Monday, February 3, 2014


Way more sore than I anticipated from the L1 cert this weekend, good thing I got to get moving to get all the gunk out bright and early this morning because this month sparks the start of two-a-days. yay.

Z1 5 min Warm Up
Air Dyne
:30 85%
:30 50%
x 30
5.3m 133cal. Didn't necessarily think this would be easy because I am terrible at all things cardio..specifically the airdyne...but this wiped me out to be honest. It started tough and got better as time went on, but I was drained afterwards at work. Dear aerobic capacity, improve please.

A. 1 SQclean 2 hang SQ clean 1 S2OH
135#. Started way too light at 75#. Made really big jumps. What was I thinking.
B.1 20 HR Push-Ups 10 sec rest
B2. 70LB FW 30M rest 90 sec x 5
all pushups were unbroken, 70# didn't feel light by any means, but I could have tolerated heavier.
20 min amrap:
200 DUs
150 wall balls
50 TTB
Amrap RING Dips in remaining time
30 ring rips, 1 MU attempt. DU were surprisingly smooth. Wall balls sucked as only wallballs can. Tried for sets of 10...that petered off quickly. TTB were shitty in terms of stringing them together, but I completed 50 quickly. I got 30 ring dips and 1 MU attempt. Paul said that after I got 30 ring dips, to go to muscle ups. I had like 10 seconds left for MU, obviously did not prepare for this so did not have rings ready. Didn't get a great grip (no false grip), and needless to say did not make it. Overall, happy with my ring dips. Did one set of 4, then twos and threes....then ones...solid though.

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