Dropped into Crossfit Paragon today after a full day of interviewing yesterday, it's always fun to workout in a new gym, and the hero workout programmed was KILLER.
25 min AMRAP
11 CTB
2 DL (220#)
9 rounds, 11 CTB, 2 DL. My C2B were magically awesome today. Strung together 5-8 at a time for the first few rounds, then I'd do a set of like 5 and then singles...then two and singles...yada yada. WHERE WAS THAT IN THE OPEN?! The deadlifts weren't bad to start with, but got heavy really quickly. I failed once in the later rounds, which just told me to wait more time, which I did, and that was fine. HSPU were pretty solid until towards the end when I had to break up into sets of 5...then 3...then by any means necessary. My shoulders were completely toasted after that workout. Everyone was pretty impressed though; I was the only girl that RXed the wod in that class, and I think I got one of the best scores?
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