I'm baaaack. Was really excited to get back in the gym since I had literally zero physical activity over the break minus the one workout I did in the hotel gym (pullups, DB snatches, and DB bench). oops. Minor wrench in my plan: cannot squat, row, lunge, etc...due to THIRTEEN freaking stitches in the side of my butt. Oh well, will just bide my time getting super upper body swoll until I can be crossfitty again. I did HAVE to do a few muscle ups just to make sure I didn't lose them...again...and it took me a few tries, but then I got back in the swing. As long as I focus on my grip, and make sure I actually pull with my arms, I'm golden.
A1. Weighted pullups x 2-3 @ 3131
A2. Weighted dips x 2-3 x5
20#. 3131 tempo was KILLER. dips were hard, but able to do 3.
ring dips
push ups HR
7:57. Last 5 dips on bar. The ring dips were brutal. I knocked out 10 unbroken easily. then 5. then two..blah blah struggle bus. Josh told me that I was doing them all strict which obviously burnt me out quicker than it needed to. Need to learn how to kip those. Push ups were fine, just annoying.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Got this workout in today since I won't be working out tomorrow...planning on trying to get some kind of something in while in Jamaica, but we'll see what I manage.
A. Emom 5 min - BS @20X1 x 3 (85%)
165#. Bailed on the third rep on round 3. Every other one was fine.
B. For 10 sets – every 2 min – Clean x 2 (build)
95, 105, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140** Made 140 once. Attempts were made for the rest of the time. Caught it every time, standing up was the problem. This seems to be a trend..Very frustrating, did not feel strong today.
C. Jerk cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
125, 135, 145. Failed the last jerk because I inadvertently power jerked. Not sure why that's my go-to jerk position.
4 sets –
row 500m
12 CTB chin ups
12 KB swing (2pd/1.5pd)
12 burpees
rest walk 3 min
4:50, 4:51, 4:57, 4:59. Hard to string together CTB today.
Overall, felt very fatigued today. Thursdays are usually my rest day, and I can tell my body needed that, especially after this weekend. I think some active recovery in sunny jamaica will do my body good. Really disappointed with my cleans today, hoping it's just fatigue. Had such WOD brain today that I locked my keys in my trunk leaving the gym. Thank GOD for Shaun, who immediately offered to taxi me around to get my spare. whooo
A. Emom 5 min - BS @20X1 x 3 (85%)
165#. Bailed on the third rep on round 3. Every other one was fine.
B. For 10 sets – every 2 min – Clean x 2 (build)
95, 105, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140** Made 140 once. Attempts were made for the rest of the time. Caught it every time, standing up was the problem. This seems to be a trend..Very frustrating, did not feel strong today.
C. Jerk cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
125, 135, 145. Failed the last jerk because I inadvertently power jerked. Not sure why that's my go-to jerk position.
4 sets –
row 500m
12 CTB chin ups
12 KB swing (2pd/1.5pd)
12 burpees
rest walk 3 min
4:50, 4:51, 4:57, 4:59. Hard to string together CTB today.
Overall, felt very fatigued today. Thursdays are usually my rest day, and I can tell my body needed that, especially after this weekend. I think some active recovery in sunny jamaica will do my body good. Really disappointed with my cleans today, hoping it's just fatigue. Had such WOD brain today that I locked my keys in my trunk leaving the gym. Thank GOD for Shaun, who immediately offered to taxi me around to get my spare. whooo
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
A. Front squat @20X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
125, 145, 155, 160. Failed at 165, not sure what went wrong.
B. 6 sets - Segmented snatch DL + HS + Snatch; rest 2-3 min (not Tng)
65, 75, 85, 95, 100, 100. These felt strong, probably should have tried 105..
C. Push press; 3,3,3,3; rest 30 sec
10 min amrap @80%:
5 Tng HPC (135/95#)
5 CTB chin up
run 200m
4 rds + 5HPC + 5CTB+50m
C2B went pretty good today. Able to string together 3 without having to drop or do the awkward double swing. HPC was fine, run was sucky because i hate running.
rest 3 min
10 min amrap @80%:
row 250m
8 DB lunges
6 kipping HSPU
4 rds+ 155m
Pretty good. Felt a little unstable on the lunges. Strong on the HSPU. Unbroken.
rest 3 min
10 min amrap @80%:
7 unbroken thrusters (95#/65#)
3 wall walks
35 DUs
4 rds + 7 thursters + 2 WW
65# got heavy quickly, but really focused on staying tall and pushing off my chest. Wall walks were tough as well. My arms are toast from muscleupalooza yesterday, so this got tough. Double unders were good. Unbroken.
125, 145, 155, 160. Failed at 165, not sure what went wrong.
B. 6 sets - Segmented snatch DL + HS + Snatch; rest 2-3 min (not Tng)
65, 75, 85, 95, 100, 100. These felt strong, probably should have tried 105..
C. Push press; 3,3,3,3; rest 30 sec
10 min amrap @80%:
5 Tng HPC (135/95#)
5 CTB chin up
run 200m
4 rds + 5HPC + 5CTB+50m
C2B went pretty good today. Able to string together 3 without having to drop or do the awkward double swing. HPC was fine, run was sucky because i hate running.
rest 3 min
10 min amrap @80%:
row 250m
8 DB lunges
6 kipping HSPU
4 rds+ 155m
Pretty good. Felt a little unstable on the lunges. Strong on the HSPU. Unbroken.
rest 3 min
10 min amrap @80%:
7 unbroken thrusters (95#/65#)
3 wall walks
35 DUs
4 rds + 7 thursters + 2 WW
65# got heavy quickly, but really focused on staying tall and pushing off my chest. Wall walks were tough as well. My arms are toast from muscleupalooza yesterday, so this got tough. Double unders were good. Unbroken.
A. Power clean – build to a heavy single
130. Uhhhh yeah, not good. Everything felt very heavy today power cleaning. My body kept wanting to squat. Weird.
B. Power clean – build to a heavy set of 5 Tng
120. Felt like I might have been able to eek out 5 more pounds.
C. DB paused BP @1212; 6-8 x 4; rest 2-3 min
30, 35, 40, 40. Tried the 50# dumbell and was able to press it once. We really need a 45, 40 was too easy
Row 500 @90%
Rest walk 3 min
x 10
- consistent pace throughout
1:56, 2:01, 2:06, 2:07, 2:07, 2:07, 2:10, 2:09, 2:09, 2:10. Consistent? I think not. Moral of the story, I went out too hard and need to learn how to pace myself
I then did a kajillion (20ish) muscle ups with some extra dips at the top..and then worked on falling out of them to string them together. Falling part? great. Getting the rhythm to bust out another one? needs work.
130. Uhhhh yeah, not good. Everything felt very heavy today power cleaning. My body kept wanting to squat. Weird.
B. Power clean – build to a heavy set of 5 Tng
120. Felt like I might have been able to eek out 5 more pounds.
C. DB paused BP @1212; 6-8 x 4; rest 2-3 min
30, 35, 40, 40. Tried the 50# dumbell and was able to press it once. We really need a 45, 40 was too easy
Row 500 @90%
Rest walk 3 min
x 10
- consistent pace throughout
1:56, 2:01, 2:06, 2:07, 2:07, 2:07, 2:10, 2:09, 2:09, 2:10. Consistent? I think not. Moral of the story, I went out too hard and need to learn how to pace myself
I then did a kajillion (20ish) muscle ups with some extra dips at the top..and then worked on falling out of them to string them together. Falling part? great. Getting the rhythm to bust out another one? needs work.
Monday, December 16, 2013
121413--Battle of Aiken
A little recap on my third competition, the Battle of Aiken, hosted by crossfit Aiken...Team Twerk n' Jerk (Brandi and I) took first place by winning every even except for the max clean and jerk! Unlike famously hot, I did not train specifically for any of these events, but practice them once or twice with Brandi before the competition. I did get pretty nervous two days leading up to the competition, but i managed to stay pretty mellow and calm..
Event #1
1 Rep Max: Clean and Jerk
Each team will have 8 minutes to establish a 1 rep max Clean and Jerk for each competitor. The heaviest successful lift for each member will be added together for the team's score.
Totaled 305#, and got second in this even by a 5 pound difference. I came into this even with a goal of meeting my max clean of 150, and then obviously jerking it. I failed to stand it up two or three times, but with like a minute left, I was able to get it. While warming up, and during the actual event, I push jerked everything. Not sure why, it was just what my body wanted to do, so I went with it. Lesson from this even: work on getting out of the hole. I predict some 1 1/4 squats in my future..
Event #2
10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.
We joked about this even from the very beginning as the one we would lose. We practiced it once and it was terrible. Brandi used to run track however I was a swimmer which is anti-running. BUT we took first in this event too. It was pretty brutual, not going to lie, but we did it. It was definitely easier to push myself running next to other people. I started out pretty strong, but Brandi definitely picked it up. I was able to maintain and then in the last sprint, Brandi passed one girl to take the win! yay! We finished a full minute fasted than we did when we practiced. I think it was 6:59? After this even, my hamstrings just stopped working, I layed on the ground for a little bit before I would move again. I felt muscles scream and be that I did not even know were involved with running.
Event #3
As many reps as possible in 8 minutes
RX: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the competitors hands on 25# bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during the workout.
After a lot of thought, we decided to switch after 1 set max reps HSPU. Towards the end, as the max reps got less, we did two sets, but I think this strategy worked really well. It kept us from burning out on both the rower and the hspu. Finished first in this one with over 100 HSPU and 1 hundred something cals on the rower. I think we both got no repped a couple times on the HSPU, not sure why. I also failed one or two towards the end, but overall felt very strong.
Event #4
For time (15 minute time cap):
When the workout begins, Teammate A will have one minute to perform a buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. He or she will then do as many thrusters as possible with the remainder of the minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch", and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50 thrusters total. Each team will have one barbell and one kettlebell to share. If your team finishes the 50 thrusters in UNDER 8 minutes, you have until the 8 minute mark to do as many snatches as possible. Once 8 minutes have elapsed, the workout is over and your score is your snatch total. If you finish the 50 thrusters in OVER 8 minutes, your score is your time. If you do not finish in the 15 minute time cap, your score is your thruster total.
Women's RX- 44 lb kettlebell, 95 lb thrusters
Brutal, but did not feel as bad as it did when we practiced it. I did all the double unders unbroken, and Brandi did too until her rope broke and had to use mine. I am significantly shorter than her, so it was a little bit of a problem, but we managed to get through it AND bang out two snatches for the win. The thrusters were pretty heavy and got tiring, but I saw some people actually squatting and jerking the weight in prior heats so I asked if that counted, and it did, so that saved me towards the end, so I could drop under it a bit. We were the only women's rx team that got any snatches, so another win for twerk n' jerk!
Twerk n Jerk for the win! Looking forward to many more competitions alongside my awesome partner!
Went a little crazy with the food and drink for the 24 hours following the competition, will work out this week, take it a little easier while in Jamaica (and enjoy the vacation!), and then be back at it, busting my ass in the new year. Cannot wait to see what the new year brings!
Event #1
1 Rep Max: Clean and Jerk
Each team will have 8 minutes to establish a 1 rep max Clean and Jerk for each competitor. The heaviest successful lift for each member will be added together for the team's score.
Totaled 305#, and got second in this even by a 5 pound difference. I came into this even with a goal of meeting my max clean of 150, and then obviously jerking it. I failed to stand it up two or three times, but with like a minute left, I was able to get it. While warming up, and during the actual event, I push jerked everything. Not sure why, it was just what my body wanted to do, so I went with it. Lesson from this even: work on getting out of the hole. I predict some 1 1/4 squats in my future..
Event #2
10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.
We joked about this even from the very beginning as the one we would lose. We practiced it once and it was terrible. Brandi used to run track however I was a swimmer which is anti-running. BUT we took first in this event too. It was pretty brutual, not going to lie, but we did it. It was definitely easier to push myself running next to other people. I started out pretty strong, but Brandi definitely picked it up. I was able to maintain and then in the last sprint, Brandi passed one girl to take the win! yay! We finished a full minute fasted than we did when we practiced. I think it was 6:59? After this even, my hamstrings just stopped working, I layed on the ground for a little bit before I would move again. I felt muscles scream and be that I did not even know were involved with running.
Event #3
As many reps as possible in 8 minutes
RX: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the competitors hands on 25# bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during the workout.
After a lot of thought, we decided to switch after 1 set max reps HSPU. Towards the end, as the max reps got less, we did two sets, but I think this strategy worked really well. It kept us from burning out on both the rower and the hspu. Finished first in this one with over 100 HSPU and 1 hundred something cals on the rower. I think we both got no repped a couple times on the HSPU, not sure why. I also failed one or two towards the end, but overall felt very strong.
Event #4
For time (15 minute time cap):
When the workout begins, Teammate A will have one minute to perform a buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. He or she will then do as many thrusters as possible with the remainder of the minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch", and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50 thrusters total. Each team will have one barbell and one kettlebell to share. If your team finishes the 50 thrusters in UNDER 8 minutes, you have until the 8 minute mark to do as many snatches as possible. Once 8 minutes have elapsed, the workout is over and your score is your snatch total. If you finish the 50 thrusters in OVER 8 minutes, your score is your time. If you do not finish in the 15 minute time cap, your score is your thruster total.
Women's RX- 44 lb kettlebell, 95 lb thrusters
Brutal, but did not feel as bad as it did when we practiced it. I did all the double unders unbroken, and Brandi did too until her rope broke and had to use mine. I am significantly shorter than her, so it was a little bit of a problem, but we managed to get through it AND bang out two snatches for the win. The thrusters were pretty heavy and got tiring, but I saw some people actually squatting and jerking the weight in prior heats so I asked if that counted, and it did, so that saved me towards the end, so I could drop under it a bit. We were the only women's rx team that got any snatches, so another win for twerk n' jerk!
Twerk n Jerk for the win! Looking forward to many more competitions alongside my awesome partner!
Went a little crazy with the food and drink for the 24 hours following the competition, will work out this week, take it a little easier while in Jamaica (and enjoy the vacation!), and then be back at it, busting my ass in the new year. Cannot wait to see what the new year brings!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Build up to a heavy complex: PC, squat clean, jerk. Got up to 140...which felt heavy
50 UB DU
15 PC 115#
40 cal row
15 PC 95#
30 cal row
15 PC 75#
20 cal row
50 UB DU
15 PC 115#
40 cal row
15 PC 95#
30 cal row
15 PC 75#
20 cal row
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
1RM Front Squat:
175. Failed at 180 twice
1RM Power Snatch
110. Could not go heavier without a full squat
100 C2B + 50 HSPU
ALSO. Since the end of August, I've gained 6 pounds of muscle and lost 6 pounds of fat. boo.ya.
175. Failed at 180 twice
1RM Power Snatch
110. Could not go heavier without a full squat
100 C2B + 50 HSPU
ALSO. Since the end of August, I've gained 6 pounds of muscle and lost 6 pounds of fat. boo.ya.
Monday, December 9, 2013
I died today. I almost puked no less than 4 times, and at one point, I wasn't sure if I was going to poop in my pants, projectile vomit, or both.
3 sets max effort (ea round for time)
250m Row
15 KBS 2/1.5
25 Burpees
15 KBS 2/1.5
250m Row
*rest EXACTLY 12min b/t sets
Round 1: 4:54
Round 2: 5:05
Round 3: 5:21
Not much to say other than balls to the wall. Very happy with my first 250m row. Stayed close to 1:40/1:45 the whole time. Last row was under 2:30....so there's that.
3 sets max effort (ea round for time)
250m Row
15 KBS 2/1.5
25 Burpees
15 KBS 2/1.5
250m Row
*rest EXACTLY 12min b/t sets
Round 1: 4:54
Round 2: 5:05
Round 3: 5:21
Not much to say other than balls to the wall. Very happy with my first 250m row. Stayed close to 1:40/1:45 the whole time. Last row was under 2:30....so there's that.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (2nd wave more difficult)
145, 160, 175. 155, 170, 185*. Bottomed out at 185.
B. 8 sets – every 90 sec – C&J x 1 (build)
105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, Failed 145 twice.
C1. Pendlay row; 7-9 x 3; rest 45 sec
C2. DB paused BP @22X1; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min
40# DB
4 sets - constantly varied, choose different order/set:
[15 S2OH (65#), 20 walking lunges, 10 CTB chin ups, 12 HSPU, 300m row]
rest 4 min b/t sets
didn't really keep an eye on the clock. RPE was the same..c2b weren't strong today. HSPU and row felt pretty good.
Friday, December 6, 2013
For time @90%:
Run 400m
30 alternating DB snatch (50#)
100 DUs
30 TTB
Run 400m
14:21. The DB snatches were supposed to be 45#, but we don't have 45# dumbells...SO 50# it was. Definitely tough, but doable without any missed. Double unders were ok...did 30-20-30-15-5. TTB started off iffy, but I strung them together at the end. The last 400 sucked.
Row 30 sec @90%
Rest walk 30 sec
Got some pointers from Paul before this part of my workout, he helped me with my technique for a little bit, and then told me to stay between 1:50 and 1:55, and when I missed that, get off the rower and walk for 5 minutes and get back at it. Got 14, rest, 5, rest, 5 rest. then death. Bright side, never rowed that fast consistently like ever. dark side: deathThen I played around with some hip touches on the rings...then I got 5 muscle ups. I'm baaack
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Press - build to a 1Rm
Jerk - build to a 1RM
Wtd Chin up - build to a 1RM
24 kgs aka 53#
two PRs today--jerk (by 25#) and chin up (by about 9 pounds)
Jerk - build to a 1RM
Wtd Chin up - build to a 1RM
24 kgs aka 53#
two PRs today--jerk (by 25#) and chin up (by about 9 pounds)
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Day 2 of testing
For Time:
1000m Row
15 Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters 75/50
15 Burpees
44:38. This sucked. Let's break it down..row-actually stayed pretty smooth. Tried not to get over 2:30. Actually got faster as I got further in to the workout...still need to work out some kinks in my mechanics. I just don't feel efficient. pull ups-started by butterflying in sets of 5. That worked for a while, then it didn't. Kipped a few, definitely stronger butteflying. thrusters-first two rounds unbroken. Should have pushed through and done all of them UB. burpees-these were fine. just kept a steady pace.
1000m Row
15 Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters 75/50
15 Burpees
44:38. This sucked. Let's break it down..row-actually stayed pretty smooth. Tried not to get over 2:30. Actually got faster as I got further in to the workout...still need to work out some kinks in my mechanics. I just don't feel efficient. pull ups-started by butterflying in sets of 5. That worked for a while, then it didn't. Kipped a few, definitely stronger butteflying. thrusters-first two rounds unbroken. Should have pushed through and done all of them UB. burpees-these were fine. just kept a steady pace.
Monday, December 2, 2013
A lot of ups and downs today. Walked in the gym today semi-excited to do my workout and get back on the horse with muscle up work. I did some hip touches, and really focused on pulling with my arms and towards the end got that weightless feeling again. I made like one attempt, and missed, but I had the rings in the right place for the first time since I initially got a few muscle ups. THEN Paul intercepted me and told me I was doing testing...so I did that. Pros: FINALLY cleaned 150#. Haven't gotten that since probably the last time we tested. Cons: royally blew the 8 min amrap. Like got wayyyy under what I got last time. Not going to lie, that really upset me, so I gave myself 2 (ok like 5) minutes to be upset, and then got over it. This is a huge increase in mental toughness for me. In the past, it would have taken me like two days to get over. Yay growth. I'm pretty ok with it now. I'm disappointed, yes, but this is where I am now. There's no point getting hung up on what I used to be able to do...or not do...I don't know. It's whatever. Both Joey and Paul did say that the she programming was not meant to prepare me for this test, so not to be toooo upset. I feel like I've gotten better at certain things and let other things fall by the wayside, but such is the programming. I'm excited to see where I am once I start training to my strengths/weaknesses.
So that workout...
Build to a 1RM Squat Clean in 8min
150#. yay. This felt pretty good. Got stuck in the hole on my first attempt, but caught it fairly easy. Standing it up sucked.
Rest EXACTLY 2min
8min Squat Clean AMRAP @ 90% of 1RM
And everything went down hill. I got 10 lifts, 6 misses. I caught all of my misses, just couldn't get them up. shiiiiit. I think I didn't have enough tension in my legs to bounce out of the bottom, not really sure though. These felt overall shitty. Joe said I needed to stay over the bar more, so will keep that in mind
Modified SHE:
C. 15 min:
Min 1 – Clean (85#) x 10 (unbroken)
Min 2 – 35 DUs
Min 3 – 2 MUp
So that workout...
Build to a 1RM Squat Clean in 8min
150#. yay. This felt pretty good. Got stuck in the hole on my first attempt, but caught it fairly easy. Standing it up sucked.
Rest EXACTLY 2min
8min Squat Clean AMRAP @ 90% of 1RM
And everything went down hill. I got 10 lifts, 6 misses. I caught all of my misses, just couldn't get them up. shiiiiit. I think I didn't have enough tension in my legs to bounce out of the bottom, not really sure though. These felt overall shitty. Joe said I needed to stay over the bar more, so will keep that in mind
Modified SHE:
A. FS @20X1; 4,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
125, 135, 145, 155
B. Emom 5 min – FS x 3 (85%)
for time @90%:
500m row
30 burpees
10 KB swing (1.5pd)
20 burpees
20 KB swing
10 burpees
30 KB swing
12:27. I did not want to do this at all. Baaaad attiitudex10
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Was able to get some skill work in today. In retrospect, probably should have just made up a SHE workout, but instead I channeled Rich Froning and just did whatever felt right...Sidenote: still super sore from that pull up/thruster/pushup workout..
Front Squats: 5-3-2-1-1
55kg, 59kg, 65 kg, 68kg, 70kg. These felt good. Trying to get in a habit of working on my front squat because that is the weakest part of my oly lifts..
Deadlift, High Pull, Powerclean, Jerk complex.
Can't remember the weights on these. Built up.
10 minutes EMOM C&J @ 60kg
Can definitely PC this weight, but made a point to do a full squat clean. Fell on my ass 3 times before I got comfortable in the squat and was able to make it. That was irritating. My jerks didn't feel as strong as they could have been. Missed once towards the end. Really tried to focus on getting a good dip and using my body to drive the weight up. Subconsciously switched to a push jerk during the last few rounds. Not sure why. Felt ok though.
10 minutes EMOM 3-2-1 EROM HSPU (35#plate)
This was hell. Not sure why I thought this was a good idea. I kept that rep sequence pretty spot on the first 5ish rounds, but then I would fail on the 3s. I stopped each round once I failed. round 6-10 I threw an abmat under my head because I was tired of all my body weight crashing down on my neck. the struggle.
5 strict muscle up transitions from knees on rings
Felt good. tried a strict one on the rings. hahahaha the end.
Front Squats: 5-3-2-1-1
55kg, 59kg, 65 kg, 68kg, 70kg. These felt good. Trying to get in a habit of working on my front squat because that is the weakest part of my oly lifts..
Deadlift, High Pull, Powerclean, Jerk complex.
Can't remember the weights on these. Built up.
10 minutes EMOM C&J @ 60kg
Can definitely PC this weight, but made a point to do a full squat clean. Fell on my ass 3 times before I got comfortable in the squat and was able to make it. That was irritating. My jerks didn't feel as strong as they could have been. Missed once towards the end. Really tried to focus on getting a good dip and using my body to drive the weight up. Subconsciously switched to a push jerk during the last few rounds. Not sure why. Felt ok though.
10 minutes EMOM 3-2-1 EROM HSPU (35#plate)
This was hell. Not sure why I thought this was a good idea. I kept that rep sequence pretty spot on the first 5ish rounds, but then I would fail on the 3s. I stopped each round once I failed. round 6-10 I threw an abmat under my head because I was tired of all my body weight crashing down on my neck. the struggle.
5 strict muscle up transitions from knees on rings
Felt good. tried a strict one on the rings. hahahaha the end.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Worked out at Chickasaw again..
Row 1000m
Thrusters (65)
Row 1000m
24:37. Started out pretty strong on the row but my pace dropped alittle bit lot. My initial plan of unbroken thrusters lasted for the first ten....and then the last 5 rounds. 65 got heavy fast, although in my defense, that was 55 thrusters. Pull ups felt good today. Butterflied in sets of 5. HRPU suck all the time. I think I started off a little too fast because when I got to 8 or 7 I started feeling pukie, so I added some more rest and continued. My last 1000 was at a 2:30/500m pace, which was pretty tiring at the end of the workout, but I'm happy to finally keep a semi-consistent pace.
Row 1000m
Thrusters (65)
Row 1000m
24:37. Started out pretty strong on the row but my pace dropped a
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Dropped in at CrossFit Chickasaw today and did their programmed WOD. It was actually kind of liberating working out a gym where nobody knows me and there were zero expectations. Will probably write more on that later..
Deadlift 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
1 round at 185, 3 at 195, the rest at 205. I definitely could have gone higher, but it was supposed to be between 85-92% of our 1RM, so I think that was a weight. The coach asked me how 195 pounds felt, and I said ok..heavyish. He told me it didn't look heavy, so I threw some 5s on there.
12 min AMRAP
15 box jumps (24/20)
10 toe to bar
5 power cleans (145/105)
5 rounds + 11 box jumps. Did the first round TnG for the cleans, decided that was a huge waste of energy, and just dropped it from the top. Box jumps were cake. Jumped up, stepped down. T2B were actually really good. I got stuck with a high bar, so I had to work on my white girl ups to latch on, but after the first round, I really got into a good rhythm and did a good job of pushing back on the bar and stringing them together. Minimal awkward double swings. Had to drop off the bar once on the last two rounds. Overall, very happy with my performance. Fun working out with a group for a change.
Deadlift 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
1 round at 185, 3 at 195, the rest at 205. I definitely could have gone higher, but it was supposed to be between 85-92% of our 1RM, so I think that was a weight. The coach asked me how 195 pounds felt, and I said ok..heavyish. He told me it didn't look heavy, so I threw some 5s on there.
12 min AMRAP
15 box jumps (24/20)
10 toe to bar
5 power cleans (145/105)
5 rounds + 11 box jumps. Did the first round TnG for the cleans, decided that was a huge waste of energy, and just dropped it from the top. Box jumps were cake. Jumped up, stepped down. T2B were actually really good. I got stuck with a high bar, so I had to work on my white girl ups to latch on, but after the first round, I really got into a good rhythm and did a good job of pushing back on the bar and stringing them together. Minimal awkward double swings. Had to drop off the bar once on the last two rounds. Overall, very happy with my performance. Fun working out with a group for a change.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Had to work out early this morning because I don't want any chance of missing my flight home later. Not going to lie, I don't think the 5am class appreciated me rubbing icy hot on my butt in the middle of the gym. Haters.
1k row
30 chin ups (sets of 5)
30 PP (95#)
50 kbs (1.5 pood)
30 C2B (sets of 3)
1k row
34:22. My rows were relatively slow, but consistent. I was able to do both C2B and chin ups in the prescribed sets, and realized that much like my muscle ups, I forget to use my arms to pull. It's a lot easier when you pull..shocker. Anyhow, butterflied my chin ups and hardcore kipped my C2B all pronated grip. I didn't even do the awkward double swing thing until near the end. My original plan of doing sets of 10 for the push press went out the window when I realized how heavy 95# felt. Lesson: really use my legs to push and be smoother. Some of my reps felt more like dip+strict press. The struggle. More or less snatched the kettlebells which felt pretty efficient.
Felt extra motivated this Monday..
a. FS31X1 3,3,3 (3 min)
145. Really focused on foot and knee position
b. Build to heavy complex: hang clean, clean, front squat
Got up to 140. Felt heavy, but I definitely had more in the tank.
c.EMOM 14 min-odd: TnG PC&Jx5 (85#)even:6 burpee box jump overs
TNG was tough towards the end. Got a little spastic and hard core early arm bended. Yep, now it's a verb.
10 barbell lunges
50 double unders
8 barbell lunges
40 double unders
6 barbell lunges
30 double unders
4 barbell lunges
20 double unders
2 barbell lunges
10 double unders
Just realized this was supposed to be per leg. I didn't do that. Whoops. 95# on the lunges was heavy..double unders were solid
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Didn't do the SHE workout today, did a dry run of the Aiken WODs with my partner Brandi (minus the max c&j). I did warm up with some heavy-ish front squats, really focusing on keeping my knees out and my feet close.
The Workouts:
1) 8 Minutes to find max clean and jerk. The team member's heaviest completed lift will be added for score
Didn't do today
2) As many reps as possible in 8 minutes: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the competitors hands on 3.5" bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during the workout.
Underestimated this bad boy. HSPU on 45# plates with an abmat..there was a considerable deficit which made it a little harder. Started out a little too excited on the HSPU and knocked out 10 off the bat. then 5, then 5, then 2, then 1..1..1. whoops. Moral of the story: 4 minutes is a long time to do HSPU..or row for that matter. The rowing sucked. Tried to focus on a big push, long pull, blah blah blah. Score: 177
3)10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners: 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.
bahahaha hate running. fack. 8:20:03. Goal was not go balls out at the beginning and die at the end. Pretty sure I still died at the end.
4) For time (15 minute time cap): First teammate has one minute to perform a buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings (1.5 pood), and then do as many thrusters (95#) as possible with the remainder of the minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch", and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50 thrusters total. Once you have completed all 50 thrusters: If you finish in under 8 minutes, you will use the time remaining to do as many snatches as possible with the same barbell and weight as your thrusters. You DO NOT have to continue the alternating minute structure for the snatches, so both competitors can contribute to the rep total in whatever method they choose. Your score will be your snatch total. If you do not finish the thrusters in 8 minutes, your score will be your time.
Not going to lie. was dreading this one. 95# is pretty heavy for a thruster. Tried to stay smooth on the DU and KBs. Tripped up on the DU twice. Thrusters were heavy, but not as terrible as expected. Brandi beasted through the thrusters...I did ok. Finished the thrusters a little under 8 minutes and then knocked out 35 snatches. alternated snatching and all of them looked pretty smooth. all power, no misses.
Overall, I anticipate us doing well. It really depends who else shows up and who's "on" that day. I think we'll perform even better when we're actually in the competition. We'll also probably have more rest than we gave ourselves too. Also, very confused how scoring works. Guessing they'll assign us places and then lowest score wins, but then on the individual events sometimes it's good to have a high score...sometimes it's good to have a bad score. I'm definitely over thinking this.
The Workouts:
1) 8 Minutes to find max clean and jerk. The team member's heaviest completed lift will be added for score
Didn't do today
2) As many reps as possible in 8 minutes: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the competitors hands on 3.5" bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during the workout.
Underestimated this bad boy. HSPU on 45# plates with an abmat..there was a considerable deficit which made it a little harder. Started out a little too excited on the HSPU and knocked out 10 off the bat. then 5, then 5, then 2, then 1..1..1. whoops. Moral of the story: 4 minutes is a long time to do HSPU..or row for that matter. The rowing sucked. Tried to focus on a big push, long pull, blah blah blah. Score: 177
3)10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners: 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.
bahahaha hate running. fack. 8:20:03. Goal was not go balls out at the beginning and die at the end. Pretty sure I still died at the end.
4) For time (15 minute time cap): First teammate has one minute to perform a buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings (1.5 pood), and then do as many thrusters (95#) as possible with the remainder of the minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch", and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50 thrusters total. Once you have completed all 50 thrusters: If you finish in under 8 minutes, you will use the time remaining to do as many snatches as possible with the same barbell and weight as your thrusters. You DO NOT have to continue the alternating minute structure for the snatches, so both competitors can contribute to the rep total in whatever method they choose. Your score will be your snatch total. If you do not finish the thrusters in 8 minutes, your score will be your time.
Not going to lie. was dreading this one. 95# is pretty heavy for a thruster. Tried to stay smooth on the DU and KBs. Tripped up on the DU twice. Thrusters were heavy, but not as terrible as expected. Brandi beasted through the thrusters...I did ok. Finished the thrusters a little under 8 minutes and then knocked out 35 snatches. alternated snatching and all of them looked pretty smooth. all power, no misses.
Overall, I anticipate us doing well. It really depends who else shows up and who's "on" that day. I think we'll perform even better when we're actually in the competition. We'll also probably have more rest than we gave ourselves too. Also, very confused how scoring works. Guessing they'll assign us places and then lowest score wins, but then on the individual events sometimes it's good to have a high score...sometimes it's good to have a bad score. I'm definitely over thinking this.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Today was a rowing day. Happy Friday!
Row 1200m @HARD effort
5:09:1 2:15/500 avg pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @easy effort
5:48:1 2:27/500 avg pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @HARD effort
5:23:2 2:16/500 pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @easy effort
6:02 2:30/500 pace
Wellllll this was anything but consistent like it was supposed to be, but I learned a few things, so not a total loss
-when I get tired, I flare my knees out (think frog)which causes my hips to hurt and glutes to tighten. Now that I know the cause, I can prevent future butt knots, which result in painful massages and child abuse bruises
-I cannot pace for shit. For the hard effort rows, I stayed at 1:46/48 for the first 2:50m....petered off to 1:15....fluctuated up higher for a while...came back down. Obviously I need to work on this
-there is not a huge difference between my hard effort and easy effort. I meant there is.....but it's not huge. For the hard effort, my thoughts were "wow this is hard", for the easy effort, I just kept it smooth. The second easy effort 1200, I actually held a conversation
-As soon as I zone out and stop focusing on my breathing and the various parts of the row, I slow down a fuck ton. I think that's the reason for the fluctuation of pace during my hard rows. I definitely let my mind wander to other things today, so I need to fight hard to keep focus
speaking of focus, I had an epiphany this week about where I see my career path/life going. I was thinking a lot about that during the row. More on that later.
spent some time shadowing the coaches at CCF after my workout, and before I knew it, it was 6:30 and I had like no food all day (lie, I had some, but not enough). I transformed into a food monster beast and ate all the food in my fridge. I realllllly need to get better on eating. shit.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Bruised and beat up from my massage yesterday...and still super sore so I modified my workout a little bit today. Honestly I almost skipped the 3RFT all together, but then I came to my senses (aka Joey talked some sense into me) and I just modified it. Kind of disappointed in myself that I even thought to skip part of my workout, but in the end I did it and that's all that matters. Definitely not my best training day. Zero coffee, work ran over, not enough food. I was pretty irresponsible going into it, now that I think about it/
A. FS @31X1; 5,5,5; rest 2 min
125, 135, 145. reallllly felt these today
B. 5 sets – muscle snatch + heaving snatch balance + snatch balance; rest 2-3 min
65, 70, 75, 80, 85. These felt great until the very last snatch balance, which I justbarely got under.
C. Emom 12 min –
Odd - Power snatch + hang snatch + snatch - 1.1.1 (inc load per set)
messed this one up and started too high, so i wasn't able to keep increasing. 80, 85, 90, 90, 90, 90
Even - Segmented snatch DL @5131 x 3
145 pounds. OUCH
3 rounds for time:
20 wall balls unbroken (16#)
10 single arm DB row 25#
20 step ups
10 single arm DB row
-9:35. Was supposed to do weighted step ups, but my lower body was NOT having that. And only the first round of wall balls was unbroken. whatever, I did what I could.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
My right hip/glute/ham combo is so sore today. Really looking forward to my massage.
For time:
Run 800m
100m sled drag (tough) 45# added to the sled, outside on rough asphalt
25 CTB chin ups 10-5-5-5
100m burpee broad jump
25 CTB chin ups sets of 5
100m reverse sled drag (tough)
Row 1k
Really pleased with my C2B today. My kipping rhythm has gotten a lot better, and I Was able to string a lot together without my awkward double swing. The run felt ok, the broad jumps were brutal, and the sleds were tough. I believe my row was somewhere around 4:48?
I think I've gotten a lot better in terms of mental toughness. I definitely don't beat myself up as much as I used to, and can't remember the last time I had a breakdown which is HUGE for me. CCF shared this on their facebook page, and it really resonated with me.
For time:
Run 800m
100m sled drag (tough) 45# added to the sled, outside on rough asphalt
25 CTB chin ups 10-5-5-5
100m burpee broad jump
25 CTB chin ups sets of 5
100m reverse sled drag (tough)
Row 1k
Really pleased with my C2B today. My kipping rhythm has gotten a lot better, and I Was able to string a lot together without my awkward double swing. The run felt ok, the broad jumps were brutal, and the sleds were tough. I believe my row was somewhere around 4:48?
I think I've gotten a lot better in terms of mental toughness. I definitely don't beat myself up as much as I used to, and can't remember the last time I had a breakdown which is HUGE for me. CCF shared this on their facebook page, and it really resonated with me.
Monday, November 18, 2013
A. FS @20X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min
125, 145, 155, 155. 155 felt pretty heavy for me today. felt it especially in my right hip which is a little wonky.
B. 6 sets – every 2 min – clean x 2
48 kg, 51 kg, 59 kg, 62 kg, 65 kg*, 65 kg*. Failed the 2nd 65 each time. This was really irritating to me because I pulled it waaaay high enough, and am capable of squatting that weight, but I was unable to stand it up today.
pounds: 105, 112, 136, 143, 143
C. Emom 12 min:
Min 1 – 6 tng C&J (85#)
Min 2 – 30 DUs
Min 3 – Row 8 cal
This felt really good. Had about 30 minutes of rest each time. c&j were really light for me, and was able to do the DU unbroken
for time:
50 Cal AD
50 BB lunges (95#) 25-10-5-5-5 back rack
50 TTB 10-10-10-5-5-4-3-3
10:14. TTB went better than expected, still need to work on pushing away from the bar.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Writing this post with an ice pack jammed down my pants. Woke up this morning feeling a little tight in the hips, but figured it was from all the rowing yesterday and that it would loosen up...FALSE
10 min @ 90%:
Row 10 cal
3 Tng C&J
4 CTB chin ups
A. BS cluster; 3.3.3 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
155, 175, 185* Failed on the last 185. Am I blaming it on my hip? maybe...
B. Russian step up; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min (rest 30 sec b/t legs)
8x30#/hand. This lit my right hip up.
C. Emom 8 min – Press + Push Press x 3 (start at 50%, increase per min)
55, 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100. 15 POUND PR!!! I feel like I had a little more in the tank and could have probably hit 105/110. Push press was cake. Really happy about this
3 rounds for time @80%:
400m run
5 thruster (75#)
5 burpees
30 DU’s
a little under 10 minutes--by the time I got to my phone, it was 10. . prob 9:55/9:56. I got caught at the bottom of the squat once or twice...but other than that, felt smooth
(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 85%:
250m row
25m FC 1.5 pood
5 box jumps (step down, 20”)
10 cal AD
2 rounds+row, FC, BJ, 2 cal AD. Took this one pretty slow because my hip was feeling wonky. The row was smooth, FC was ok. Box jumps hurt, and AD was ok.
(rest walk 5 min)
At this point, I couldn't really bend over to pick up the bar without pain, so I decided to cut my losses and crawl over to our PT who stuck incredibly large needles in my butt and hip flexor. Not sure if it helped--will know after the initial ache goes away
Friday, November 15, 2013
Oh rowing, how I love thee. Sike, hate that shiz. However it's something I really need to work on, so I was happy to put in the work.
Row 1k @80% Aer
Rest walk 2 min
Row 500m @90%
Rest walk 2 min
Row 250m @80% Aer
Rest walk 2 min
x 3
1) 4:13/2:00/56.6
2) 4:22/2:05/57.1
3) 4:32/2:03/1:01
I started out fairly fast and then tanked a little bit on the 1k..I also kept letting my mind wander to other things and would loose focus on breathing and keeping a smooth pace. For some reason rowing really tears my quads up, and today was not exception. After the last round my hips felt ridiculously tight, so I spent so much needed time with my LAX ball..
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A. 5 sets – Muscle snatch; 3,3,3,3; rest 2 min
35 kg ( ~77 lbs) These felt really good. I may have caught a few with a slight knee bend, but over all they were pretty legit. Felt very explosive in my hips (hee hee)
B. Drop snatch; 3,3,3; rest 90 sec
35 kg, 40 kg, 43 kg (~77, 88, 95) VERY happy with these. Probably could have gone heavier.
C. Emom 12 min
Odd – Segmented Snatch DL @5131 (pause 1” off floor, knee, mid thigh) x 2
70 kg (155ish #)
Even – Hang power snatch x 2 + Hang sntach x 1
38 kg (~84 lbs) Felt pretty smooth. until I got tired.
3 sets:
12 front rack step ups (85-95#) 37 kg
Amrap CGBP (70%) 35 kg
12 front rack reverse lunge 38 kg
Max effort FLR on rings (feet elevated)
Rest walk 2 min
CGBP: 11/8/10
FLR: 60s/ 52s/43s
Came back later and played around with my C&J...got up to 67 kg which I think was a PR? then squatted for a bit..and then fell on my ass...
Came back later and played around with my C&J...got up to 67 kg which I think was a PR? then squatted for a bit..and then fell on my ass...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Reeeeeealllllllyyyy feeling my lifting session from yesterday. My glutes, quads, and hammies are super tight, and my ankle is a little sore and achy. womp. Subbed the bike for running since my ankle felt like crap. I figured I'd probably run a 10 minute mile, so 5 minutes of steady AD would be an adequate substitute. At the point I care less about my time than the amount of training I get.
Run 800m 5 min/1.5 mile AD
1k row
100m FC 60# DB/hand
20 OHS 80#
30 DB bent rows 40# DB/hand
100m FC
Row 1k
26:58. Rows were good, my second 1k was a lot better than the first. It was a lot smoother and I got rid of the the longish pause that I have been doing...not quite sure where that came from. The FC were tough mostly because DB are bulky. I think I may have been able to use a heavier KB, but I think this helped my grip more? Who knows. I set the weight down every 25 m, but I think that was more mental slash easier for transitions. Might have gone a little heavy on the OHS. I did sets of 5 which were ok, felt a little unstable on a few reps. The rows were good. Broke em up into sets of 6.
![]() |
My latest arts and crafts project. I am a child. |
Monday, November 11, 2013
Woke up super excited for my oly lesson with Joe today. We ended up spending about two hours working on my clean and jerk, and while I didn't PR (wahhhh), I really feel like I cleaned up my technique a loooooot.
We started out with a lot of work with the empty bar, focusing on bar and body position, and then added weight. Stayed there for a little while working on form. Focused on footwork for split jerks...and then did a deadlift, high pull, powerclean, split jerk complex. Slowly subtracted components until it was just C&J, and then when it got too heavy, just worked on cleans. For jerks, I really really really need to dip lower and be more aggressive. Definitely will try to attack those building up to the competition in December. My cleans felt good. I'm able to pull the bar really high, but the hardest part for me has been standing it up. How do I fix this? moar squatz
yep that jerk was ugly. I think I got a little bit heavier and a little bit prettier just afterwards..If I calculated it right, that was 63 kilos, which is 138.6 lbs
66 kg clean (145.5#) I really appreciate Joe calling me gabosaurus rex. Sidenote: this is after failing at 65 kg like 3 times. All of the failing glory was captured on video too..usually ending with a giant F bomb like this one:
Really hard to choose which fail videos to post since there is also one where I just fall straight on my ass....dump the bar forward...blah blah blah.
I returned to the gym to do the met con part of SHE....loaded the bar...got ready...and then Z1 Airdyned for 30 minutes instead. Then I ate ice cream. Solid day...
We started out with a lot of work with the empty bar, focusing on bar and body position, and then added weight. Stayed there for a little while working on form. Focused on footwork for split jerks...and then did a deadlift, high pull, powerclean, split jerk complex. Slowly subtracted components until it was just C&J, and then when it got too heavy, just worked on cleans. For jerks, I really really really need to dip lower and be more aggressive. Definitely will try to attack those building up to the competition in December. My cleans felt good. I'm able to pull the bar really high, but the hardest part for me has been standing it up. How do I fix this? moar squatz
Really hard to choose which fail videos to post since there is also one where I just fall straight on my ass....dump the bar forward...blah blah blah.
I returned to the gym to do the met con part of SHE....loaded the bar...got ready...and then Z1 Airdyned for 30 minutes instead. Then I ate ice cream. Solid day...
Saturday, November 9, 2013
A. BS @33X1; 3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
155#, 175#, 195#. Failed at 195# on the way up. I feel like I'm still lacking some plantar flexion in my right foot from the injury. It didn't really "feel" heavy, I just had trouble pushing off.
B. Emom – BS@20X1 x 1 - weight starts @60%, increase 5% per rep
Failed at 185# on minute 11. I think I messed up the weight increments at one point, but what can ya do.
C. BB floor press; 7-9 x 3; rest 90 sec
9x65, 9x85, 7x105. Never done these before, so wasn't sure how much to lift. 105 was a big struggle.
10 min @ 90%:
30 DU’s
3 Tng PC (tough) 105#
5 chin ups
7 burpees
5 rounds + 30 double unders. DU felt smooth, but one of the coaches told me I need to work on keeping my toes under my body instead of "dolphin kicking". PC felt tough, but I was able to do them unbroken. Chin ups felt good today. Did all pronated grip and bounced between kipping and butterflying. I need to engage the bar more. I also need to learn what that means. Burpees were burpees.
(rest walk 5 min)
for time @80%:
1k row
400m run
30 Cal AD
1k row
14:46. Felt like I hit a wall around the time I got to the AD. Was able to keep my row pretty smooth and consistent, albeit slow.
(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 80%:
50m OH carry (mod load)-75#, felt light
6 russian KB swings 2 pood
5 thruster (75#)
50m shuttle run
4 rounds + OH carry + 6 KB. I was tapped out before I even started this AMRAP and also had zero motivation. The OH carry felt light, KB swings felt surprisingly ok , the thrusters sucked, and I pretty much just jogged the shuttle run. I was also incredibly slow in the transitions. Afterwards I felt like death. I think it was partially due to the amount of food I ate pre workout (aka none---2 dates and a smidge of almond butter)
Friday, November 8, 2013
Sooooo woke up, went to work at 8am, and when we pulled up the schedule noticed that there were no patients on the schedule until 10:15. Naturally I sped over to the gym to get my workout in.
Row 500m @90%
Rest walk 3 min
x 6
(set terminated if row times vary more than 2 sec)
These six sets turned into eleven. I definitely started off way too fast, my second round was way way too fast, and then it went downhill. After writing it all out, I realized that I did one extra round. Oh well. This workout made me want to puke, but I'm glad I got some rowing in since it's a big part of one of the workouts for my competition in December.
1) 2:00
2) 1:56-had to slow down significantly to try to stay "on pace". obviously didn't happen
3) 2:00
4) 2:03
5) 2:08-tanked
6) 2:07
7) 2:08
8) 2:07
9) 2:08
10) 2:08
11) 2:08
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
A. 6 sets - Muscle snatch + heaving snatch balance + OHS x 2; rest 2 min
65, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85. 85 Was the highest I could go without sliding over to power snatching. My snatch balances were really good today. I was able to drop under the bar really quickly, and felt stable at the bottom. My last few OHS were a little shaky...but I was able to really focus on using my shoulders for stability and getting down into the end range of motion
65, 75, 80, 85, 85, 85. 85 Was the highest I could go without sliding over to power snatching. My snatch balances were really good today. I was able to drop under the bar really quickly, and felt stable at the bottom. My last few OHS were a little shaky...but I was able to really focus on using my shoulders for stability and getting down into the end range of motion
B. Snatch grip DL @52X1; 3-5 x 3; rest 2 min
125#x4. these were harrrrrrrd. nothing else to say. felt weak
C. HS cluster; 2.2.2 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 3 min (from blocks, bar at hip crease)
I really hate the blocks. They make me feel like a weak little girl and give me awkward bruises when I accidentally pinch my leg in them. womp womp. Anyhow did one cluster at 65 and the second two at 70. These really force you to be explosive in the hips because 1) you have 0 pull and 2) you don't really have tension on the bar. I was able to really focus on using my arms (it helps when you pull, go figure) and dropping under the weight. At one point, everything clicked, and I understood the purpose of A and B. Science. Boom.
3 sets:
20 ring push up
20 front rack lunge (95-105#) Barbell Step Ups (35# bar)
20 wtd. sit ups (25# plate)
There was no way my ankle was going to give me enough plantar flexion to power through those lunges, so I #TIPed and did step ups. They sucked. I need to do them more often. And moving off on a tangent...I really need to acquire some money STAT. SHE is doing great things for me, but there are so many little things I need to work on that I think I would really benefit from exclusive coaching. Paul gave me some pointers and things to include in my workouts, but it's not the sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. crossfit probz
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
5 sets for time
400 m run 2 min AD
10 TnG push jerk (85)
row 500
prowler push 50 m (45#+ the heavy sled on turf)
AMRAP kipping HSPU
rest walk 4 min
1) 7:30/10 HSPU
2) 7:35/ 8 HSPU
3) 7:45/ 10 HSPU
4) 7:25/ 8 HSPU
5) 7:32/ 7 HSPU
Still not sure how to feel about this workout. Had to sub the AD for running because of my ankle...and in retrospect, probably should have done something instead of the sleds because it BLEW MY ANKLE UP. The jerks were really smooth, but tough towards the end. My row was surprisingly smooth too; really focused on being fluid and breathing. The sleds were tough--didn't stop moving on the 1st 25, the 2nd 25 was tougher and I got stuck a few times. HSPU were good. The first two rounds I am confident I could have done more, but mentally I was like "nope, I'm good". That was dumb. I can really tell my body is better adapted to grinders and working at 80%. yay progress.
10 TnG push jerk (85)
row 500
prowler push 50 m (45#+ the heavy sled on turf)
AMRAP kipping HSPU
rest walk 4 min
1) 7:30/10 HSPU
2) 7:35/ 8 HSPU
3) 7:45/ 10 HSPU
4) 7:25/ 8 HSPU
5) 7:32/ 7 HSPU
Still not sure how to feel about this workout. Had to sub the AD for running because of my ankle...and in retrospect, probably should have done something instead of the sleds because it BLEW MY ANKLE UP. The jerks were really smooth, but tough towards the end. My row was surprisingly smooth too; really focused on being fluid and breathing. The sleds were tough--didn't stop moving on the 1st 25, the 2nd 25 was tougher and I got stuck a few times. HSPU were good. The first two rounds I am confident I could have done more, but mentally I was like "nope, I'm good". That was dumb. I can really tell my body is better adapted to grinders and working at 80%. yay progress.
Monday, November 4, 2013
A. FS @20X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest as needed
125, 145, 155, 165*, 160. This was NOT supposed to be a 1RM, but I failed on 165. I'm a little bummed because I got 165 last time I front squated relatively easily...but this is also the first time I've squatted since I sprained my ankle and am lacking some serious mobility
B. Every 90 sec - Build to a heavy in 10 sets – HC + FS (from blocks, bar at hip crease)
65, 75, 85, 95,100, 100, 105, 110, 115*, 115*. Failed on the last two. Pulling from the blocks is waaaay harder than just holding from the high hang. I think I read something once about how you're lacking tension or something..? I don't know. This was definitely the most frustrating part of my workout. I had to ghetto-rig the jerk blocks to be hip crease level because nobody would help me move the big jerk blocks (wahhh)...but I did it. Feel like it helped my hip speed? who knows.
C1. 3 sets - Wall ball; amrap in 60 sec; rest 15 sec
18, 18, 18. Supposed to be unbroken...broke at 16 all three times. 10 ft target, 14# wallball.
C2. Chin up; amrap in 45 sec; rest 15 sec
13, 11, 13. Having a weird chin up day/week/life. Had trouble getting my rhythm today slash I'm still trying to protect my giant rip
C3. Burpee; amrap in 30 sec; rest 3 min
17, 15, 12. Was nervous about these because my ankle is 100%, but did it. boom.
3 rounds for time @85%:
500m row
10 ring dip
15 KB swing
12.49. 1.5 pood kettle bell. First two rounds I was pretty strong on my ring dips (broke them into 5 and 5). The last round was iffy, but did it. I have this weird swingy kippy thing going on...but it works for me. KB swings were ok...honestly can't remember the last time I've swung one...was able to pretty much go unbroken, which bodes well for this upcoming competition which is just eye level swings with 1.5 pood. ballerrrrr
In other news, I am a food monster human garbage can today.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Today has been a most excellent recovery day...
got up earlyish (daylight savings) and went for a 30 minute "swim" with a friend. I use the term loosely because it was 25 m, rest 30 sec, 25 m....for 30 minutes. active recovery man....all about the active recovery.
I had a nice day of cleaning and working planned, but it was gorgeous out so we decided to do work outside at starbucks...but then it got cold so we went to a sports bar to finish...and then there were bloody marys...so I had two...and then we had burgers the end.
solid day.
got up earlyish (daylight savings) and went for a 30 minute "swim" with a friend. I use the term loosely because it was 25 m, rest 30 sec, 25 m....for 30 minutes. active recovery man....all about the active recovery.
I had a nice day of cleaning and working planned, but it was gorgeous out so we decided to do work outside at starbucks...but then it got cold so we went to a sports bar to finish...and then there were bloody marys...so I had two...and then we had burgers the end.
solid day.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
I'm happy with my workout today (I think). Started out with a throwback to pre-famosly hot with a 25 minute EROM HSPU workout...dicked around a little bit...and then a 20 minute AMRAP. ripped my rip halfway through the AMRAP which was less than fun, but hey, what can ya do?
Every 30 sec: 1 EROM HSPU (45# plate)
Done. These felt solid, and didn't really start feeling fatigue set in until 35/40. No misses...no real struggles either. Next time, I will add a 15# plate to the 45# one. Glad I did this since we have regular HSPU in the December competition.
longish rest
20 min AMRAP @ 80%
10 cal AD
5 KB suitcase DL (1.5 pood)
10 toes through rings
8 rounds + 10 cal + 5 KB + 10 TTR. Was hesitant to AD with my ankle, but it felt ok. The DL were fine too, probably should have either gone heavier, or added more reps. TTR could have been better;, mostly because my rip from yesterday ripped again and I couldn't really grip the rings and had to rely on my fingers. sweeeet.
2x10 KB snatches 12 kg
felt like doing these, but then I realized that my rip wasn't going to let me...so there's that.
Every 30 sec: 1 EROM HSPU (45# plate)
Done. These felt solid, and didn't really start feeling fatigue set in until 35/40. No misses...no real struggles either. Next time, I will add a 15# plate to the 45# one. Glad I did this since we have regular HSPU in the December competition.
longish rest
20 min AMRAP @ 80%
10 cal AD
5 KB suitcase DL (1.5 pood)
10 toes through rings
8 rounds + 10 cal + 5 KB + 10 TTR. Was hesitant to AD with my ankle, but it felt ok. The DL were fine too, probably should have either gone heavier, or added more reps. TTR could have been better;, mostly because my rip from yesterday ripped again and I couldn't really grip the rings and had to rely on my fingers. sweeeet.
2x10 KB snatches 12 kg
felt like doing these, but then I realized that my rip wasn't going to let me...so there's that.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Ok workout today...
Kipping pull up skill work
1000m row
10 pull ups
750m row
20 pull ups
500m row
20 pull ups
250m row
10 pull ups
Kipping skill work went ok....but then they went downhill fast in my actual workout. My goal was to work on Kipping during the workout...but then my hands ripped, so I had to resort to strict. Blah Just left the gym feeling fed up.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Got a really good workout in today. I managed to kick my own ass today!
5x5 weighted pull ups
20/20/15/15/15. Goal was to do them all pronated grip, unbroken. Goal was not achieved. First round I did 3 OH, 2 mixed. round 2: 2 OH, 3 mixed. round 3: 4+1 OH round 4: 3+2 OH. round 5: 4+1+1
RDL (125#)
toes to bar
12:41. Way harder than I anticipated...whoops. Did the first round of RDLs unbroken. Had to partition the other rounds. Toes to bar were the worst. I really need to work on my timing...I did feel a little awkward with the boot on these. HSPU were pretty good. I wasn't really planning on doing any of the rounds unbroken, but I was very consistent. Broke them up when I needed to, and didn't fail a single one. If I was competing, I may have been no repped a few bc my butt was on the glass, but that was intentional to keep das boot from slamming into it.
5x5 weighted pull ups
20/20/15/15/15. Goal was to do them all pronated grip, unbroken. Goal was not achieved. First round I did 3 OH, 2 mixed. round 2: 2 OH, 3 mixed. round 3: 4+1 OH round 4: 3+2 OH. round 5: 4+1+1
RDL (125#)
toes to bar
12:41. Way harder than I anticipated...whoops. Did the first round of RDLs unbroken. Had to partition the other rounds. Toes to bar were the worst. I really need to work on my timing...I did feel a little awkward with the boot on these. HSPU were pretty good. I wasn't really planning on doing any of the rounds unbroken, but I was very consistent. Broke them up when I needed to, and didn't fail a single one. If I was competing, I may have been no repped a few bc my butt was on the glass, but that was intentional to keep das boot from slamming into it.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
One of my gym sistas took me to the doctor this morning, and I waited around the gym until she was done working out to go home, so obviously I tried to get some strength work in to...Mostly it was just me sitting around feeling sorry for myself..and then I got over it
5 Rounds:
5 ring dips
10 body row
4x6 CGBP (85#)
MU transitions on cable machine
5x30 sec false grip hang from rings
20 min AMRAP
150 m ski erg
10 strict press (55#)
10 ring knees to elbows
6 rounds+ ski erg + press + 6 K2E
Yep, programmed that myself (with a little help from my friendsssssss). Will try to stay positive for tomorrow.
Monday, October 28, 2013
I really have no desire to write about today. I sprained my ankled during the last part of my workout and it's currently throbbing and making me cranky..
A. FS @32X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest 2 min
105/125/135/155/165. Guess I'm ok with these. Didn't max out by any means, but wasn't supposed to. felt strong.
B. 6 sets - HPC + HC + FS; rest 2-3 min (building sets)
105, 125, 130, 135, 130, 130. made too high of a jump, peaked at 135, and then tanked
C1. Unbroken Wall Ball; 20,20,20; rest 30 sec (14#, 10 ft)
C2. Unbroken DU; 50,50,50; rest 3 min (5 burpee penalty for break)
broke the DU on the first round (rope got twisted), and both wall balls and DU on the last round. Was really happy with my wall balls though. felt strong and fluid
Emom 8 min
Odd – Wtd. chin up x 3 25/22.5/22/5
Even – Wtd. dip x 3 20/20/20
first round unbroken
3 sets for time:
500m row
10 Tng HPC (mod weight, unbroken) 95#
2 RC
rest 2 min
DNF; sprained ankle on the 2nd rope climb of the second set. 1st round was 3:42. Unsure of 2nd due to injury
A. FS @32X1; 5,3,1,1,1; rest 2 min
105/125/135/155/165. Guess I'm ok with these. Didn't max out by any means, but wasn't supposed to. felt strong.
B. 6 sets - HPC + HC + FS; rest 2-3 min (building sets)
105, 125, 130, 135, 130, 130. made too high of a jump, peaked at 135, and then tanked
C1. Unbroken Wall Ball; 20,20,20; rest 30 sec (14#, 10 ft)
C2. Unbroken DU; 50,50,50; rest 3 min (5 burpee penalty for break)
broke the DU on the first round (rope got twisted), and both wall balls and DU on the last round. Was really happy with my wall balls though. felt strong and fluid
Emom 8 min
Odd – Wtd. chin up x 3 25/22.5/22/5
Even – Wtd. dip x 3 20/20/20
first round unbroken
3 sets for time:
500m row
10 Tng HPC (mod weight, unbroken) 95#
2 RC
rest 2 min
DNF; sprained ankle on the 2nd rope climb of the second set. 1st round was 3:42. Unsure of 2nd due to injury
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Woke up and saw muscle ups were programmed and got excited/scared because I haven't done them since that time I overdid it and hurt myself. After consulting with my advisers (ha!), the decision was made to not do them. I made a few halfhearted attempts while warming up and got very butt hurt that I was not magically doing them....but then I got over it and started my workout
A. BS @42X1; 5,3,1,5,3,1; rest 2 min (tough last single)
125, 155, 185, 145, 175, 195. I started off too light on this. 195 was tough, but I think I may have been able to get 200/205
B. 20 TGU for time (1pd)
4:43. Misery.
10 min @ 80%:
50m FC (50# dumbell)
10 burpee box jump overs (20 in box)
3MU chest 2 rings + 3 dips
3 rounds + 50m farmers carry + 1 BBJO. Subbed c2r and dips for the muscle ups. FC got heavy towards the end...was pretty fluid on the bbjo...and the dips were fine...a little tiring at the end.
(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 80%:
row 200m
4 CTB chin ups
4 rounds + 200 row + 4 HSPU + 1 C2B. My row felt pretty smooth. HSPU were great (huzzah) and the C2B were rough
(rest walk 5 min)
8 min @ 80%:
8 wall balls 14#, 10 ft target
run 200 m
3 rounds + 8 WB + 8 TTB + 100m. WB actually were not that bad. My first round of TTB, I did unbroken and were pretty fabulous. The following rounds, I never came off the bar...but I had to do the double swing thingy which isn't very efficient
THEN I worked on some clean and jerks, because they're in a competition I'm doing in December, and I haven't jerked in like 80 years. I got up to 135# easily. Jumped up to 145# which I caught in the squat both times, and just dumped it. Oops. Looks like I need to front squat more. wahhhh.
A. BS @42X1; 5,3,1,5,3,1; rest 2 min (tough last single)
125, 155, 185, 145, 175, 195. I started off too light on this. 195 was tough, but I think I may have been able to get 200/205
B. 20 TGU for time (1pd)
4:43. Misery.
10 min @ 80%:
50m FC (50# dumbell)
10 burpee box jump overs (20 in box)
3 rounds + 50m farmers carry + 1 BBJO. Subbed c2r and dips for the muscle ups. FC got heavy towards the end...was pretty fluid on the bbjo...and the dips were fine...a little tiring at the end.
(rest walk 5 min)
10 min @ 80%:
row 200m
4 CTB chin ups
4 rounds + 200 row + 4 HSPU + 1 C2B. My row felt pretty smooth. HSPU were great (huzzah) and the C2B were rough
(rest walk 5 min)
8 min @ 80%:
8 wall balls 14#, 10 ft target
run 200 m
3 rounds + 8 WB + 8 TTB + 100m. WB actually were not that bad. My first round of TTB, I did unbroken and were pretty fabulous. The following rounds, I never came off the bar...but I had to do the double swing thingy which isn't very efficient
THEN I worked on some clean and jerks, because they're in a competition I'm doing in December, and I haven't jerked in like 80 years. I got up to 135# easily. Jumped up to 145# which I caught in the squat both times, and just dumped it. Oops. Looks like I need to front squat more. wahhhh.
Friday, October 25, 2013
things I hate but need to work on:
AD 5 min @80%
Rest 5 min
Row 5 min @80%
Rest 5 min
Run 1200m @80%
x 2
I was pretty consistent throughout the rounds. REALLLLLLY tried to focus on my row. I really need to work on my running speed. Def not my strength
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Today I ended up doing some "Z1" swimming after work...and then ate a small mellow mushroom pizza with bacon and eggs on it. I am not sorry. It was glorious.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
102213 and 102313
102213 WOD:
A. PS – Build to a heavy in 12 min
115#. This was a PR for me. Tried 120#, caught it pretty solid in the squat, but looked down and dumped the bar trying to stand it up. wahhhh. I wan't more.
B. Emom 8 min – PS x 2 + OHS (@70% of A)
80# Felt really stable on these. I can tell I'm getting more comfortable in the OHS.
C. 8 sets - every 90 sec – Row 9 cal, 6 Tng DL (mod), 3 burpees over
Started at 165# for DL, dropped to 155# on rd 5. The first 2 or so rounds, I got some rest in, but they turned into continuous motion pretty fast.
amrap 15 min:
Run 800m
100 WB
50 chin ups
amrap DU’s in remaining time
Only made it to 36 chin ups doing sets of 3-5. Used 14# ball and 10' target. I feel like I probably sandbagged it a bit on the wall balls. They're very mental for me.
I think it's worth noting that I warmed up with a bunch of box jumps (30" box + 35 plate + 15 plate) and some snatch balances with the tsunami bar + 50#.
A. Snatch balance; 3,3,3; rest 90 sec (mod load, speed under bar)
B. 6 Sets – Snatch pull + Hang Snatch; rest 2-3 min
85, 90,90,95,95,95
C1. Ring push up; 10,10,10; rest 30 sec
C2. Wtd. dip @ 2112; 3-5 x 3; rest 30 sec
C3. BB step up @ 2111; 9-12/leg x 3; rest 2 min
65# x 9/leg for all. Started too high and did not go up/set
A. PS – Build to a heavy in 12 min
115#. This was a PR for me. Tried 120#, caught it pretty solid in the squat, but looked down and dumped the bar trying to stand it up. wahhhh. I wan't more.
B. Emom 8 min – PS x 2 + OHS (@70% of A)
80# Felt really stable on these. I can tell I'm getting more comfortable in the OHS.
C. 8 sets - every 90 sec – Row 9 cal, 6 Tng DL (mod), 3 burpees over
Started at 165# for DL, dropped to 155# on rd 5. The first 2 or so rounds, I got some rest in, but they turned into continuous motion pretty fast.
amrap 15 min:
Run 800m
100 WB
50 chin ups
amrap DU’s in remaining time
Only made it to 36 chin ups doing sets of 3-5. Used 14# ball and 10' target. I feel like I probably sandbagged it a bit on the wall balls. They're very mental for me.
I think it's worth noting that I warmed up with a bunch of box jumps (30" box + 35 plate + 15 plate) and some snatch balances with the tsunami bar + 50#.
A. Snatch balance; 3,3,3; rest 90 sec (mod load, speed under bar)
B. 6 Sets – Snatch pull + Hang Snatch; rest 2-3 min
85, 90,90,95,95,95
C1. Ring push up; 10,10,10; rest 30 sec
C2. Wtd. dip @ 2112; 3-5 x 3; rest 30 sec
C3. BB step up @ 2111; 9-12/leg x 3; rest 2 min
65# x 9/leg for all. Started too high and did not go up/set
Monday, October 21, 2013
A. 3 sets - 100m OH BB carry; rest 2 min (mod load, no drops)
85#. This hurt my wrists a bit...felt ok the first set, had too wide of a grip the second one, last one felt the best
B. 3 sets - KB windmill x 8-10/arm; rest 90 sec (rest 15 sec b/t arms)
10x12 kg each round. Have never done these before...felt good. Probably could have used a heavier weight
C1. 4 sets - Front rack walking lunges x 20m; rest 15 sec
85, 90, 95, 100. First two rounds were good. Third round was tough. Last round was brutal
C2. Max effort strict pull up in 60 sec; rest 15 sec
12/9/9/8. Disappointed in these. Could have done better.
C3. Squat clean thruster x 6; rest 15 sec (tough, TnG preferred)
95#; two rounds were not TnG. Apparently was supposed to use to same weights as the lunge for the squat clean thrusters....whoops. Regardless, the 95# got heavy, fast. The third round was the best for me. Probably had to do with the fact that Steve was there yelling at me to drop and push.
C4. FLR on rings x 45 sec; rest 4 min
done and done
AMRAP in 12 min:
20 cal AD
3 wall walks
3 TGU/arm (12 kg)
20m Handstand walk
2 rounds. My handstand game was off today. I was having trouble getting the momentum to go forward.
85#. This hurt my wrists a bit...felt ok the first set, had too wide of a grip the second one, last one felt the best
B. 3 sets - KB windmill x 8-10/arm; rest 90 sec (rest 15 sec b/t arms)
10x12 kg each round. Have never done these before...felt good. Probably could have used a heavier weight
C1. 4 sets - Front rack walking lunges x 20m; rest 15 sec
85, 90, 95, 100. First two rounds were good. Third round was tough. Last round was brutal
C2. Max effort strict pull up in 60 sec; rest 15 sec
12/9/9/8. Disappointed in these. Could have done better.
C3. Squat clean thruster x 6; rest 15 sec (tough, TnG preferred)
95#; two rounds were not TnG. Apparently was supposed to use to same weights as the lunge for the squat clean thrusters....whoops. Regardless, the 95# got heavy, fast. The third round was the best for me. Probably had to do with the fact that Steve was there yelling at me to drop and push.
C4. FLR on rings x 45 sec; rest 4 min
done and done
AMRAP in 12 min:
20 cal AD
3 wall walks
3 TGU/arm (12 kg)
20m Handstand walk
2 rounds. My handstand game was off today. I was having trouble getting the momentum to go forward.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Worked late last night. Early this morning. And after looking up this workout in the morning, I was looking for every excuse to not do this workout..But I did it. I was in a super foul mood when I finally got to the gym, and whined for like 20 minutes straight, but I got it done. And no, Jame's Fitzgerald, this was not an "aerobic dream"
Run 1 mile
AD 1 mile
Row 1600m
20:41. I sandbagged the run a little bit, not going to lie, I probably could have gone faster. I think I went somewhere between 9 and 9:30. The AD was way better than expected, and honestly the row wasn't terrible either. It was tiring, but I focused on staying steady the whole time with good technique.
Run 1 mile
AD 1 mile
Row 1600m
20:41. I sandbagged the run a little bit, not going to lie, I probably could have gone faster. I think I went somewhere between 9 and 9:30. The AD was way better than expected, and honestly the row wasn't terrible either. It was tiring, but I focused on staying steady the whole time with good technique.
Friday, October 18, 2013
A. HPC x 1/FS x 5 - work to a tough 5 in the FS in 10 min
135#. Had some help from Paul with proper form from the hang. 135 was a tough clean from the hang; my hips were feeling very slow. I felt like I could probably front squat a little more for a tough 5..
B. AMRAP unbroken wall balls (-5); rest 90 sec x 3
20/17/15. I don't really know how to judge AMRAP -5...so I kind of just did them until I felt tired-ish. I probably could have done more, a lot of it was mental. ooooops.
HPC tough
Wtd Dip tough
125# HPC 20# Dip. Started at 135#, but missed a few times. 125 was tough at the beginning until I really got my hips in to it. I think I took too long of a break between the first part of my workout and this. The dips were hard, but doable.
amrap in 10 min:
Row 1K
rest of time amrap DU's
185 DU. Rowing. Yay. I really tried to utilize the tips Josh gave me to be a more efficient rower. Did the DU in sets of 20...and then 10 when I got tired. ROUGH. It was fun though.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
101513 and 101613
fail on the blog post yesterday....so here's a two-fer
Tuesday's WOD
Wednesday (aka today)
2 min @ 80%:
15 DU's
Sooooo apparently I was supposed to do double unders...missed that while I was sleepily writing down my workout...oops.Also used a 16 kg KB for TGU instead of 1 pood. The first AMRAP was almost fun...I "built" a wall out of pull up bars on the rig, about 8 feet up..and counted up and down as 1 rep. Burpee broad jumps were pretty meh, and for the rope climbs, I focused on using my feet and snaking up. My rowing still needs work, but I tried to think about all the cues Josh gave me last time. HRPU were good actually..weird. THE LAST ONE WAS BRUTAL. It's sad when wall walks were the best movement. I really do feel like I'm improving though. The TGU were pretty terrible, and the run was wobbly. I must have looked rough, because Ben came over and told me how proud he was of me "getting after it". He has only told me this once prior, and then he told me that he and Joey were laughing at me during my workout...sweet.
Tuesday's WOD
Airdyne 80 cals for time
rest 8 min
Airdyne 80 cals for time
rest 8 min
Airdyne 80 cals for time
6:40/6:41/6:40. Had some problems with setting my weight in the AD, but in the end got it worked out. These sucked. I am terrible at AD. Plus side: I was consistent..?
Wednesday (aka today)
2 min @ 80%:
25 m burpee broad jumps
10 wall climbs
1 rope ascent - 15'
3 rounds+25m BBJ
(rest walk 6 min)
10 min @ 80%:
row 250 m
10 push ups HR
5 rounds
(rest walk 6 min)
8 min @ 80%:
3 wall walks
3 TGU/arm - 16 kg
run 200 m
2 rounds, 3 WW, 4 TGU (3 right, 1 left)
Monday, October 14, 2013
I am so wired. I am convinced that all of the coffee I consumed today (about 8 cups) is hitting me...now.
Had an OK WOD today...I kind of lost motivation during the second part...but I got through it
A. HPS - build to a tough triple in 10 min
3x95 (2x105). The notes said warm up hip extension realllllly good. So I did a bunch of vertical jumps...and box jumps (got 30"+2 10 pound plates)
B1. CGBP @ 20X1; 4-5 x 5; rest 20 sec
95x5...then 4 for the rest. My shoulder did NOT like this. Biceps Tend. Shocker.
B2. amrap strict dips @ 1010; rest 20 sec
8/6/6/5/6. Probably could have squeezed out a few more per round. meh
B3. db russian step up @ 1110; 12-15/leg x 5; rest 2 min
12 each round: 35# for the first two...25# the rest. I HATE these. super downer.
Had an OK WOD today...I kind of lost motivation during the second part...but I got through it
A. HPS - build to a tough triple in 10 min
3x95 (2x105). The notes said warm up hip extension realllllly good. So I did a bunch of vertical jumps...and box jumps (got 30"+2 10 pound plates)
B1. CGBP @ 20X1; 4-5 x 5; rest 20 sec
95x5...then 4 for the rest. My shoulder did NOT like this. Biceps Tend. Shocker.
B2. amrap strict dips @ 1010; rest 20 sec
8/6/6/5/6. Probably could have squeezed out a few more per round. meh
B3. db russian step up @ 1110; 12-15/leg x 5; rest 2 min
12 each round: 35# for the first two...25# the rest. I HATE these. super downer.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
A. PS - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 2 min
85# for all; TnG
B. emom - DL TnG x 4 - 10 min - waveload high/low
for reps:
5 min wall balls-65 (14#)
4 min T2B-46
3 min push ups HR-50
2 min BJSD - 20"-33
85# for all; TnG
B. emom - DL TnG x 4 - 10 min - waveload high/low
for reps:
5 min wall balls-65 (14#)
4 min T2B-46
3 min push ups HR-50
2 min BJSD - 20"-33
Friday, October 11, 2013
101113..back to SHE
Back on the SHE train and so happy to be back training. Shoulder is still giving me some trouble, but the arms are wayyyy less swollen and angry.
5 sets:
10 db walking lunges 25/30/40/50/50 per hand
rest 10 sec
amrap pull ups kipping 15/10/10/5/8
rest 10 sec
10 tough thrusters unbroken 75/80/85/90/90
rest walk 3 min b/t sets
I broke the last two rounds of thrusters (8&2, 5&5). And had to put the 50# DB down in the 4th set. Other than that, everything was ok. I was pleased with my pullups in the first round, but it kind of went downhill from there.
AMRAP in 12 min:
3 wall walks
R side suitcase DB carry - 50# - 25 m
3 wall walks
L side suitcase DB carry - 50# - 25 m
50 DU's
4 full rounds
The workout was supposed to be with 55# DB, but we don't have those, so I used 50#. The clock also malfunctioned, so I think I had a little less than 12 minutes. Powered through this though. Initially I wanted to do the double unders UB, but that did not happen at all
5 sets:
10 db walking lunges 25/30/40/50/50 per hand
rest 10 sec
amrap pull ups kipping 15/10/10/5/8
rest 10 sec
10 tough thrusters unbroken 75/80/85/90/90
rest walk 3 min b/t sets
I broke the last two rounds of thrusters (8&2, 5&5). And had to put the 50# DB down in the 4th set. Other than that, everything was ok. I was pleased with my pullups in the first round, but it kind of went downhill from there.
AMRAP in 12 min:
3 wall walks
R side suitcase DB carry - 50# - 25 m
3 wall walks
L side suitcase DB carry - 50# - 25 m
50 DU's
4 full rounds
The workout was supposed to be with 55# DB, but we don't have those, so I used 50#. The clock also malfunctioned, so I think I had a little less than 12 minutes. Powered through this though. Initially I wanted to do the double unders UB, but that did not happen at all
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Yesterday marks two weeks since I scaled back my upper body work, so today we "tested" my arms to see how they held up. Annnnnd (drumroll) no swelling! Get to go back to SHE tomorrow :)
Poweclean: Build to a heavy 2 TnG
130#. Got 135 for 1, but pulling it up for the single was awkward and couldn't get the hips right...womp.
Squat Clean Cluster: 3x 2-2-2 rest 15 sec between TnG. Add weight each round
115, 125, 130. These felt HEAVY.
10 min AMRAP @ 85 %
10 toes through rings
15 back extensions
10 push ups
5 rounds + 10 TTR + 15 back extensions. TTR were great until about the 4th round, and they became a little less fluid. Back extensions were fine. Push ups were a struggle. I liked this MAP AMRAP a lot though. Yay gymnastics
Poweclean: Build to a heavy 2 TnG
130#. Got 135 for 1, but pulling it up for the single was awkward and couldn't get the hips right...womp.
Squat Clean Cluster: 3x 2-2-2 rest 15 sec between TnG. Add weight each round
115, 125, 130. These felt HEAVY.
10 min AMRAP @ 85 %
10 toes through rings
15 back extensions
10 push ups
5 rounds + 10 TTR + 15 back extensions. TTR were great until about the 4th round, and they became a little less fluid. Back extensions were fine. Push ups were a struggle. I liked this MAP AMRAP a lot though. Yay gymnastics
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
#TIP strikes again
21-15-9 (not for time)
GHD sit ups
back extensions
500m row
50 DU
400m row
40 DU
300m row
30 DU
200m row
20 DU
100m row
10 DU
10:30. Def started off too fast on the first 500 (140-150)...didn't do the 50 DU unbroken (more like 30/20) and then found a much slower pace (<2....2:15-2:30) for the rest of the rows. Got tripped up at 32 for the 40 DU, and then managed the rest unbroken (I think?). Bright side: the 100 m row felt like nothing and the 10 DU were cake. nothing like a long(ish) WOD for a little perspective.
Row skill work
Josh worked with me a little bit, trying to get more efficient with the pull-rest-recover-repeat cycle. Think it helped? need to practice more. REALLY appreciate him willing to work with me. Love my gym. Love my coaches. Everyone wants everyone to succeed.
30 min z1 airdyne.
airdyne sucks. airdyne sucks more when it's chilly and you're blowing wind on yourself.
21-15-9 (not for time)
GHD sit ups
back extensions
500m row
50 DU
400m row
40 DU
300m row
30 DU
200m row
20 DU
100m row
10 DU
10:30. Def started off too fast on the first 500 (140-150)...didn't do the 50 DU unbroken (more like 30/20) and then found a much slower pace (<2....2:15-2:30) for the rest of the rows. Got tripped up at 32 for the 40 DU, and then managed the rest unbroken (I think?). Bright side: the 100 m row felt like nothing and the 10 DU were cake. nothing like a long(ish) WOD for a little perspective.
Row skill work
Josh worked with me a little bit, trying to get more efficient with the pull-rest-recover-repeat cycle. Think it helped? need to practice more. REALLY appreciate him willing to work with me. Love my gym. Love my coaches. Everyone wants everyone to succeed.
30 min z1 airdyne.
airdyne sucks. airdyne sucks more when it's chilly and you're blowing wind on yourself.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Today I got to try out one of our new toys...the tsunami bar..which to the naked eye just looks like an axel (aka massive grip) but when you pick it up your realize A) it only weighs about 5 pounds and B) it moves and shakes with any motion you make.
With a tsunami bar loaded with 50#
5 jerks
5 snatch balance
10 FR walking lunges
Rest 5 min..5x..don't put down bar until done with whole complex
Holy tsunami bar. The jerks weren't that bad. The OHS squats were killer....and the first few snatch balances were more like, let's fall on my butt while holding the bar. I got better as the rounds went on though. I realllllly felt a difference between my first set of OHS and my last. This will be a great tool for me to use on my overhead work. Bodwise, I think I'm getting better. My hands swelled a little bit today...but my shoulder is what's bothering me the most. It's incredibly painful and difficult for me to move when I wake up, but as the day goes on...it gets a lot better. Feels about 80% right now...hoping it will stay that way.
Have a million things to do tonight...will add food at a later time (maybe). Also need to start using beyond the whiteboard. blahhh so much to do.
Holy tsunami bar. The jerks weren't that bad. The OHS squats were killer....and the first few snatch balances were more like, let's fall on my butt while holding the bar. I got better as the rounds went on though. I realllllly felt a difference between my first set of OHS and my last. This will be a great tool for me to use on my overhead work. Bodwise, I think I'm getting better. My hands swelled a little bit today...but my shoulder is what's bothering me the most. It's incredibly painful and difficult for me to move when I wake up, but as the day goes on...it gets a lot better. Feels about 80% right now...hoping it will stay that way.
Have a million things to do tonight...will add food at a later time (maybe). Also need to start using beyond the whiteboard. blahhh so much to do.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
I was really lacking motivation today, but I made it to the gym after work this morning and got my workout in. I feel like I probably didn't reach my full potential, but I am satisfied that at this moment in time, I gave it my best. I'm getting fed up with being injured. My forearms seem to be getting better, but I'm dealing with some shoulder stuff right now too. Just falling apart right now. It will get better though....I also hit myself in the face with a 20 pound wall ball. That was fun,
3 rounds @ 80%
25 wall balls, 20#, 10'
20 sit ups
15 HR push ups
9:29. don't think I got an entire round of wallballs UB. 20 pounds felt really heavy. Sit ups were find, and the push ups were OK too. My left tricep is super sore from yesterday, and my shoulders are fatigued, but the wallballs were really the worst.
death by burpees
16 rounds + 14 burpees. This got difficult circa round 14. I wasn't really pumped up coming into this workout, and I felt ike I probably could have done better had I been in a better frame of mind. This highlights the importance of mental toughness..
3 rounds @ 80%
25 wall balls, 20#, 10'
20 sit ups
15 HR push ups
9:29. don't think I got an entire round of wallballs UB. 20 pounds felt really heavy. Sit ups were find, and the push ups were OK too. My left tricep is super sore from yesterday, and my shoulders are fatigued, but the wallballs were really the worst.
death by burpees
16 rounds + 14 burpees. This got difficult circa round 14. I wasn't really pumped up coming into this workout, and I felt ike I probably could have done better had I been in a better frame of mind. This highlights the importance of mental toughness..
Friday, October 4, 2013
300 push ups. 300! THREE HUNDRED! and by the end of this delightful workout, I was on all fours....and dripping sweat. I'm really attractive, I promise. In other news, I think I have a labral tear. My shoulder has been KILLING me lately, it wakes me up at night, clunks, yada yada yada...so I'm dosing myself with aleve and doing some bandwork/rehab at the gym. My job comes in handy sometimes...
10 rounds:
10 push ups
10 sit ups
20 push ups
rest 30 seconds
My times were kind of all over the place: 1:15/1:45/2:13/1:50/1:34/1:50/1:45/1:50/2:10/1:40. None of these rounds were "easy" the first few were definitely easier. but dear lord push ups are hard.
I'm just so happy that even though I've encountered this road block, I have my people at the gym supporting me, encouraging me, and helping me focus on what I can improve on right now.
10 rounds:
10 push ups
10 sit ups
20 push ups
rest 30 seconds
My times were kind of all over the place: 1:15/1:45/2:13/1:50/1:34/1:50/1:45/1:50/2:10/1:40. None of these rounds were "easy" the first few were definitely easier. but dear lord push ups are hard.
I'm just so happy that even though I've encountered this road block, I have my people at the gym supporting me, encouraging me, and helping me focus on what I can improve on right now.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
10 walking lungest (95# front rack)
12 GHD sit ups
400m run
(5 min rest)
400 m run
12 GHD sit ups
10 walking lunges
(5 minutes rest)
10 walking lunges
12 GHD sit ups
400m run
The goal was to keep all the times the same. I got 2:44/3:29/3:07. The second round was definitely the worst. Doing the lunges were KILLER and I had to take them pretty slow. Overall, I'm feeling pretty achy and tired. My shoulder hurts and is clunky for reasons unknown since I'm not doing any upper body...and my legs feel tight from the influx of running. Ithink know this is good though. Even though I'm not doing upper body lifting, I feel like this will pay off when it is time for the open.
I promise I will update....and go back and update the back posts soon. things are crazy. wah.
12 GHD sit ups
400m run
(5 min rest)
400 m run
12 GHD sit ups
10 walking lunges
(5 minutes rest)
10 walking lunges
12 GHD sit ups
400m run
The goal was to keep all the times the same. I got 2:44/3:29/3:07. The second round was definitely the worst. Doing the lunges were KILLER and I had to take them pretty slow. Overall, I'm feeling pretty achy and tired. My shoulder hurts and is clunky for reasons unknown since I'm not doing any upper body...and my legs feel tight from the influx of running. I
I promise I will update....and go back and update the back posts soon. things are crazy. wah.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Not quite sure how I feel about today's workout..
Back Squat:
This started out strong, but I ended up dropping the last rep on the second "4" and then dropped the first of the "3". It was like my body just decided it wasn't going to squat any more. It was a little disappointing because I know I can (and have) squatted heavier for more reps, but not today. I didn't beat myself up about it though, just moved on...so I'm happy about that.
50 cal AD
50 NP burpee
50 box jumps
50 sit ups
50 double unders
This felt pretty good. I tried to keep a pretty good pace on the AD, I thought my NP burpees were pretty speedy, but Ben came up to me after and told me otherwise...box jumps were rough, but I just kept jumping up and stepping down. Sit ups were good. And I knocked out 50 double unders without stopping or getting tripped up. huzzah.
Back Squat:
This started out strong, but I ended up dropping the last rep on the second "4" and then dropped the first of the "3". It was like my body just decided it wasn't going to squat any more. It was a little disappointing because I know I can (and have) squatted heavier for more reps, but not today. I didn't beat myself up about it though, just moved on...so I'm happy about that.
50 cal AD
50 NP burpee
50 box jumps
50 sit ups
50 double unders
This felt pretty good. I tried to keep a pretty good pace on the AD, I thought my NP burpees were pretty speedy, but Ben came up to me after and told me otherwise...box jumps were rough, but I just kept jumping up and stepping down. Sit ups were good. And I knocked out 50 double unders without stopping or getting tripped up. huzzah.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Today was my "long day" I go from class (8:30 am, wooo!) to work to the gym. Tuesdays are the days that I have to dig a little deeper to find motivation...but not today; I was ready to train hard. Today's workout was 100% what I needed further emphasizing my #TIP mentality. It was pretty tough, and my legs felt kind of fatigued, but instead of grumbling and thinking about how much it sucked, I tried to turn it around and be thankful for the opportunity to improve on all of these things
10 Min AMRAP
10 back extensions
20 ab mat sit ups
200 m run
10 min AMRAP
20 double unders
:30 FLR
20 cal AD
First AMRAP: 4 rounds + 100m run; 4 rounds + 10 sit ups
Second AMRAP: 3 rounds + 1 cal; 3 rounds + 11 du
I definitely slowed down a bit between rounds, but nothing drastic (in my opinion). The back extensions and sit ups were cake. The run was not so lovely. My shins are feeling pretty tight, so I'll be sure to mobilize a bunch. My double unders were relatively unbroken. I missed a few as fatigue set it...but it was more stopping because I got tripped up instead of stopping because I was tired. the FLR was not a problem, and for the AD I tried to keep a pretty brisk pace.
1: fritatta
2: almonds and dried fruit
3: meat balls and sweet potato cubes
4: homemade lara bar balls
5: roasted potato medley; tuna+hard boiled egg+salsa; plantain chips
1480 cals, 115 carbs, 94 pro. this is no bueno. my stomach hurts though...I blame that
10 Min AMRAP
10 back extensions
20 ab mat sit ups
200 m run
10 min AMRAP
20 double unders
:30 FLR
20 cal AD
First AMRAP: 4 rounds + 100m run; 4 rounds + 10 sit ups
Second AMRAP: 3 rounds + 1 cal; 3 rounds + 11 du
I definitely slowed down a bit between rounds, but nothing drastic (in my opinion). The back extensions and sit ups were cake. The run was not so lovely. My shins are feeling pretty tight, so I'll be sure to mobilize a bunch. My double unders were relatively unbroken. I missed a few as fatigue set it...but it was more stopping because I got tripped up instead of stopping because I was tired. the FLR was not a problem, and for the AD I tried to keep a pretty brisk pace.
1: fritatta
2: almonds and dried fruit
3: meat balls and sweet potato cubes
4: homemade lara bar balls
5: roasted potato medley; tuna+hard boiled egg+salsa; plantain chips
1480 cals, 115 carbs, 94 pro. this is no bueno. my stomach hurts though...I blame that
Monday, September 30, 2013
Today I 100% underestimated my workout going into it, and finished doubled over in an ant hill trying not to puke. This is why I #TIP.
20 95# Front Rack Walking Lunges
100 double unders
400 m run
rest 8 minutes, repeat
Round 1: 4:42 Round 2: 4:44. Lunges were ok. Just heavy enough to cause a pause at the top. Double unders were ok--First round I got 50 UB, then like 20, 15, 15. The second round, I think I got to about 30...then 15...then 30....and then missed on a bunch towards the end. The run was brutal. I think I was audibly panting. At one point I tried to hack a lougie, but missed and spit on myself. I am really classy and attractive. I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to calm my ass down and not vomit. It was great. You win Paul. Please sir, may I have another?
My October resolution is to be better about logging my food; I keep track in my fitness pal, but I just don't have the energy to transfer it here...because I'm lazy.
20 95# Front Rack Walking Lunges
100 double unders
400 m run
rest 8 minutes, repeat
Round 1: 4:42 Round 2: 4:44. Lunges were ok. Just heavy enough to cause a pause at the top. Double unders were ok--First round I got 50 UB, then like 20, 15, 15. The second round, I think I got to about 30...then 15...then 30....and then missed on a bunch towards the end. The run was brutal. I think I was audibly panting. At one point I tried to hack a lougie, but missed and spit on myself. I am really classy and attractive. I then spent the next 20 minutes trying to calm my ass down and not vomit. It was great. You win Paul. Please sir, may I have another?
My October resolution is to be better about logging my food; I keep track in my fitness pal, but I just don't have the energy to transfer it here...because I'm lazy.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Holy pecs batman, my chest is soreeeeeeeee. My abs are too actually. Today I had 30 minutes of running...which I am notoriously bad at...but instead of whining (ok I whined a little), I just kept telling myself that I was happy to have the opportunity to work on improving my running. Towards the end I kind of believed it.
:30 run 85%RPE
:30 Run :50% RPE
X 30
Pretty straight forward, and pretty brutal. My quads and hip flexors felt pretty tight starting out....and at random times throughout the workout, but generally loosened up as I kept moving. I had the genius idea to set my tabata timer to 30 on 30 off, so I wouldn't have to keep an eye on the clock while I ran and set map my run to see what kind of mileage I covered. The good news is, the tabata timer worked...bad news...map my run didn't. My fingers swelled a little bit, but they've done that before after running...and my forearms weren't tight, so I wasn't too worried.
Ate ok today. Still pretty bad about logging my meals...maybe I'll be better this week?
:30 run 85%RPE
:30 Run :50% RPE
X 30
Pretty straight forward, and pretty brutal. My quads and hip flexors felt pretty tight starting out....and at random times throughout the workout, but generally loosened up as I kept moving. I had the genius idea to set my tabata timer to 30 on 30 off, so I wouldn't have to keep an eye on the clock while I ran and set map my run to see what kind of mileage I covered. The good news is, the tabata timer worked...bad news...map my run didn't. My fingers swelled a little bit, but they've done that before after running...and my forearms weren't tight, so I wasn't too worried.
Ate ok today. Still pretty bad about logging my meals...maybe I'll be better this week?
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