mug thingy. delicious, protein packed, annnnd gave my my chocolate fix

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The one where I learned butterfly pullups in ten minutes

Today I had to work softball camp, so I could only work out once...but the workout gods were smiling on me, because the usually packed 5:30 class was fairly empty. Since I hate working out on top of people, this was a welcome surprise for me. The WOD was pretty terrible though, not going to lie. First of all, L pull ups are hard! I was able to do them with an awkward kip to L movement, but even so, I only got to 6 (1-2-3 counted as 1). AND THEN THE CLAPPING PUSH UPS. who does those?!? apparently we do. They were pretty easy the first round, tiring the second round, and then I failed a couple times on the third round...or I could have slipped in my sweat puddle. who knows. I was pretty consistent with my box jumps across the rounds so that's good, but I was whooped after the WOD. And then I had the bright idea to learn how to butterfly my pullups...in ten minutes. and guess what, I got it (thanks to Coach Ben and my favorite meatball, Zack)! Obviously I need more work (like my EROM HSPU)...but I went from 0-3 in ten minutes, so heyyyy. And then I ripped my hand. And then I was done. sikeeeee I whined and pouted for a little bit and then did some GHD sit ups..which made my head feel like it was going to explode. So I decided to sit outside and make butt prints on cop cars. I am a child.

A. 5min AMRAP L-Pull-ups Ladder 1-2-3
Rest  1 min
B1 10x Clapping Push-ups
B2 2min Burpee Box Jump 24/20
2min Rest
5 minute Break
C1 10x Proper Push-up  (feet elevated)
C2 2min Box Jump 24/20
2min Rest

butterfly pullup skill work 
4x12 GHD sit ups

Foodwise, I think I did pretty good today. It's always tough when I have long days at work and have to anticipate what I'll want to eat and then pack it with me...annnnd I literally have no food in the house which bumps the tough factor up a little more. I feel like I'm on Chopped sometimes. And yes, I ate the same for dinner as I did for breakfast (with the addition of brussels sprouts), it was delicious and I'm not sorry.

meal 1: slow cooker bacon chicken + guacamole
meal 2: cashew cranberry almond trail mix
meal 3: sliced ham, blueberries, baby carrots
meal 4: quest bar
pre workout: muscletech preworkout
post workout/meal 5: bsn syntha-6 isolate shake
meal 6: slow cooker bacon chicken + guacamole + 1.5 cups roasted brussels sprouts
meal 7: spoonful of sunflower seed butter

I'm off to youtube butterfly pullups and nurse my hand back to health. oh crossfit

Monday, July 8, 2013

i'm baack

It's no secret that I've been itching to get back in the gym ever since I got back...and what I really mean is as soon as they took me off the laughing gas, I wanted to WOD. So today after work, I swung by the gym for a little HSPU skill sesh. Holy God, did I underestimate how much harder EROM HSPU are. I strolled up in the gym, ignored the scolding from a certain coach whose name rhymes with "hen" for working out too soon, and tried to bust out some hspu on 45# plates. hahaha, I couldn't get half way up. sooooooo I pouted, then did some regular HSPU, then did some on the box with 45# plates, then did some on 35# plates, then BAM 45# plate EROM HSPU, you are mine. Not going to lie, I am incredibly pleased/proud of myself from progressing from not being able to do a single EROM hspu, to being able to do clusters of 3. Bossman Paul was right (as alway). #TIP So after telling him dancing around singing "I did it, I did it", he gave a little programming to continue on my HSPU domination. So once again pull ups and dips are on hold (see ya later muscle ups) and Monday will be a ladder of 1-2-3 max reps in 10 min, Weds will be heavy push presses, and Fri will be 50 HSPU, 1 every 30 sec, rest 2 min if I fail. **all of these are EROM on 45# plates. sweet. So after that, I did some handstand walks because they're fun...and then some 1.5 pood farmers carries which were not so fun...but not as hard as anticipated. Super bonus: I did not bust a clot/open my stitches. Gabi-1 Wisdom Tooth-0.

Workout numero dos was a killer today.  Even without the airdyne, it would have been tough, but the max effort biking before wore my quads out! 155 on the deadlift felt pretty good; I broke them up into tens...and then fives. Honestly, the worst part for me was the ring dips. I really just wanted to switch to bar, but I sucked up and did them all on the ring. Not going to lie though, some of them were iffy)  The step up/burpee part really wasn't that bad. The step ups were tiring, but I flew through the burpees. Maybe they don't suck quite as much as I thought. I finished the entire workout in like 31 minutes? I did some sets of ring pullups after, but mostly just killing time until dinner with one of my friends that was doing the intro class. Speaking of food, I think I ate pretty well today. Probably not enough as I have a mondo headache now...but that could also be due to my HSPU-athon...my oral surgery...or dehydration (always)

AM Noon workout
HSPU skill work (kipping HSPU, negatives on 45# plates, box assisted HSPU on 45# plates, kipping on 35# plates, kipping on 45# plates)
1.5 pood farmers carry 50ish m x?

Max Airdyne Cal in 2 min (41)
Dead Lift 155#
Ring Dips
Weighted Step ups 12kg kb ( total not each leg) 20

Chow Baby:
Meal 1: Smoothie with 1/2 banana, coffee, and whey protein
Meal 2: Quest Bar
pre workout: muscle tech preworkout (idk why I previously said cellucor. WRONG) 
Meal 3/post workout: whey protein
Meal 4 : 1/2 sweet potato, tuna, BBQ sauce, and blueberries
Meal 5: Trail mix (raw and unsalted)
Meal 6: big salad from Jason's Deli (protein=bacon and 2 hard boiled eggs) Balsamic vinegar for dressing.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


I'm back in town and tomorrow my blog will return to its original purpose, but right now, I need to write about a HUGE decision that I just made. I may have mentioned that in August my gym is hosting the famously hot showdown...and until a few hours ago, I was signed up to compete in the scaled division. I'm not really sure when exactly I started thinking about it, but the more I did...the more I had the feeling that I should really compete RX. I am capable of doing all the movements in RX (except the burpee-muscle ups...but those are "bonus"), but my reasoning excuses for doing scaled were as follows:
  1. My hand stand push ups are inconsistent; I recently tanked in a HSPU workout and don't want to do that in a competition setting
  2. I'm not going to make it very high in the thruster ladder
  3. I want to get comfortable competing before I do a competition rx
So back to me thinking. The more I looked at the scaled WODs, the more I thought I would be taking the easy way out. This is meant in no offense to those who are doing the scaled competition, because those workouts are definitely challenging, but I know that I am capable of more. Plus I hear Coach Joey in the back of my head telling me that he'd rather me get dead last in rxed than win scaled. And like I said before, I am physically capable of doing all the movements in RX. Really I have no excuses. So I did what I always do when I have a tough decision to make...ask Mom and Dad. Oh wait, they aren't quite savvy to crossfit yet. So on to bothering all of my friends. I should add right now, that I am incredibly blessed to have "my people" in my life, this I'm sure will be material for another post, but my gym friends quickly have become my gym family, and without them I really don't know how I would survive most days...ANYWAY. I asked, and asked, and asked, and everyone gave me great advice...mostly kind of hinted I should change to RX, but told me it really was up to me. So then I consulted with the one and only Brian Abram, who I trust implicitly with any nuggets of wisdom relating to crossfit and the like, and he told me exactly what I needed to hear
You should do it Rx. You won't win, but you'll be more excited, people will care more (few people really care what goes on in scaled), and it kind of represents, to me, the exact thing you're training for. You work your ass off, and this is the test of that effort. Take the real test and see how you do

And then, in the parking lot of GNC, I changed my registration from scaled to Rx. So here I am. Slightly terrified, slightly excited, and very aware that I have a whole lot to achieve in a month,  but I know that I made the absolute right decision for where I want to be in the future. Here goes nothing!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

We all scream..

I've probably eaten more ice cream in the past few days than I have this year. Whoops! Annnnd I worked out a total of zero times..which is kind of killing me, but I'm actually kind of ok with it because judging by my epic naps, I need the rest.  In retrospect, starting a blog following what I eat and do for workouts right before I left town AND got surgery probably wasn't smart...so I will return when I get back to normal. Silly wisdom teeth...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

rule number 76..

Coming back from the I Can Games, pretty much everyone that knew I participated asked me about it. To the outside observer, I did pretty well. It was my first competition ever, I've been doing crossfit for less than a year, and I placed fourth out of twenty-something competitors in the women's scaled division. I should be ecstatic. But I'm not. To be honest, the only workout I'm proud of was the clean ladder where I PRed by 10 pounds...and was thisclose to hitting a 20 pound PR. Yes it's haunting me, yes I will be squat cleaning 155 very soon..but I digress.ANYHOW while describing the other workouts I'd give excuses such as "I was way too tense and screwed up my double unders" and "by the SIXTH max effort workout of the day, I was just beat", and after the 800th time telling the same story, with the same excuses, it just clicked. There is no reason to make excuses. I did what I did and that was that. After that little realization, I am making a conscious effort to stop making excuses, stop complaining, and take control. I shared this article on facebook the other day, and it's explains everything I'm feeling in a beautiful way. It applies not just to crossfit, but to life in general.

And the funny thing is, now that I've made a conscious effort to quit making excuses and ix-nay the complaining, it's made me far more aware of everyone else who does it, which makes me want to quit even more. It's a good thing I think.

Today's WOD was pretty fun. I was happy to be working out at my favorite time (930) and see some of my favorite people. I really enjoyed "resting" at the bottom of the squats and the OH position; it was something different and somewhat easy for me. The ring push ups were KILLER and honestly, the light OHS weren't so light after 30 reps. I got through it though, and definitely got better at pushing my knees out when coming up from my squats. Yay progress!

A. Work up to Heavy OHS (95#...prob could have gotten to 100/105 but ran out of time)
B1. (30sec Work/30sec "Rest") Squat 115#/75#
"Rest" in low parallel position
Rest 2 minutes between each
B2. (30sec Work/30sec "Rest") Push Press 115#/75#
"Rest" in OH position
Rest 2 minutes between each
OHS @ 35% BW +
Ring Push-up
30-20-10 reps of each

looks like baby weight, but after 30-20-10 reps, it felt wayyyyyy heavier than 50 pounds

After the WOD I had some time to kill so I spent a while stretching and doing some mobility work. I need to do that wayyyyyy more often

Preworkout: black coffee, cellulcor preworkout
Post workout/meal 1: apple egg muffins
Meal 2: lemon cream pie quest bar and trail mix
Meal 3: chickfila chargrilled chicken sandwich minus the bun
Meal 4: seaweed salad, carrots, and dip
Meal 5: BBQ beef, 3 ribs, sautéed squash
Meal 6: small square of 85% dark chocolate

Monday, July 1, 2013

Wake up call

I haven't measured my body comp in about a month, and since I'm going out of town tomorrow, I decided today was just as good of a day as any, PLUS I feel like all my clothes are fitting better, and I look better (in my humble opinion), so why not. So it was a little bit of a shock when the terrible machine otherwise known as the InBody520 told me that I had gained about 3 pounds of fat and lost a little under 1 pound of muscle. excuse me, what? So after a minor internal panic attack, I had a little chatsky with Paul about how this could happen in less than a month when I really haven't changed much. Obviously it's hard to pinpoint one issue, especially in women, but I've come up with the hypothesis that I have been over training (evidence: the drop in lean muscle mass, the 2 a days leading up to my competition, the actual competition, and the feeling that I haven't been able to fully recover from workouts); I've let my diet slip a little bit (some chocolate chips here and there, one post-wod bloody mary, and the spoonfuls of nut butter I frequently consume); and I'm not eating enough calorie-wise (counter-intuitive, but it's the truth), Awareness is the first step right? I'm really trying not to let the numbers get in my head, and after talking with Paul, it's a lot easier. Logically, I've never looked better, I'm hitting PRs pretty regularly, and mentally, I'm in a great place. The numbers don't define me, and if I focus on everything else, eventually everything will fall into place. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it! Obviously, I'm going to tighten up my diet a little bit...but that will really be in full effect after I get back from my trip home and wisdom tooth extraction aka ice-cream eating extravaganza. So there's that...

Today's WOD was actually pretty good for me. I was able to work out at my favorite time (9:30) since I don't have to work today.   The WOD was 200 Double Unders , 75 Toes 2 Bar , and 400m Run for time.I feel like I have improved significantly on DU and T2B. Probably because I am finally learning to relax; imagine that. I've also finally gotten the concept of pushing back on the bar which has really helped me out on my T2B, pull ups, K2E, etc.. After the WOD, I got some skill work in doing 3 HSPU EMOM for 15 minutes. I kind of tanked on HSPU in a workout last week, so I decided to give them some love today. I did really well to my surprise. I was only going to do 10 minutes, but since I was feeling great when the clock hit 10, I decided to extend it to 15. The only time I broke my clusters of 3 was when I got distracted and felt my focus drift elsewhere. I also widened my legs during the kip and felt like that added to my success. Who knows?! oh! and then I was just messing around and tried to pick up a bar that Zack was snatching, turns out I PRed my deadlift at 205#. woohoo!

I came back to do get some extra work in and per usual got sucked into what I can only call the workout black hole. I got there at about 5:30 and didn't crawl out of there until about 8.
WOD #2:
work up to 5rm close grip bench press (100#) THEN 5x90%
5x10 KB swing (1.5 pood)
5x5/side KB snatch (1 pood)
5x5 bent over row (1 pood KB/hand)
5x50m farmers carry (30#/hand)
5x5 push press (80#)
all the movements felt pretty good, but I definitely struggled with the farmers carry at the end. gotta work on that before the famously hot games!

pre-workout: black coffee and podium preworkout
post workout/meal 1: 2 apple-egg white muffins (loosely based on this recipe)
meal 2: 3 oz tilapia, 1 slice bacon, 1 cup spinach, all sauteed together with some chili-lime seasoning
meal 3: roasted kale and plantain chips with salsa verde
pre workout: cellucor pre workout
post workout/meal 4: smoothie w/blueberries, mango, vanilla protein, and coconut water
meal 4: TJ chicken sausage, 1 large egg, and homemade basil-balsamic sauce
meal 5: almond flour muffins + almond butter

meal 4 and meal 5 were honestly so close together, they could probably count as one meal...but I split them up for kicks. after my epic afternoon workout aka arm destruction, I was STARVING. gotta feed the beast!