Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Good workout today. Ankle really bothering me which does not bode well for the 5k this weekend. Actually took a break from my workout to get dry needled. Fingers crossed that it helps...

Halting Snatch DL. Above Knee Hang Snatch High Pull. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, 1.2.1 x 6 sets, 1 min - 3 sets @ 95lb, 3 sets @ 105lb - reset b/t reps
These felt pretty strong. I actually wanted to catch my snatches in the squat which is weird, because my body does not like doing that....progress?
Power Clean and Push Press. Power Clean and Push Jerk. Power Clean and Split Jerk, 1.1.1 x 5 sets, 1 min - start @ 115lb, add albs per set, touch n go from clean into overhead movement
115, 120, 125, 130, 135. 15 pound PR! Push presses felt pretty strong today (obviously), wasn't sure how far I'd get since my previous PR was 120, but I just kept chugging away. Jerks didn't feel too bad either. Really focused on cueing myself to stay tall and push straight up.
3 sets @ high effort:
15 Ring Dips
500m Row
15 Toe to Bar
3 min b/t sets
Sets of 5 ring dips, then 3s and twos. T2B were 3 sets of 5
3 sets @ high effort:
15 Toe to Bar
500m Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead @ 85lbs
3 min b/t sets
85 felt pretty heavy

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Quads actually feel worse today if that's even possible..Lats feel better, but biceps feel shitty

45 min @ 75%/moderate effort:
400m Run
15ft handstand walk
400m Row
30 alternating step-ups onto 20” box
40 cals AirDyne (assault bike)
2 rounds+15 cal AD. HS walk was OK today, not great. Ended up using a 7m stretch of space instead of the approx 5m that was programmed. With the starting/stopping, it probably ended up being about equal. Run and Row were sloooooow since my legs still feel like lead. The step ups were miserable. Quads were dying and it kind of bothered my left ankle. pesky tendonitis.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Body feels wrecked today. Feeling all of those squats and pullups...

A. Deadlift @ 33X1, 3 reps x 5 sets, 3 min - straps, build per set, start @ 225lb
240x1. highest completed set @ 235. Disappointing, but literally couldn't get the bar off the ground
B1. Push Press @ 11X1, 2-3 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
B2. Weighted Pronated Chin-ups @ 30X0, 2-3 reps x 4 sets, 2 min
C. DB Split Squats @ 20X0, 15/leg x 3 sets, 30 sec b/t legs - don't go too heavy"
30#/hand. Not easy, especially with my quads blown up

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Snatch Ladder starting at 105 and increasing 10# each minute (Each team member must make their lift within the minute. 3 guys on one bar and 3 girls on another).
Taylor and I did this together. Snatched 125 pretty easily, got under 135 literally 5 times but just wasn't able to stand it up. That would have been at 10 pound PR...grrrrr. Will get it soon, just need to get solid in the bottom.
2012 Regional Event 4– Teams of 4 (2 Men, 2 Women)
For time:
75 Back squats (95 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (95 lbs)
75 Front squats (65 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (65 lbs)
75 Overhead squats (45 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (45 lbs)
75 Back squats (135 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (135 lbs)
75 Front squats (95 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (95 lbs)
75 Overhead squats (65 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder to overhead (65 lbs)
Taylor was blown up from the previous few days of training, so I did the majority of the pullups. I was consistently butterflying sets of 10 which is really really good for me. I felt bad because we definitely slowed the boys down, and it made me REALLY wish I was on the regionals team. Oh well, there's always next year.

Friday, April 25, 2014


AM-didn't feel awesome today. didn't warm up enough and I think I ate too close to my workout.
A. Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 - work to a tough set
145 *failed jerk. The squats actually felt pretty good. Jerks sucked today. I was not dropping under at all which happens to me a lot with Split Jerks. Did some reps at 125 afterwards trying to get some good habits into my muscle memory
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 3 reps @ 82% RM x 7 sets, 3 min
170. SHOULD have been 172.2 but I couldn't find the baby kilo plates. These were tough. So many squats.
C. touch n go Power Snatch, 2 reps @ 105lb per min x 10 mins
Was supposed to be 115, but I couldn't TnG this morning. All of these were solid. Didn't starfish my legs wither which was a plus.

EMOM x 28 mins:
1st - 3 Thrusters @ 135lb 125lb
2nd - 3 Burpee Ring Muscle-up
3rd -3-5 6 touch n go Power Clean @ 135lb125lb
4th - 5 3 Bar Muscle-ups
This was a struggle for me. Had to drop the thrusters down since my max is 140, and I wouldn't have been able to make it through the workout. Didn't make all 3 \burpee MU each round, but made at least 3 attempts. Towards the end I couldn't TnG the PC, so I just did singles (5). Warming up, I couldn't even get one BMU, but was able to make 3 each round. Even with the modifications, I was panting and pouring sweat. Have a love/hate relationship with these kind of workouts...mostly I just wish I were good enough to do them as intended...

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I ran. Two miles. Without stopping. This is a huge breakthrough for me.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


40 min @ 75%/moderate effort:
(1 mile Run buy-in)
300m Row
max time free handstand hold
3/arm TGU's @ 16kg
30 sec Side Bridge per side
5 rds + row+HS. switched to 12 kg after round 3. The run wasn't as terrible as expected (under 9 min). Enjoyed the continuous movement outside. I did switch to a lighter KB after round 3 because my form was getting iffy and I did NOT want to drop a 36 pound KB on my face. HS holds were ok. Not my best.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Felt very sluggish today.

AM -
A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 reps @ 78% RM x 6 sets, 3-4 min 

163.8. Tough.
B. Deadlift @ 11X1, 3 reps @ 225lb per min x 5 mins

Third rep was a struggle every time. Not TnG
C. Overhead Barbell Walking Lunges, 4 tough reps per min x 10 mins

85#. Hard but obviously doable.

Halting Snatch DL. Muscle Snatch. Snatch Balance,
1.1.1 @ 95lb per min x 10 mins - reset b/t reps

A little shaky to start with, but smoothed out towards the end. A few of the MS I may have bent a little bit
Power Clean. Push Press. Push Jerk. Split Jerk. BTN Split Jerk, @ 125lb every 90 second x 8 sets

Max PP is 120, so dropped to 105.
3 sets @ high effort:
AMRAP Strict HSPU slow negative HSPU (kip back to start)
2 min AD cals:
3 rope climbs to 15ft

8-6-6 for the negatives. Tried out the new ropes today, but couldn't get a good grip on them. Slipped once and went back to the old ropes since the new ones are higher. Adjusted the number of ascents to attain 3x15 ft
5 min extra rest
3 sets @ high effort:
10 Chest to Bar
200m Run
8 Chest to Bar
200m Run
6 Chest to Bar
2 min b/t sets

C2B were kind of sucky today. Maybe did 4 UB, then did singles. felt very heavy with the run. 

Monday, April 21, 2014


Mixed feelings about training today...some things felt strong (snatches/ttb), some things absolutely did not(clean complex, HSPU, MU)
AM -
A. Squat Snatch Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
120#. Was really unsure about this because I a)suck at squatting anything and b)my snatches aren't super strong to begin with. This is 5 pounds under my past PR. Not too shabby. Started off shaky, but felt a lot more stable after 105#. Really need to focus on using my arms though...almost crushed my skull..
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 74% RM x 5 sets, 3-4 min
155#. Tough but doable. The 5th rep felt shaky
C. High Hang Squat Clean.
- Above Knee Hang Squat Clean.
- Below Knee Hang Squat Clean.
- Push Jerk. Split Jerk, x 5 sets, 1:30 min - start @ 125lb, add 10lbs go up by 5 per set
125, 130, 135, failed at 140. This was just not happening today. Did not feel strong..ESPECIALLY on the jerk. damn.
D. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 tough reps x 5 sets, 2 min
5 sets of 4. holy hammies.

EMOM x 12 mins:
1st - 4 Ring Muscle Ups
2nd - 3-5 Kipping HSPU to 8" Deficit all on parallettes (2 45# plates)
Wellllll this deteriorated fast. The first round I got 4 MU and 3 HSPU, but it went downhill from there. I attempted everything every round, but definitely missed a lot. Wasn't able to string MU today.
Toe to Bar, 15 unbroken x 5 sets, rest as needed b/t
WHERE WERE THESE DURING THE OPEN?! Toes to bar like a boss. Loved it.
Single Arm Overhead Carry, 50m walk x 3 sets per side,
rest as needed b/t sides - try 24kg KB
Started with 24 kg kb, then Paul told me I could switch to a 50# DB to save my wrist. This was tough, but obviously doable. REALLY need to focus on keeping a neutral grip and an ER shoulder.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


5 min @ 90%:
25 DU's
5 toe to bar
7 rds+8DU

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
10 deadlift @ 95lbs
10 wall balls - 14# to 10 ft
10 alternating step-ups onto 20"
3 rounds+2WB

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
50ft m bear crawl **oops
10 burpees - no jump @ top
3 rds (or 4?)

--10 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
25 du's
5 chest to bar
5 rds+5DU

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
10 kbs - 24kg
10 wall balls - 14# to 10 ft
10 alternating step-ups onto 20"
2+10 KB

--5 min rest
5 min @ 90%:
50ft m walking lunges **oops
10 burpees - no jump @ top
1 rd+50 m

Friday, April 18, 2014


AM - C&J int + BSq %'s + SN mod
A. Power Clean and Split Jerk Cluster, 1.1 - work to a tough set
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 reps @ 78% RM x 6 sets, 3 min
C. Halting Snatch DL. Snatch Pull. High Hang Squat Snatch, 1.1.1 @ 95lb x 8 sets, 1:30 min - reset b/t reps
Was supposed to be 115, but I couldn't even get  115 off the ground today. merp.

PM - EMOM Battery
EMOM x 30 mins:
1st - 5 shoulder to overhead @ 135lb
2nd - 3 ring muscle-ups
3rd - 6 box jumps onto 24" box
Completely underestimated this. Dropped to a 115# jerk about halfway through. The last few cycles I started missing MU, there were multiple occasions I couldn't even get one. My arms were BLOWN UP.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 reps @ 74% RM x 5 sets, 3-4 min
155-Apparently I was really knocked kneed with these
B. Deadlift @ 20X0, build to a challenging touch n go 5 - not a max, focus on good back position
C. Front Rack Barbell Walking Lunges, 12-10-8-6/leg, 2 min - all tough sets, increase load per set
85, 90, 95, 100

Halting Snatch DL. Squat Snatch, 1.1 @ 95lb per min x 10 mins
felt really solid in the squat
Power Clean. Push Jerk. BTN Split Jerk, 1.1.1 @ 115lb per min x 10 mins
LOVED this. Was kind of scared of the BTN split jerk, but felt so strong
5 sets @ high effort:
1 min AD
1 legless rope climb to 15ft
1 min rest
Not quite legless- Had to pinch my thighs a couple times to keep from falling. Getting there.
5 min extra rest
3 sets @ high effort:
15 chest to bar
200m Run
10 ring dips
1:30 min b/t sets
c2b and dips SUCKED today. no buno

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


30 min @ 75%/moderate effort:
500m Row
10ft handstand walk
15 step down box jumps - 24"
20 kbs - 16kg
25 unbroken DU's x 3 sets
3 rounds + 10 KBS
HS walks got better as time went on. The last two rounds I got 10 ft UB. BJ were good except when I lost focus and missed a jump. KBs were ok-felt heavier than they shoulder have...and DU were gravy

Monday, April 14, 2014


A. Power Snatch Cluster, 1.1.1 - work to a max set -
115. Tried 120. probably could have gotten it if I squatted..
B. Back Squat @ 20X1, 6 reps @ 70% RM x 4 sets, 3-4 min
147.2#. The last few reps were tough on all sets
C. Power Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 2.2.2 @ 135lb x 6 sets, 2 min - touch n go on cleans
done-no misses. Jerks were tough
D. GH Raises @ 40X0, 4-6 tough reps x 4 sets, 2 min
sets of 4

2 ring muscle-ups every 1 mins x 10 sets
completed all sets unbroken
missed 2nd MU on minute 3 and minute 10. Really happy with this. Need to work on flowing better between MU, but it's a start
10-->1 unbroken HSPU ladder for time
5:40. Took relatively longish breaks so I wouldn't miss any. Glad I did.
Single Arm Farmers Walk, 100m walk x 2 sets per side, rest as needed b/t sides - no straps
2 pood kb (72.2#). Not UB. Had to put the KB down multiple times
L Pull-ups, 2 slow/perfect reps per min x 10 mins
done. Easier than expected

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Track workout today

In teams..
4 rounds:
5 TnG clean and jerk (95)
5 burpees
200m sprint


4 rounds:
5 Thrusters (85)
10 burpees
100m sprint


Friday, April 11, 2014


A. SJ - tough single from rack
160#. Huge sigh of relief from my weak performance last week...or maybe this week? Attempted 165, but apparently just backed away from it.
B. Snatch pull; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 2 min (80-85%)
C. 6 sets - every 90 sec - DU x 35 unrboken
did this. was supposed to TnG powersnatch 95#x4....but i didn't see that when i wrote down my workout. oops. Focused on being efficient with my piking
3 sets for time @85-90%:
3 stone 2 shoulder or med ball (80#)
5 DB push press 40#
Amrap set of unbroken TTB
rest walk 3 min
The "stone" was 80# of slam balls thrown into a sandbag.
 1) 60 sec; 8 ttb
2)   61 sec; 8 ttb
3) 56 sec; 6 ttb
I've noticed with both pullups and ttb, if i jump onto the bar, I get a better grip and am able to string everything together better.
rest as needed
for time @85-90%:
AD 150 cals
31:43 on assault bike. This was not fun.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Motivated to get in and do work today. Did the OPT She workout..
A. Paused FS @21X1 – heavy single
165. 170 went down, but not up
B. Clean – build to a 1RM
150#. Full clean. Got under 155# but couldn't stand it up. Irritating because my PC is a solid 15 pounds higher
C1. 4 sets - AD 15 cals @high effort; rest 15 sec
C2. 2 RC (15”) AFAP; rest 15 sec
done and done
AD 2 min max cals
11 cal
rest 2 min
5 snatch (75%) 90
8 MU
5 snatch (80%) 95
8 MU
5 snatch (85%) 105
10:27. MU were all singles. Difficult but no misses. Snatches were ok-iffy in the squat, PS the last 5
rest 2 min
AD 2 min max cals
11 cal

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Last day of testing! Hooray! Slightly different tester than last time, but still sucky and terrible

3RFT. max effort
Row 250 m
10KBS (1.5 pood)
10 burpees
10 KBS
10 burpees
row 250 m

rest EXACTLY 12 minutes between sets

1) 4:29 2) 4:22 3) 4:27. Not sure if it was the pollen or just the hard work, but it was lougie central up in here. Pretty awful. My row initially was pretty speedy, but obviously the last 250 was a struggle to stay under 2:00/500. Not going to lie, was lacking a LOT of motivation today. Overall I think I did ok, hard to compare because the burpees and KBS were split up differently last tester. I was definitely more aware of my breathing during this and just let the panting happen. I think it helped? IDK..

Monday, April 7, 2014


SO SORE from Saturday's wod...and driving all day

A. 1RM front squat
B. 1RM power snatch
25 pullups
8:37. This sucked after Saturday's wod. My pullups were surprisingly ok. Butterflied most of them, and got 13 on my first set. Honestly, I think that's the most I've ever done. HSPU were surprisingly not OK. Got burnt out fast.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Dropped into Crossfit Paragon today after a full day of interviewing yesterday, it's always fun to workout in a new gym, and the hero workout programmed was KILLER.

25 min AMRAP
11 CTB
2 DL (220#)
9 rounds, 11 CTB, 2 DL. My C2B were magically awesome today. Strung together 5-8 at a time for the first few rounds, then I'd do a set of like 5 and then singles...then two and singles...yada yada. WHERE WAS THAT IN THE OPEN?! The deadlifts weren't bad to start with, but got heavy really quickly. I failed once in the later rounds, which just told me to wait more time, which I did, and that was fine. HSPU were pretty solid until towards the end when I had to break up into sets of 5...then 3...then by any means necessary. My shoulders were completely toasted after that workout. Everyone was pretty impressed though; I was the only girl that RXed the wod in that class, and I think I got one of the best scores?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Testing today was disappointing...although I PRed my strict press today and didn't realize it. Then I had some fun in the sun getting swoll...can't argue with that.

1RM strict press
47kg (103.4#). Attempted 48 kg like 4 times...wouldn't budge. 100# last testing
1RM split jerk
1RM weighted pullup
55.3#  (52.8 last time)
3x10 min row, chillzone
A. 3x10 SA tripod row (40#)
B1. lat pulldown 3x8 (100)
B2. cable fly 3x8 (30)
C1. SA bicep curl 2x10 (15)
C2. SA strict shoulder press 2x10 (25)
D1. V ups 15x4
D2. Russian Twist 10x4 (14#)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


1K row
15 pullups
15 thrusters(50#)
15 burpees
41:17. This was miserable. Body felt like crap today. Dropped like 3 minutes from last time though (44:38). Butterflying pullups has gotten a lot better for me. Broke my grips today though :(

60 min chillzone AD (old bike) aka tan sesh