Sunday, January 25, 2015


A. Back Squat @ 20X1, 6-5-4, 4 min - all tough sets--165, 175, 185
B. 5 min EMOM
5 strict HSPU + 5 Ring Dips
I have a weird kip on the dips...kind of butterfly-y?
Round 1: 1 RC 4 HSPU 8 DL (185#) 20 DU
rest 3 min
Round 2: 2 RC 5. HSPU 10 DL 30 DU
rest 3 min
Round 3: 3 RC 6 HSPU 12 DL 40 DU
 --dl felt like crap
tech work on rope climbs---worked on the J technique instead of the stripper wrap. Wrapped the rope during the workout, but I know it's much less efforty to do the J..

A. 10min Emom 2 Tng HPS 55-65%
90# Easy
B.1 CGBP;3,3,3
125#, 3rd rep was a struggle
B.2 Wtd Pull-up 2-3; x3; rest 2-3min
3 min amrap:
1 C&J 75
1 burpee over bar facing
2 C&J
2 burpee over bar facing
6 rds+2C&J. Dropped the bar too much on the 5s and 6s. wtf
Rest 5 min
For Time:
AD 50 cals 1000%
rest 3 min; x 3
didn't note time. OOPS

REALLY shitty day at work today. Got off late. Didn't want to train. Got in and did the work though..prob not at 100%

Row 500m@90% ** note split**
rest walk 4-5 min
x 4-5 1:58, 2:00, 2:02, 2:02 QUADS!!!
Open prep -
come in get warmed up
feel it out, shut it down
25 DU<<<<these felt great today
7 OHS (65)
rest 2:30
9 ea
KB Swing(24kg)
Bx Jump (24 in)
rest 2:15

3 rounds @ high effort:
100 du's
15 toes to bar
15 OHS @ 65lbs
Goal under 9》》》》8:02
rest as needed
21,18,15,12,9,6,3 @ high effort:
KBS - 24kg
Box Jumps - 24"
Goal under 14:30》》》12:02
20 min easy Z1

Took preworkout today and felt like a rockstar. Also woke up really excited to train which helped. DU were ok...effed up a few times, but was also wearing lifters. T2B were great. Smooth. Broke them up before I felt fatigued. OHS were ok...shaky but fast. I dropped it more than I should have, and was a little slow on the transitions. Tried not to redline because that would seriously slow down my DU
Entered the pain cave for the second workout. Just kept telling myself not to stop moving. pushups got tougher and tougher...KBS felt heavy...and BJ were high and icky on my knee. But I tried to zone out and go to the place I found at 14.5 and just keep plugging along. I definitely did take some breaks, but not for long. After I was done I took a long break on all fours. low back is so damn tight...and now my knee feels like doodoo. But honestly, if it feels ok when I train and just feels like shit in real life, I can deal with that.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Having a lot of anxiety about GG1 and the open. Found out I will have to do weighted pistols in one event, so I taught myself to do them today. They weren't pretty, but I can do the necessary 1 pood on each side.

A. touch n go Snatch, build to a tough triple - squat if needed
115 ..maybe could have fought for a little bit more? Had to squat the last two...wasn't really a conscious thing..body just dropped.
B. Front Squat @ 20X1, 6-5-4, 4 min - all tough sets
C. Squat Clean. Front Squat. Split Jerk, 1.1.1 @ 140lb per min x 10 mins
split jerk=doodoo. No misses, but wasn't dropping at all. Very stiff.
EMOM x 20 mins:
1st - 4-6 tough kipping HSPU to deficit (2x45 pound plates)
2nd - 1 legless rope climb
used my legs...trying to prep for GG!
rest as needed
30 sec Row ALL OUT x 6 sets, 3-4 min b/t - damper 5
loved/hated these. Stayed around 1:36. Wanted to crap my pants

Sunday, January 18, 2015


So went back to training on Friday, but didn't really follow my programming as they were all balls to the wall testers that my plastic wrap coated lungs could not I kind of just fucked around

10 sets @ high effort:
3 ring muscle-ups
6 box jumps - 24" - fast
9 cals Airdyne
60 sec b/t sets
This was last Sunday's workout and it went really well. I mixed up the order each time and my MU went great. Got most rounds 3 UB and on the earlier ones, I was landing really well and pretty much bypassing the dip. Happy Happy since I haven't done MU in foreverrrr

Then I played around with the axle bar because I'll have to use it in my upcoming competition. Did singles and double C&J. 115 felt tough. shiiiit

Did a partner wod with 2 other guys. 20 min AMRAP of 30 lateral burpees, c2b, and cleans. Weight went up 95, 105, 125, 135, 145. I died. My c2b were kind of shitty and breathing wise it was just terrible. I had to walk out and cough up a bunch of shit before I could go back and jump in again. Not so fun. Then I did a bunch of C2B. Working sets of 5. My butterfly kip feels super inefficient right now, but my normal kip was money

No way was I going to do THE tester from hell, so I just jumped in on my friend's training

-3K row--700 @ 85, 300 recover 400@85, 100 recover x2
I suck at rowing. The end. Tried to stay under 2/500 on the working sets but that didn't really happen
-max snatch-140 (PR)
focused on high elbows and a violent aggressive hip drive. Failed a couple 140s before I hit it. 5 pound PR.
-8 min AMRAP
odds-7 DL (185)
evens-60 DU
DU felt good today. DL were supposed to be 65%, but I havent maxed in months, so I kind of just guessed.
double russian KBS (36 lb)
Back ext
nothing to say about this one. It was death.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So yeah, operation blog more is going super....not. I'm currently in bed with the flu (since Sat pm) which is a huge bummer because I feel like I've had a lot of set backs lately and  was really looking forward to my January programming. Apparently this week is test week too, which obviously isn't going to happen (Sorry Paul). I'm supposed to go up and train in Columbia for the long weekend, but at this rate that probably won't happen either..Let's look back at the week..

For time:
30 CTB pull ups
90 double unders
20 CTB
60 double unders
10 CTB
30 double unders
5:03=knee sucked on DU

For time:
750m row buy in
30 squat snatch 65#
20 squat snatch 90#
10 squat snatch 105#
75 burpees
19:28-knee was blown up from DU, more like squower snatches.

Minus my knee feeling like ass, this was wonderful. I thought I was going to die the entire time, and the 75 burpees were killer. I was very proud of myself for just pushing through and not stopping moving during the burpees. My mantra for those is: fall down, get up. It works. Snatches were singles on 90 and 105, probably should have done multiples on the 90s...oh well.

AM - mixed MAP sets (long int)
4 sets @ high effort:
400m Row
20 box jumps - 20"
10 alternating db power snatch @ 50lb
10 gh sit-ups
10 burpees to 6" OH
5 min b/t sets
*I want you to adjust the work order every set. Goal is same time per set no matter the order.

PM - skipped run...Did "ghost" and worked on DU a little bit...and then did core work.

A. Clean, max
165 (PR!!) Got under 170 easy...couldn't stand it up
B. Power Snatch. Above Knee Hang Power Snatch, 1.1 x 6 sets,
1:30 min - start @ 95lb, try to add 5lbs per set
95, 100, 105, 110, 110, 115
C. Push Press, build to a challenging triple
140. Did UB, did not drop....Could have probably gone higher but wanted to save some for HSPU
CP Battery Test
9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 for time:
Power Clean @ 135lb - drop every rep
Kipping HSPU to 5" deficit
16:06. Had to drop deficit.

Felt like a fucking monster today.

Back Squat @ 20X1, build to a tough set of 2--195
EMOM x 15 min:
1st - 1 legless rope climb to 15ft
2nd - 3 tough bar shoulder press (85)
3rd - 5 tough strict hspu
6 unbroken chest to bar x 10 sets for time - goal is sub 3 min
butterfly was super shitty. Just worked skill

EMOM was great...c2b not so much. Gives me a little anxiety with my comp coming up, but hopefully they'll come back

AM - mixed MAP sets (long int)
3 sets @ high effort:
500m Row
25 Wall Balls - 14# to 10 ft
25 gh sit-ups
25 burpees to 6" oh
100 du's Subbe d40 cal AD
5 min b/t sets
*I want you to adjust the work order every set. Goal is same time per set no matter the order.

DU skill work-sets of 50 UB. Focused on not piking and staying tall

This was really efforty for me. Had a killer cough that started in the morning and got worse throughout the day. Got the workout done, but the aerobic parts was pretty slow

Front Squat @ 20X1, build to a tough set of 1
185, couldn't stand up 190
High Hang Squat Snatch, build to a max - full pause in position
5 attempts only
EMOM x 14 mins:
1st - 3 hang power clean and overhead @ 135lb
2nd - 3 hang power snatch @ 95lb
*set-up 2 separate bars
had to stop, 0 energy/strength

***got home and had 102 fever and body aches...and cue the flu

 Did not train 1/11 and 1/12. The flu is kicking my ass.

Friday, January 2, 2015


So I've been a weenie lately, but I'm going to get back to blogging (and mobilizing...and drinking more water...and flossing...blah blah blah)

Front Squat @ 20X1, build to a tough set of 2x 2
BTN Shoulder to Overhead, build to a max
175 (10 pound PR. Failed 180). I think 180 is there, I just need to be more aggressive with my arms and legs..

Power Clean. Thruster, 3.3 @ 115lb every 1:30 min x 10 sets - reduce # of thrusters if you begin to fail
all UB except last round. failed # 3 thrusters on 8 and 9...Singles on the thrusters on round 10. PC felt GREAT. Thrusters started great and went downhill fast.