Monday, August 19, 2013

if it's not on video, it never happened...

Had a 7am meeting today so just went to the gym as soon as it was done. More snatching today..which is a good thing for me. I feel like I was using my hips more. I also got tired of staring at an empty leaderboard, so I grabbed Paul to video my snatch (teehee), since if it's not on video it doesn't count. The bar is still a little far out for my liking....and I jumped it...but it's a solid 105#.

1) 15 minutes to establish a 3RM Hang Snatch (bottom of knee – three consecutive reps).
Got up to 95# for 3RM. Got 100# for 1.
2) 3X1 Hang Snatch Triple (same as above) @ 90% of Max from #1 – rest 90 sec.
 85#. This felt good

3a) 4X2 3-Stop Snatch High Pull (2″ off floor, bottom of knee, high pull) – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
105, 115, 115, 115. This was a new one for me and felt a little awkward. I think I did well though.
3b) 4X8 Bent Over Row – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
30-20-10 of:
Wall Ball 20#
KB Snatch (15l/15r – anyhow) 24kg 16 kg
For time.
7:24. I had to use the 1 pood kg for the snatch, because 1.5 is like my 3RM...on my right arm....think I did OK on this. I wanted to do the wallballs unbroken, but that didn't happen. I did 20-10 on the first set, and then sets of 5 on the other. oh well.
Thennnnnn I gave myself 5 attempts at muscle ups. Didn't get them, but seem to be making progress

Meal 1: Caramelized Onion Fritatta + watermelon+ coffee with coconut milk
biotin, fish oil, drenamin, superB
 Preworkout: neurocore
Meal 2/Post Workout: Quest Bar
Meal 3: crockpot bacon chicken w/guac and bell peppers
Meal 4 (snack): trail mix and a small banana
Meal 5: crockpot chicken, collard greens, sweet potato, and hummingbird muffin

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