Monday, December 30, 2013


I'm baaaack. Was really excited to get back in the gym since I had literally zero physical activity over the break minus the one workout I did in the hotel gym (pullups, DB snatches, and DB bench). oops. Minor wrench in my plan: cannot squat, row, lunge, etc...due to THIRTEEN freaking stitches in the side of my butt. Oh well, will just bide my time getting super upper body swoll until I can be crossfitty again. I did HAVE to do a few muscle ups just to make sure I didn't lose them...again...and it took me a few tries, but then I got back in the swing. As long as I focus on my grip, and make sure I actually pull with my arms, I'm golden.

A1. Weighted pullups x 2-3 @ 3131
A2. Weighted dips x 2-3 x5
20#. 3131 tempo was KILLER. dips were hard, but able to do 3.
ring dips
push ups HR
7:57. Last 5 dips on bar. The ring dips were brutal. I knocked out 10 unbroken easily. then 5. then two..blah blah struggle bus. Josh told me that I was doing them all strict which obviously burnt me out quicker than it needed to. Need to learn how to kip those. Push ups were fine, just annoying.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Got this workout in today since I won't be working out tomorrow...planning on trying to get some kind of something in while in Jamaica, but we'll see what I manage.
A. Emom 5 min - BS @20X1 x 3 (85%)
165#. Bailed on the third rep on round 3. Every other one was fine.
B. For 10 sets – every 2 min – Clean x 2 (build)
95, 105, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140** Made 140 once. Attempts were made for the rest of the time. Caught it every time, standing up was the problem. This seems to be a trend..Very frustrating, did not feel strong today.
C. Jerk cluster; 1.1.1 x 3; rest 15 sec, rest 2 min
125, 135, 145. Failed the last jerk because I inadvertently power jerked. Not sure why that's my go-to jerk position.
4 sets –
row 500m
12 CTB chin ups
12 KB swing (2pd/1.5pd)
12 burpees
rest walk 3 min
4:50, 4:51, 4:57, 4:59. Hard to string together CTB today.

Overall, felt very fatigued today. Thursdays are usually my rest day, and I can tell my body needed that, especially after this weekend. I think some active recovery in sunny jamaica will do my body good. Really disappointed with my cleans today, hoping it's just fatigue. Had such WOD brain today that I locked my keys in my trunk leaving the gym. Thank GOD for Shaun, who immediately offered to taxi me around to get my spare. whooo

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


A. Front squat @20X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3 min 
125, 145, 155, 160. Failed at 165, not sure what went wrong.
B. 6 sets - Segmented snatch DL + HS + Snatch; rest 2-3 min (not Tng) 

65, 75, 85, 95, 100, 100. These felt strong, probably should have tried 105..
C. Push press; 3,3,3,3; rest 30 sec

10 min amrap @80%:
5 Tng HPC (135/95#)
5 CTB chin up
run 200m

4 rds + 5HPC + 5CTB+50m
C2B went pretty good today. Able to string together 3 without having to drop or do the awkward double swing. HPC was fine, run was sucky because i hate running.
rest 3 min

10 min amrap @80%:
row 250m
8 DB lunges
6 kipping HSPU
4 rds+ 155m

Pretty good. Felt a little unstable on the lunges. Strong on the HSPU. Unbroken.
rest 3 min

10 min amrap @80%:
7 unbroken thrusters (95#/65#)
3 wall walks
35 DUs

4 rds + 7 thursters + 2 WW
65# got heavy quickly, but really focused on staying tall and pushing off my chest. Wall walks were tough as well. My arms are toast from muscleupalooza yesterday, so this got tough. Double unders were good. Unbroken.


A. Power clean – build to a heavy single
130. Uhhhh yeah, not good. Everything felt very heavy today power cleaning. My body kept wanting to squat. Weird.
B. Power clean – build to a heavy set of 5 Tng

120. Felt like I might have been able to eek out 5 more pounds.
C. DB paused BP @1212; 6-8 x 4; rest 2-3 min

30, 35, 40, 40. Tried the 50# dumbell and was able to press it once. We really need a 45, 40 was too easy
Row 500 @90%
Rest walk 3 min
x 10
- consistent pace throughout

1:56, 2:01, 2:06, 2:07, 2:07, 2:07, 2:10, 2:09, 2:09, 2:10. Consistent? I think not. Moral of the story, I went out too hard and need to learn how to pace myself

I then did a kajillion (20ish) muscle ups with some extra dips at the top..and then worked on falling out of them to string them together. Falling part? great. Getting the rhythm to bust out another one? needs work.

Monday, December 16, 2013

121413--Battle of Aiken

A little recap on my third competition, the Battle of Aiken, hosted by crossfit Aiken...Team Twerk n' Jerk (Brandi and I) took first place by winning every even except for the max clean and jerk! Unlike famously hot, I did not train specifically for any of these events, but practice them once or twice with Brandi before the competition. I did get pretty nervous two days leading up to the competition, but i managed to stay pretty mellow and calm..

Event #1
1 Rep Max: Clean and Jerk
Each team will have 8 minutes to establish a 1 rep max Clean and Jerk for each competitor. The heaviest successful lift for each member will be added together for the team's score.
Totaled 305#, and got second in this even by a 5 pound difference. I came into this even with a goal of meeting my max clean of 150, and then obviously jerking it. I failed to stand it up two or three times, but with like a minute left, I was able to get it. While warming up, and during the actual event, I push jerked everything. Not sure why, it was just what my body wanted to do, so I went with it.  Lesson from this even: work on getting out of the hole. I predict some 1 1/4 squats in my future..

Event #2
10 – 200 meter sprints, alternating partners 1 team member will sprint 100 meters down, 100 meters back, then hand off the baton to their teammate, who will do the same. Teams will run 10 lengths total, with their total time as their score.  
We joked about this even from the very beginning as the one we would lose. We practiced it once and it was terrible. Brandi used to run track however I was a swimmer which is anti-running. BUT we took first in this event too. It was pretty brutual, not going to lie, but we did it. It was definitely easier to push myself running next to other people. I started out pretty strong, but Brandi definitely picked it up. I was able to maintain and then in the last sprint, Brandi passed one girl to take the win! yay! We finished a full minute fasted than we did when we practiced. I think it was 6:59? After this even, my hamstrings just stopped working, I layed on the ground for a little bit before I would move again. I felt muscles scream and be that I did not even know were involved with running.

Event #3
As many reps as possible in 8 minutes
RX: One competitor rows for calories, one competitor completes handstand push-ups. The handstand push-ups will be done with the competitors hands on 25# bumper plates and an ab-mat below his or her head. Kipping is allowed. Teammates can switch tasks any time during the workout.
After a lot of thought, we decided to switch after 1 set max reps HSPU. Towards the end, as the max reps got less, we did two sets, but I think this strategy worked really well. It kept us from burning out on both the rower and the hspu. Finished first in this one with over 100 HSPU and 1 hundred something cals on the rower. I think we both got no repped a couple times on the HSPU, not sure why. I also failed one or two towards the end, but overall felt very strong. 

Event #4
For time (15 minute time cap):
When the workout begins, Teammate A will have one minute to perform a buy-in of 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. He or she will then do as many thrusters as possible with the remainder of the minute. When the minute is up, the head judge will call "3-2-1 switch", and teammate B will do 20 double unders and 10 eye-level kettlebell swings. Once those movements are completed, he or she will continue to perform thrusters until the minute is up. After the judge announces switch, teammate A will perform the buy-in, then continue to chip away at the thrusters. The cycle will continue until the team reaches 50 thrusters total. Each team will have one barbell and one kettlebell to share. If your team finishes the 50 thrusters in UNDER 8 minutes, you have until the 8 minute mark to do as many snatches as possible. Once 8 minutes have elapsed, the workout is over and your score is your snatch total. If you finish the 50 thrusters in OVER 8 minutes, your score is your time. If you do not finish in the 15 minute time cap, your score is your thruster total.
Women's RX- 44 lb kettlebell, 95 lb thrusters
Brutal, but did not feel as bad as it did when we practiced it. I did all the double unders unbroken, and Brandi did too until her rope broke and had to use mine. I am significantly shorter than her, so it was a little bit of a problem, but we managed to get through it AND bang out two snatches for the win. The thrusters were pretty heavy and got tiring, but I saw some people actually squatting and jerking the weight in prior heats so I asked if that counted, and it did, so that saved me towards the end, so I could drop under it a bit. We were the only women's rx team that got any snatches, so another win for twerk n' jerk!

Twerk n Jerk for the win! Looking forward to many more competitions alongside my awesome partner!

Went a little crazy with the food and drink for the 24 hours following the competition, will work out this week, take it a little easier while in Jamaica (and enjoy the vacation!), and then be back at it, busting my ass in the new year. Cannot wait to see what the new year brings!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Build up to a heavy complex:  PC, squat clean, jerk. Got up to 140...which felt heavy
50 UB DU
15 PC 115#
40 cal row
15 PC 95#
30 cal row
15 PC 75#
20 cal row

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


1RM Front Squat:
175. Failed at 180 twice
1RM Power Snatch
110. Could not go heavier without a full squat
100 C2B + 50 HSPU

ALSO. Since the end of August, I've gained 6 pounds of muscle and lost 6 pounds of fat. boo.ya.

Monday, December 9, 2013


I died today. I almost puked no less than 4 times, and at one point, I wasn't sure if I was going to poop in my pants, projectile vomit, or both.

3 sets max effort (ea round for time)
250m Row
15 KBS 2/1.5
25 Burpees
15 KBS 2/1.5
250m Row
*rest EXACTLY 12min b/t sets

Round 1: 4:54
Round 2: 5:05
Round 3: 5:21

Not much to say other than balls to the wall. Very happy with my first 250m row. Stayed close to 1:40/1:45 the whole time. Last row was under there's that. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


A. BS @20X1; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min (2nd wave more difficult)
145, 160, 175. 155, 170, 185*. Bottomed out at 185.
B.  8 sets – every 90 sec – C&J x 1 (build)
105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, Failed 145 twice.
C1. Pendlay row; 7-9 x 3; rest 45 sec
C2. DB paused BP @22X1; 8-10 x 3; rest 2 min
40# DB
4 sets  - constantly varied, choose different order/set:
[15 S2OH (65#), 20 walking lunges, 10 CTB chin ups, 12 HSPU, 300m row]
rest 4 min b/t sets
didn't really keep an eye on the clock. RPE was the same..c2b weren't strong today. HSPU and row  felt pretty good.

Friday, December 6, 2013


For time @90%:
Run 400m
30 alternating DB snatch (50#)
100 DUs
30 TTB
Run 400m
14:21. The DB snatches were supposed to be 45#, but we don't have 45# dumbells...SO 50# it was. Definitely tough, but doable without any missed. Double unders were ok...did 30-20-30-15-5. TTB started off iffy, but I strung them together at the end. The last 400 sucked.
Row 30 sec @90%
Rest walk 30 sec
Got some pointers from Paul before this part of my workout, he helped me with my technique for a little bit, and then told me to stay between 1:50 and 1:55, and when I missed that, get off the rower and walk for 5 minutes and get back at it. Got 14, rest, 5, rest, 5 rest. then death. Bright side, never rowed that fast consistently like ever. dark side: death

Then I played around with some hip touches on the rings...then I got 5 muscle ups. I'm baaack

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Press - build to a 1Rm
Jerk - build to a 1RM

Wtd Chin up - build to a 1RM
24 kgs aka 53#

two PRs today--jerk (by 25#) and chin up (by about 9 pounds)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Day 2 of testing
For Time:
1000m Row
15 Pull-Ups
15 Thrusters 75/50
15 Burpees

44:38. This sucked. Let's break it down..row-actually stayed pretty smooth. Tried not to get over 2:30. Actually got faster as I got further in to the workout...still need to work out some kinks in my mechanics. I just don't feel efficient. pull ups-started by butterflying in sets of 5. That worked for a while, then it didn't. Kipped a few, definitely stronger butteflying. thrusters-first two rounds unbroken. Should have pushed through and done all of them UB. burpees-these were fine. just kept a steady pace.

Monday, December 2, 2013


A lot of ups and downs today. Walked in the gym today semi-excited to do my workout and get back on the horse with muscle up work. I did some hip touches, and really focused on pulling with my arms and towards the end got that weightless feeling again. I made like one attempt, and missed, but I had the rings in the right place for the first time since I initially got a few muscle ups. THEN Paul intercepted me and told me I was doing I did that. Pros: FINALLY cleaned 150#. Haven't gotten that since probably the last time we tested. Cons: royally blew the 8 min amrap. Like got wayyyy under what I got last time. Not going to lie, that really upset me, so I gave myself 2 (ok like 5) minutes to be upset, and then got over it. This is a huge increase in mental toughness for me. In the past, it would have taken me like two days to get over. Yay growth. I'm pretty ok with it now. I'm disappointed, yes, but this is where I am now. There's no point getting hung up on what I used to be able to do...or not do...I don't know. It's whatever. Both Joey and Paul did say that the she programming was not meant to prepare me for this test, so not to be toooo upset. I feel like I've gotten better at certain things and let other things fall by the wayside, but such is the programming. I'm excited to see where I am once I start training to my strengths/weaknesses.

So that workout...

Build to a 1RM Squat Clean in 8min
150#. yay. This felt pretty good. Got stuck in the hole on my first attempt, but caught it fairly easy. Standing it up sucked.
Rest EXACTLY 2min
8min Squat Clean AMRAP @ 90% of 1RM
And everything went down hill. I got 10 lifts, 6 misses. I caught all of my misses, just couldn't get them up. shiiiiit. I think I didn't have enough tension in my legs to bounce out of the bottom, not really sure though. These felt overall shitty. Joe said I needed to stay over the bar more, so will keep that in mind

Modified SHE:
A. FS @20X1; 4,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min
125, 135, 145, 155
B. Emom 5 min – FS x 3 (85%)
C. 15 min:
Min 1 – Clean (85#) x 10 (unbroken)
Min 2 – 35 DUs
Min 3 – 2 MUp
for time @90%:
500m row
30 burpees
10 KB swing (1.5pd)
20 burpees
20 KB swing
10 burpees
30 KB swing
12:27. I did not want to do this at all. Baaaad attiitudex10

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Was able to get some skill work in today. In retrospect, probably should have just made up a SHE workout, but instead I channeled Rich Froning and just did whatever felt right...Sidenote: still super sore from that pull up/thruster/pushup workout..

Front Squats: 5-3-2-1-1
55kg, 59kg, 65 kg, 68kg, 70kg. These felt good. Trying to get in a habit of working on my front squat because that is the weakest part of my oly lifts..

Deadlift, High Pull, Powerclean, Jerk complex.
Can't remember the weights on these. Built up.

10 minutes EMOM C&J @ 60kg
Can definitely PC this weight, but made a point to do a full squat clean. Fell on my ass 3 times before I got comfortable in the squat and was able to make it. That was irritating. My jerks didn't feel as strong as they could have been. Missed once towards the end. Really tried to focus on getting a good dip and using my body to drive the weight up. Subconsciously switched to a push jerk during the last few rounds. Not sure why. Felt ok though.

10 minutes EMOM 3-2-1 EROM HSPU (35#plate)
This was hell. Not sure why I thought this was a good idea. I kept that rep sequence pretty spot on the first 5ish rounds, but then I would fail on the 3s. I stopped each round once I failed. round 6-10 I threw an abmat under my head because I was tired of all my body weight crashing down on my neck. the struggle.

5 strict muscle up transitions from knees on rings
Felt good. tried a strict one on the rings. hahahaha the end.