A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 6-5-4, 4 min - all tough sets--165, 175, 185
B. 5
min EMOM
5 strict HSPU + 5 Ring Dips
I have a weird kip on the dips...kind of butterfly-y?
Round 1: 1 RC 4 HSPU 8 DL (185#)
20 DU
rest 3 min
Round 2: 2 RC 5. HSPU 10 DL 30 DU
rest 3 min
3: 3 RC 6 HSPU 12 DL 40 DU
--dl felt like crap
tech work on rope climbs---worked on the J technique instead of the stripper wrap. Wrapped the rope during the workout, but I know it's much less efforty to do the J..
A. 10min Emom 2 Tng HPS 55-65%
90# Easy
B.1 CGBP;3,3,3
125#, 3rd rep was a struggle
B.2 Wtd Pull-up 2-3; x3; rest 2-3min
3 min amrap:
1 C&J 75
1 burpee over bar facing
2 C&J
2 burpee over bar facing
6 rds+2C&J. Dropped the bar too much on the 5s and 6s. wtf
Rest 5 min
For Time:
AD 50 cals 1000%
rest 3 min; x 3
didn't note time. OOPS
REALLY shitty day at work today. Got off late. Didn't want to train. Got in and did the work though..prob not at 100%
Row 500m@90% ** note split**
rest walk 4-5 min
x 4-5 1:58, 2:00, 2:02, 2:02 QUADS!!!
Open prep -
come in get warmed up
feel it out, shut it down
25 DU<<<<these felt great today
7 OHS (65)
rest 2:30
9 ea
KB Swing(24kg)
Bx Jump (24 in)
rest 2:15
3 rounds @ high effort:
100 du's
15 toes to bar
15 OHS @ 65lbs
Goal under 9》》》》8:02
rest as needed
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 @ high effort:
KBS - 24kg
Box Jumps - 24"
Goal under 14:30》》》12:02
20 min easy Z1
Took preworkout today and felt like a rockstar. Also woke up really excited to train which helped. DU were ok...effed up a few times, but was also wearing lifters. T2B were great. Smooth. Broke them up before I felt fatigued. OHS were ok...shaky but fast. I dropped it more than I should have, and was a little slow on the transitions. Tried not to redline because that would seriously slow down my DU
Entered the pain cave for the second workout. Just kept telling myself not to stop moving. pushups got tougher and tougher...KBS felt heavy...and BJ were high and icky on my knee. But I tried to zone out and go to the place I found at 14.5 and just keep plugging along. I definitely did take some breaks, but not for long. After I was done I took a long break on all fours. low back is so damn tight...and now my knee feels like doodoo. But honestly, if it feels ok when I train and just feels like shit in real life, I can deal with that.
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