Wednesday, March 5, 2014


A. Thruster; 1,1,1; rest 2-3 min (tough)
115, 130, 140--10# PR
B. Emom 6 min - MU x 3-5
3 singles EMOM. Wasn't able to string them together...annoying. However was able to get back on the rings very quickly
3 min amrap @open pace:
5 S2OH (75/115#)
10 box jump
15 chin up
2 rounds + 5 s2oh + 9 bj. Started this, got through two rounds, and then someone restarted the this was my second attempt. Lesson learned: DO NOT DO CHINUPS UNBROKEN. I butterflyed the first round UB (both times) but then had to break it up shortly after. Push jerked the weight, felt way more efficient.
rest 5 min

3 min amrap @open pace:
Row 500m
Amrap burpee box jump over in remaining time
10 bbj. Could have rowed faster.

rest as needed

1 set @100%:
AB 3 min for cals
17 cal

Found this on the OPT blog, and it's a good reminder for the overly emotional athlete (aka me)..
So if you find yourself having an emotional response to the leader board, incessantly looking at the app, or getting caught up in the constant chatter that goes with the Opens, get back to the basics in order to get into the zone.  If you find yourself having an emotional response to the results, ask yourself why?  Ask yourself what the drawbacks will be to you if you continue to have this emotional response and what the benefits are if you shift your focus back to your training?  These questions will begin to neutralize any emotions you have around your standings, and launch you back into the present moment so you can place your energy and focus on what really matters:  your performance.

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