Didn't do the SHE workout today, did a dry run of the Aiken WODs with my partner Brandi (minus the max c&j). I did warm up with some heavy-ish front squats, really focusing on keeping my knees out and my feet close.
The Workouts:
1) 8 Minutes to find max clean and jerk. The team member's heaviest completed lift will be added for score
Didn't do today
2) As many reps as possible in 8 minutes: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes
handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the
competitors hands on 3.5" bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her
head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during
the workout.
Underestimated this bad boy. HSPU on 45# plates with an abmat..there was a considerable deficit which made it a little harder. Started out a little too excited on the HSPU and knocked out 10 off the bat. then 5, then 5, then 2, then 1..1..1. whoops. Moral of the story: 4 minutes is a long time to do HSPU..or row for that matter. The rowing sucked. Tried to focus on a big push, long pull, blah blah blah. Score: 177
3)10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners: 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then
hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will
run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.
bahahaha hate running. fack. 8:20:03. Goal was not go balls out at the beginning and die at the end. Pretty sure I still died at the end.
4) For time (15 minute time cap): First teammate has one minute to perform a
buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings (1.5 pood), and then do as many thrusters (95#) as possible with the remainder of the
minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch",
and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell
swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to
perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces
switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away
at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50
thrusters total. Once you have completed all 50 thrusters: If you finish in under 8 minutes, you will use the time remaining
to do as many snatches as possible with the
same barbell and weight as your thrusters. You DO NOT have to continue
the alternating minute structure for the snatches, so both competitors
can contribute to the rep total in whatever method they choose. Your
score will be your snatch total.
If you do not finish the thrusters in 8 minutes, your score will be your time.
Not going to lie. was dreading this one. 95# is pretty heavy for a thruster. Tried to stay smooth on the DU and KBs. Tripped up on the DU twice. Thrusters were heavy, but not as terrible as expected. Brandi beasted through the thrusters...I did ok. Finished the thrusters a little under 8 minutes and then knocked out 35 snatches. alternated snatching and all of them looked pretty smooth. all power, no misses.
Overall, I anticipate us doing well. It really depends who else shows up and who's "on" that day. I think we'll perform even better when we're actually in the competition. We'll also probably have more rest than we gave ourselves too. Also, very confused how scoring works. Guessing they'll assign us places and then lowest score wins, but then on the individual events sometimes it's good to have a high score...sometimes it's good to have a bad score. I'm definitely over thinking this.
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