10 min amrap @85%
5 CTB chin ups
5 burpees
5 toes to bar
5 ring dips
10 calories airdyne
rest 10 min
1) 5 rds + 2 dips
2) 5rds+1t2b
2) 5 rds+5bp
great c2b butterfly, T2b good, dips sucked
A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single
130, failed 135 a bunch
B. Hang squat snatch from below the knee; 3 reps on the min for 12 min
(moderate loading)
C. Back squat 5x5; rest 3 min
Row 1k @85%
rest 3 min
A. Push press clusters 3.3.3x5; rest 30 seconds/rest 3 min
B. Weighted chin up 2-3x10; rest 1 min
C. Amrap sets of 3 unbroken ring dips in 6 min
7 rounds for time:
7 toes to bar
7 burpees
7 box jumps 24"
B. Amrap power snatch in 4 min @85% of A
12 min amrap @85%
6 calories airdyne
12 thrusters 45#
24 double unders
rest 8 min
did not do, felt sorry for myself and was mentally (and physically) drained
A. Squat snatch tech work; 15 min
more than 15 min
didn't do
C. Barbell russian step ups; 24 steps x4/leg; rest 1 min bw legs
didn't do
didn't do
B. Muscle up; tech work
singles and doubles
C. HSPU; amrap strict in 3 min x3; rest 2:30
23, 23, 21
D. 50 burpees for time
didn't write down my time WTF
A. Farmers walk; 100m x5; rest as needed to full recovery (heavy, butperfect movement)
B. Waiters carry 100m (switch arms after 50m) x5; rest as needed
C1. Hollow body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
C2. Arch body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
-Airdyne 20 min easy
-Emphasis Mobility ( Lat smash,Tspine Smash)
-Contrast bath or Icing the Hot spots, IE lats shoulders, Spinal manipulation,massage,or Dry needleing
didn't do
A. Squat snatch; build to a tough single
135. attempts at 145, so close
85 then had to stop. knee was fried
C. Back squat 5x3; rest 3 min
Row 1k @85%
rest 2:30 (try to hold same pace as last week)
WEDS (1 day post op)
A. CGBP 10,8,6,8,6,4 @ 30X1 rest 90 sec
85, 105, 110, 105, 110, 115
A. Wtd Pull-up 2-3 Wide Pronated Grip @ 3.2.X.1 rest 2 Min x 6
15# (3s)
B. RTO Ring Rows 8,8,8,8 @ 3.2.X.1 Rest 90 sec
B FLR 90 sec Rest; 2 minx 4
C1. Hollow body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
C2. Arch body rock; amsap unbroken x3; rest 1 min
-Emphasis Mobility ( Lat smash,Tspine Smash)
A1. 3 Skin the Cats tucked
A2. 5 Jackknives from Knees ( V-Ups)
A3. 20 second L-Sit with knees bent
A4. 5 Muscle-Ups
rest 3 min; 3 sets
B1.10 Strict Dips
B2.10 Strict Pullups
B3.10 Ring Pushups
B4.10 Hanging Knee Raises
Rest 2 min; 2 sets
C. Weighted dip; 8, 8, 8, 8, 8; rest 2 min (@3.3.X.3)
couldn't do weight with that tempo
D1. 10 hspu for time x 5; rest 2:30
13s, 9s, 10s, 9s, 10s
D2. 3 unbroken CTB chin ups x 5; rest 2:30
** Note The MIssed UB Sets**
no misses!
so that is that..