Sunday, October 12, 2014


For time:
10 Rope Climbs to 15ft
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
100ft Handstand Walk
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
100ft Handstand Walk
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunges @ 95lb
10 Rope Climbs to 15ft
16:21. Lunges felt like crap

A. Squat snatch from high blocks 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
95, 105x5. Didn't feel like I was dropping fast enough..probably because of my knee
B. Hang squat clean from below the knee; 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 90 seconds
115, TnG
C. Back squat @4040; 2-4x5; rest 2 min
D. Front rack barbell reverse lunges; 16 continuous alt'ing steps x3; rest 2 min
85#. Knee felt wobbly
Row 500m @85%
rest 2 min
felt like shit today..didn't sleep or eat enough. mentally not there

A. Push press @21x2; 4-6x5; rest 2 min
6x105, 4x115...
B. Weighted chin up clusters 4.4.4x5; rest 45 seconds/rest 2:30
5 rounds for time
10 hspu
10 CTb chin ups
10 burpees
10 box jumps 24"

A. 3 position power snatch (bottom up); 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
95, 100...
B. Hang power clean; amrap sets of 2 unbroken in 5 min 135#
only 5 sets of 2. lots of singles :(
3 rounds for time:
50 wall balls
75 double unders
10:07. DU sucked on my knee. Went out too fast with 25 WB, then sets of 10s..5s..


A. Squat snatch tech work; 15 min
Worked with irving with some empty bar work, then 10 min EMOM SGDL, Hang Snatch Pull, Hang Snatch (55#). Really light weight, but good to work on fully extending, and then sitting at the bottom until I was 100% stable and ready to stand up
B. Back squat 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
5s@175 3s@195
C. Barbell russian step ups; 20 steps x4/leg; rest 1 min bw legs
did not do, knee couldn't handle it

A. Push jerk; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2 min
2s@125, 1s@145. 145 felt pretty good. Still having a tough time trusting my knee.
B. Muscle up; tech work
worked on my swing, trying to keep my legs together and straight. Got 3 in a row pretty consistently. inadvertently transitioning from false grip to not false grip..mostly because I keep tearing up my hand and wrist.
C. HSPU; amrap strict in 2 min x4; rest 2 min
18, 15, 16, 16. These made me feel like a badass. Started out too with 6 in a row which kind of tired me out. Sets of 3 might be better for me for long periods of time
D. 40 burpees for time

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