Row 1200m @HARD effort
5:09:1 2:15/500 avg pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @easy effort
5:48:1 2:27/500 avg pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @HARD effort
5:23:2 2:16/500 pace
Rest walk 2 min
Row 1200m @easy effort
6:02 2:30/500 pace
Wellllll this was anything but consistent like it was supposed to be, but I learned a few things, so not a total loss
-when I get tired, I flare my knees out (think frog)which causes my hips to hurt and glutes to tighten. Now that I know the cause, I can prevent future butt knots, which result in painful massages and child abuse bruises
-I cannot pace for shit. For the hard effort rows, I stayed at 1:46/48 for the first 2:50m....petered off to 1:15....fluctuated up higher for a while...came back down. Obviously I need to work on this
-there is not a huge difference between my hard effort and easy effort. I meant there is.....but it's not huge. For the hard effort, my thoughts were "wow this is hard", for the easy effort, I just kept it smooth. The second easy effort 1200, I actually held a conversation
-As soon as I zone out and stop focusing on my breathing and the various parts of the row, I slow down a fuck ton. I think that's the reason for the fluctuation of pace during my hard rows. I definitely let my mind wander to other things today, so I need to fight hard to keep focus
speaking of focus, I had an epiphany this week about where I see my career path/life going. I was thinking a lot about that during the row. More on that later.
spent some time shadowing the coaches at CCF after my workout, and before I knew it, it was 6:30 and I had like no food all day (lie, I had some, but not enough). I transformed into a food monster beast and ate all the food in my fridge. I realllllly need to get better on eating. shit.
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