Saturday, November 9, 2013


A. BS @33X1; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
155#, 175#, 195#. Failed at 195# on the way up. I feel like I'm still lacking some plantar flexion in my right foot from the injury. It didn't really "feel" heavy, I just had trouble pushing off.
B. Emom – BS@20X1 x 1 - weight starts @60%, increase 5% per rep
 Failed at 185# on minute 11. I think I messed up the weight increments at one point, but what can ya do.
C. BB floor press; 7-9 x 3; rest 90 sec
9x65, 9x85, 7x105. Never done these before, so wasn't sure how much to lift. 105 was a big struggle.
10 min @ 90%:
30 DU’s
3 Tng PC (tough) 105#
5 chin ups
7 burpees
 5 rounds + 30 double unders. DU felt smooth, but one of the coaches told me I need to work on keeping my toes under my body instead of "dolphin kicking". PC felt tough, but I was able to do them unbroken. Chin ups felt good today. Did all pronated grip and bounced between kipping and butterflying. I need to engage the bar more. I also need to learn what that means. Burpees were burpees.
(rest walk 5 min)
for time @80%:
1k row
400m run
30 Cal AD
1k row
14:46. Felt like I hit a wall around the time I got to the AD. Was able to keep my row pretty smooth and consistent, albeit slow.
 (rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 80%:
50m OH carry (mod load)-75#, felt light
6 russian KB swings 2 pood
5 thruster (75#)
50m shuttle run 
4 rounds + OH carry + 6 KB. I was tapped out before I even started this AMRAP and also had zero motivation. The OH carry felt light, KB swings felt surprisingly ok , the thrusters sucked, and I pretty much just jogged the shuttle run. I was also incredibly slow in the transitions. Afterwards I felt like death. I think it was partially due to the amount of food I ate pre workout (aka none---2 dates and a smidge of almond butter)

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