Wednesday, July 10, 2013

just another breakdown...

I've been a little anxious all day today. It started last night when I got some (false) information that pistols were going to be included in the famously hot showdown aka the competition in August....I obviously freaked out since my pistols are pretty inconsistent, so I hopped out of bed and tried on my bedroom floor until I got a my PJs...yes I'm obsessed and slightly neurotic..acknowledgment is the first step.. anyhow, so then I went to bed, woke up, went to work, counted the hours until I could hightail it to my happy place aka Carolina Crossfit. After consulting with my main men Joey and Ben, I decided to do my strength work first aka heavy presses. I started off with finding my 5rm with the barbell (I got to 75#...) when bossman pauly paul paul told me I was supposed to be using dumbells. whoooops. so I did clusters of 4 until my shoulders decided they hated me...ran 800m with a sandbag...and then I did the WOD...and then I did some lat pull downs...and then I had a lovely little mental breakdown in the back room, but thankfully Joey snapped me out of it (ish), and with my new positive outlook I knocked out 10 EROM hspu. They were singles...but at least I got them done.

work up to 5rm strict press (85#)
12x4 strict DB press (30#)
5min AMRAP
5 Push-Up
10 Toes-2-Bar
20 Double Unders

2 min rest
5min AMRAP
10 Walking Lunges (Ea Leg)
10 Mountain Climbers (Ea Leg)
200 m run

2 min rest
5min AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Sit-Ups
5 Toes-to-Bar
3x10 lat pull downs (75#)
10 erom hspu (45# plate, singles)

today was another good food day. granted I pretty much ate some variation of chicken, eggs, or both all day, but whatevs; I'm satisified annnnd I kept my carbs under 100 grams. huzzah!

meal 1: 1 egg, bacon, spinach, 1/2 sweet potato
meal 2: quest bar
meal 3: trail mix
meal 4: crockpot bacon chicken + salsa, blueberries, carrots
preworkout: muscle tech preworkout
meal 5/post workout: chicken, egg whites, spinach, and some homemade basil sauce
meal 6: chocolate-protein-egg white mug thingy. delicious, protein packed, annnnd gave my my chocolate fix

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