Monday, July 22, 2013

"Running with Heavy Shit"

spent a LOT of time in the gym today. got some good work some not so good work done...but what can ya do.

Workout Numero Uno
*EROM-HSPU 3-2-1 AMRAP Ladder: 10 minutes--I got 2 full rounds (3-2-1 x 2) and then had to go to singles. Lots of falling on my head. Lots of pouting. Whatever, I'm over it
*10 Single EROM HSPU--got to 5 no problem. Then struggle city.
*Thrusters: Worked up to a heavy thruster (125#) Then 3x5 @ 85#--All of this was doable, but my body didn't feel great...very tired and sluggish. Think I have a bug
*WOD: A. 5-5-5-5 Front Squat; rest 1min B. 16 Front Rack Walking Lunges (Unbroken) x3; rest 1min C. 400m Run x3; rest 1min DID NOT DO THE RUN--worked up to 115 on the FS and did 65 for the lunges

Workout Numero Dos
*"Running with Heavy Shit"; 800 m run with 30# slam ball + 800m run with 45# plate; 1mile run with 30# sled ball
(insert whining and dying here)
*5x5 chest to ring pull ups, focusing on kip
*C2B 3-2-1 AMRAP Ladder; 7 rounds. Could have done better, could have done worse. I need to work on stringthing them together more
then messed around doing hand stand walks because they're fun and make me happy

Foodwise, I did great until I chowed down on some chocolate chips I had leftover from making trail mix. I'm not sorry either. It's good for the soul
Meal 1
Carrot Breakfast Protein Cake, 1 serving(s) 172 9g 11g 8g 3mg 111mg 6g 2g
Meal 2
Banana Coconut Muffins, 1 serving(s) 229 16g 17g 5g 107mg 39mg 4g 4g
Trail Mix, 1 serving(s) 189 21g 11g 4g 0mg 28mg 14g 3g
Meal 3
Greek Meatballs, 3 serving 168 2g 10g 16g 92mg 52mg 1g 0g
Carrots - Baby, raw, 1 serving 30 7g 0g 1g 0mg 66mg 4g 2g
Meal 4
Quest - Strawberry Cheesecake Protein Bar, 1 bar 160 25g 5g 20g 5mg 105mg 2g 17g
Meal 5
avocado cilantro chicken salad, 1 serving 160 7g 9g 14g 35mg 150mg 2g 4g
Apple, bacon, and rosemary pork meatballs, 2 serving 180 2g 15g 12g 48mg 112mg 1g 0g
Sweet potato - Cooked, baked in skin, without salt (Sweetpotato), 1 small 54 12g 0g 1g 0mg 22mg 5g 2g
Meal 6
Trader Joe's - Sunflower Seed Butter, 2 Tbsp (32g) 200 7g 16g 7g 0mg 120mg 3g 4g
Chocolate Chips, Nestle - Chocolate Chips, Semi-Sweet Toll House, 2 Tbsp (14g) 140 18g 8g 1g 0mg 0mg 16g 0g
TOTAL: 1,682 126g 102g 89g 290mg 805mg 58g 38g

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